Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Blackwing Lair Raider
5mos in on gf after divorce, she's turning out crazy too. See her tomorrow; greater than 50% I end it.
Sometimes I think, if I can endure this, perhaps I should go back and endure that again and at least make family whole again??

My 8yo must have read my body language, he said, "Don't go back to Mom; it'll all start over again. It'll be bad. Yes, I'll see you more, but I'll also see her more. Best is (both) find a way to see her less."

Both proud and shamed when a child is the voice of reason.
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Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
3 years after my divorce, coming up on 2 with the new gal. It's kinda weird being happy. I haven't been happy in the entirety of my 40 plus years on this planet. Very odd. We don't argue often, she takes care of a lot of the shit I don't want to, it just works pretty well.

Meanwhile, my ex reminds me quite frequently why I'm not with her anymore.

Moral of the can actually be happy with someone. Don't settle for not being happy. Another important thing is if you find that you are dating the same people, it's because you're attracted to the same features. If that doesn't work for you, it's time to learn from those mistakes and not continue dating the same crazy. All women are just need to find a crazy that you're compatible with.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Greater than 50%? Are you trying to quantify crazy more than just binary?
No, he is in an argument with his dick trying to decide if the crazy in the sack is worth the crazy out of the sack. It never is, but in most cases the dick wins that argument.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Did we learn nothing form Travis Alexander? Crazy bitches are never worth it unless youre some dreg of society with nothing going for yourself.

I ended up going on a few dates with a woman and sleeping with her a few times about two months ago. Turned out this woman was S U P E R into anal, like that was the only thing that mattered to her, her pussy might as well not even exist. That was.... weird.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Turned out this woman was S U P E R into anal, like that was the only thing that mattered to her, her pussy might as well not even exist.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
WTF, why did you stop dating her? Was her butthole not huge enough?
LOL. Well two reasons mainly.

One Im not really into anal so her being so focused on anal was just off putting.
Two she was quickly becoming very attached to me. Texting me all throughout the day and half of it about anal sex.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
LOL. Well two reasons mainly.

One Im not really into anal so her being so focused on anal was just off putting.
Two she was quickly becoming very attached to me. Texting me all throughout the day and half of it about anal sex.
Just gotta appease her kink a little dude come the fuck on. Any girl who lets your root her up the ass on like date 2 definitely doesn't have any issue with you doing a lot of other shit. Especially vanilla sex lol.
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
People who claim otherwise never had truly crazy pussy before.

Just gotta be able to fuck the crazy out of them.

She attacks you with a frying pan?
Time to fuck her in the hall until she cries.
She drives her car into a ditch for attention? Fuck her ass until she has to go to the ER
She comes at you with a knife?
Bounce her head off the washing machine and take her ass in the laundry room.

Crazy women only work for dudes that can pull a Tyson.

Everyone else is meat for the grinder
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Did we learn nothing form Travis Alexander? Crazy bitches are never worth it unless youre some dreg of society with nothing going for yourself.

I ended up going on a few dates with a woman and sleeping with her a few times about two months ago. Turned out this woman was S U P E R into anal, like that was the only thing that mattered to her, her pussy might as well not even exist. That was.... weird.

The only way this is a problem is if it's for moronic reasons. Like saving her pussy for marriage, or she believes anal is God's loophole.

Or I guess if she doesn't clean her ass well. But most women do a good job of that in my ass eating experience.
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