Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
He stared down a barr.

I had one too! Daniel Boone was cooler.

I believe he GRINNED down a bahr. One of them did. I always combine crockett and boone because they were both played by fess parker.

Also, BoozeCube BoozeCube when are you going to share pictures? Even if you don't share them till after you spit the hook, make sure you get them.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I believe he GRINNED down a bahr. One of them did. I always combine crockett and boone because they were both played by fess parker.

Also, BoozeCube BoozeCube when are you going to share pictures? Even if you don't share them till after you spit the hook, make sure you get them.

I may be a shitbag on the forums at times but I try not to let that translate into real life. With that being said I am working to explore more fetishes and things with this women so maybe if I can get her cum drunk enough she would consent to me posting pictures.

With that being said I'll give some updates to my "relationship" or whatever you would call it. I still travel for work so I mostly only have time to see her on the weekends, when we do see each other to be it gets kind of frustrating, she is flaky as I said before. It's always up for me to make plans or come up with ideas of what to do which is mostly fine but it does get annoying and she responds so slowly to texts and shit at times. When we do hang out I feel like there isn't so much to talk about, she is cool enough and I listen to whats going on in her life which mostly revolves around her daughter as one would expect but often enough she is irresponsible and seems financially incompetent. Still she works hard enough and pays her bills and takes care of her shit well enough to the point she has never asked me for help, so I respect that. She has a full time job of managing a Sephora and on some weekends she will Bartend at a couple of stripclubs in Tampa. As I learn more of her the crazy starts to come out she was a stripper when she was 17 and for a couple of years almost went down the drug path. Her ex and the father of the kid used to be abusive and beat her, so shitty past. Still when she learned she was pregnant she seemed to straighten up and got her shit together mostly, she still seems like she has a ways to go but she's 23, and just for the last couple of years really been responsible and puts her kid first which is what a good mother should do. She seems to have a good relationship with her mother but there are daddy issues here and she pretty much leaves him out of her life. Apparently, I am not the first older guy she has dated in fact she has dated guys older than I am so obviously there are red flags here.

Still as much as there are red flags we have gotten pretty acquainted with each other and I have even taken her out with her kid and just spent the day doing whatever hanging out, shopping, netflix and chill, the normal stuff. She has a IUD so I don't have to worry about her getting pregnant which is something I certainly don't want to do but it's opened the door for full raw dog creampie action which I take full advantage of, we are both clean so I don't have any worries there unless she were to cheat. Still because of the way she acts I know it's more of a lust thing and there is very little chance of anything super serious developing, she's hot and I am an old perv so I am laying pipe as much as I can, which usually is just the weekends due to my work keeping me out of town.

I know I mentioned before there was a couple of times where I felt like I couldn't cum and it seems it was a side effect of the anti-depressants I was taking, I should probably keep taking them since I am sure they were a positive thing for me but they obliviously were affecting my libido. After not being on them a few weeks I am as horny as I was in high school. If we have the time I will fuck her 2-3 times a day when she is around also I can't tell if I am going to pop in 3-5 min or 15-30 min at times, there have even been a couple of times I have been able to bypass the refractory period and bust a load and keep fucking through to round two with no break. Still I am out of shape and wanting to do more porno-esce type shit has gotten me really wanting to get back into shape. She seems to be down for whatever I want which is fine but I have to be in control of everything in this relationship it really feels like a dom/sub power dynamic not only with age, income, but also sex. This is fine and alot of people enjoy this but I have always preferred more input from my partner.

The plus side is I can get her to do whatever, choke on my dick, buttstuff, whatever. I am thinking I might take her down to the local adult store and get some toys and lingerie and see about taking a small weekend trip with her of the holiday period. I am tempted to use this experience to see how far she will let me explore more inner pervert, which I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. Whenever we hang out with the one year old though I never even try to make a move on her I just use that time to chill and get to know her but as I said the more I get to know the more I am just seeing baggage and crazy. It's difficult for her to relate to my work or anything because it's beyond her, I don't say that disparagingly it's just the truth.

So here I am still plowing away at a girl who is young enough to be my daughter and enjoying everything about the sex, the rest of the relationship I feel like I am forcing to work and she really loves to waste my time with the phone and shit since it feels like her time management skills are in the toilet. You guys said that is just women these days in general so I am trying to accept that to the best of my ability. I am torn on going back to the doctor to get on different medication as I know the anti-depressants have been beneficial, but then again I never have been a fan of how doctors love to turn you into life long pill poppers, I know it dulled my sexual desires and now they feel ampped up to highschool levels were I want to bust a load 2-3 times a day, again can't tell if this is good or bad since I am getting close to 40. The relationship has gotten me into the gym just because I want to be more fit to beat up pussy. (Not sure if this is the best goal for working out). I am sure this weird roller coaster ride will end at some point and between now and then I'll attempt to get her to let me paint and F and H on her buttcheeks and gape her asshole for the board but I will make no promises and I won't be my top priority, but if I can dive down that rabbit hole far enough we shall see.


Got something right about marriage
You sound like a lonely old man who is starved for sex. I'll let you in on a not so secret. Women in general like sex, especially with men they feel comfortable with. All the shit you just explained in gory detail, thinking you hit the sex jackpot, is a Tuesday night. She isn't worth it. Go find someone who is stimulating outside of the bedroom as well.
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Musty Nester
haha. Don't actually do that. You get her drunk enough and she might do it.

Not a good thing for either of you. Sure as fuck would be funny though.

But I can see pics of 23 year old asshole almost anywhere on the internet.

I've dated a few younger women briefly. And it's always brief. It's hard to remember how dumb you were at that age until you date one, and then it all comes rushing back. They don't even mean anything by it... it's just where they are as people. I've dated 2 that I wished were just 10 years older. I've never gone -this- young... but I probably would if she was cute enough. Sometimes it's the littlehead that does the thinkin. And that's ok too.

And to 2nd what Khane said. I probably don't agree with him about a lot when it comes to women but I absolutely agree with him here. Find someone who fits better. She's out there.

Camel up on that pussy though it might be a long walk. And there's no need for any drama at all. Just wean off. She's busy, it'll be a month before she notices that you stopped calling her every day. Sometimes (most times), it's just not a good match. Not anyone's fault. Curse God and live, all that.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
She has a IUD so I don't have to worry about her getting pregnant which is something I certainly don't want to do but it's opened the door for full raw dog creampie action which I take full advantage of, we are both clean so I don't have any worries there unless she were to cheat.
I hope you bought a speculum and personally made sure it was there or watched her obgyn put it in her.

I ended up banging a couple girls off Tinder last month. The fact both where down to have sex within 5 minutes of first meeting and they swallowed not long after left me feeling very disturbed.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
You sound like a lonely old man who is starved for sex. I'll let you in on a not so secret. Women in general like sex, especially with men they feel comfortable with. All the shit you just explained in gory detail, thinking you hit the sex jackpot, is a Tuesday night. She isn't worth it. Go find someone who is stimulating outside of the bedroom as well.

Well this is probably true to a degree, after my ex and I split a few years ago it took me a while to get back out into anything really. I had someone who was pretty much my best friend whom I spent almost a decade of my life with whom I planned on spending the rest of my life with, having kids, ect... Once we split it honestly took me a couple of years to get over, I had dated some here or there but it honestly took a couple of years to stop comparing women to my ex and really be over it.

I know everyone here fucks supermodels and drives 7 Ferrari's and you especially when you aren't 5 boxxing WoW 30 hours a week 1 shotting Mythic raids with Method telling us how wonderful you are it's probably hard for you to understand someone who isn't Jesus.

I hope you bought a speculum and personally made sure it was there or watched her obgyn put it in her.

I ended up banging a couple girls off Tinder last month. The fact both where down to have sex within 5 minutes of first meeting and they swallowed not long after left me feeling very disturbed.

This is pretty much what Tinder is though. I might be an old man but even I know Tinder and Bumble are fuck apps designed to smash puss and not find a long term relationship regardless of what these cunts put in their profile.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
haha. Don't actually do that. You get her drunk enough and she might do it.

Not a good thing for either of you. Sure as fuck would be funny though.

But I can see pics of 23 year old asshole almost anywhere on the internet.

I've dated a few younger women briefly. And it's always brief. It's hard to remember how dumb you were at that age until you date one, and then it all comes rushing back. They don't even mean anything by it... it's just where they are as people. I've dated 2 that I wished were just 10 years older. I've never gone -this- young... but I probably would if she was cute enough. Sometimes it's the littlehead that does the thinkin. And that's ok too.

And to 2nd what Khane said. I probably don't agree with him about a lot when it comes to women but I absolutely agree with him here. Find someone who fits better. She's out there.

Camel up on that pussy though it might be a long walk. And there's no need for any drama at all. Just wean off. She's busy, it'll be a month before she notices that you stopped calling her every day. Sometimes (most times), it's just not a good match. Not anyone's fault. Curse God and live, all that.

I am in agreement with this, I even said at the start I wasn't expecting this to be long term in any way shape or form. As for some of the dumb shit I chalk it up to her being 23 as well and don't fault her for it. She is nice and we enjoy the time together however shallow it might be for now. I see no reason to think to much into it beyond that and if I meet someone in the mean time that better fits then great.
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Got something right about marriage
I know everyone here fucks supermodels and drives 7 Ferrari's and you especially when you aren't 5 boxxing WoW 30 hours a week 1 shotting Mythic raids with Method telling us how wonderful you are it's probably hard for you to understand someone who isn't Jesus.

I don't even know what you are trying to say here. All I was saying is this girl is not as dirty and kinky or outside of the norm as you are letting yourself believe. You will likely find someone else who hits all those sex buttons who also is not a 23 year old playing the stupid games a 23 year old plays. You are wasting your time with her if you want anything more than just sex. And even then I feel like it's still a waste of time.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm second week into child being with her for seven days and then me for seven, holidays split in half (Dec.24, 6 p.m.-Dec. 25, 12 p.m.)

It seems really shitty and unsustainable.

Thoughts from those who've gone through it?

Edit: As reference, I previously had child most of the time, yielding only every other weekend.
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All labs matter!
I'm second week into child being with her for seven days and then me for seven, holidays split in half (Dec.24, 6 p.m.-Dec. 25, 12 p.m.)

It seems really shitty and unsustainable.

Thoughts from those who've gone through it?

Ya it’s tough. No way around it bro.

You need to use that time as “you” time. The gym, hobbies, working over time and gaming. You will adjust, I guarantee you will. You just have to do things to get you out and about.

Don’t be that guy who sits at home and does jack shit. You will be miserable.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Ya it’s tough. No way around it bro.

You need to use that time as “you” time. The gym, hobbies, working over time and gaming. You will adjust, I guarantee you will. You just have to do things to get you out and about.

Don’t be that guy who sits at home and does jack shit. You will be miserable.
That's what I thought, but it was naggling at the back of my mind that I may be wrong.

I know I'm repressing rage. Thinking about any of it leads to nowhere good.

My plan is to me time and push forward.


A Mod Real Quick
I probably wouldn't waste my time (at 35) trying to force a relationship with a 23 year old with a kid. It sounds like more work than it's worth. If you're just in it for sex, more power to you my man.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I may be a shitbag on the forums at times but I try not to let that translate into real life.

dude, they don't have to be nudes. Bitch has a facbook, right? So she already posts pics for the entirety of humankind to see.

But yes, work on her for permission to post the nudes with FOH written on her tits in cum.


Trakanon Raider
I hope you bought a speculum and personally made sure it was there or watched her obgyn put it in her.

I ended up banging a couple girls off Tinder last month. The fact both where down to have sex within 5 minutes of first meeting and they swallowed not long after left me feeling very disturbed.
Truth. I've been back on Tinder for the last two months and it's crazy how many girls I meet for a drink or two at the bar then go back to their/my place and they want me to raw dog/pop in their mouth.

I think in my 33 years I've never came inside a girl, I just don't trust em and definitely wouldn't be doing it to a 23 year old with a kid.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Mother in law having a health scare tonight. Some sort of bacterial infection maybe, or she has diabetes and didn't know it. Or both.

Had two significant seizures, one that led to brother in law calling for the ambulance and another once they got to the hospital. They're testing her for meningitis.

Anyway, shitty night but we went into it thinking she'd had a massive stroke or something, so the news is as good as can be expected for the moment.

This whole adulting thing sucks sometimes, but what can ya do? 22 years together and my mother had a massive stroke in 2012 and passed away, so been through plenty of family health scares over the years at this point.
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Musty Nester
Seizures ain't so good they are not.

Hopefully. Well, I mean, even the best case is fairly bad. Maybe it's just meningitis.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Definitely not but I'd rather a seizure than a massive stroke.

My wife is really close to her mother, since her mother raised her and her brother alone and they were extremely poor but tightly knit family, so she's having a rough night.


<Prior Amod>
I watched my Grandfather waste away with 27 strokes over 5 years, no one should have to do that. Hoping for the best Hodj.
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