Marvel Universe stuff


<Prior Amod>
Thor casting news.

Jeff Goldblum - Grandmaster
Cate Blanchett - Hela
Tessa Thompson - Valkyrie
Karl Urban - Skurge

Ruffalo confirmed to be back as well, though that was expected.
Wow Valkyrie is the epitome of a blond nordic war goddess

They just decide to Heimdall her up huh?


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Wow Valkyrie is the epitome of a blond nordic war goddess

They just decide to Heimdall her up huh?
Yeah, why not, whites aren't allowed to legitimately complain that their history/heritage is getting trampled on.

Why wasn't Black Panther cast as a white dude? Or an Indian chick.



Egg Nazi
Yeah, why not, whites aren't allowed to legitimately complain that their history/heritage is getting trampled on.

Why wasn't Black Panther cast as a white dude? Or an Indian chick.

I'm glad I already only watch pirated copies of these movies. That way I dont have to change my behavior when they pull retarded shit like this.

Substituting a black chick for fucking Valkyrie. Next theyll be casting a black dude as the Gunslinger and a white chick as Susanna.

Its like that lasagna they serve in Chicago -- we'd all be fine with it if they didnt call it pizza. Make a new character, make her black. How hard is that?


<Prior Amod>
Heimdall w/ Idris Elba gets a pass, cuz he's Idris Elba. Black Jonny Storm gets a pass cuz Michael B Jordan is a good emerging actor. This black Valkyrie chick is just some bitch from tv land, not even Halle Berry hot or anything, whats the point?


Log Wizard
You guys are all uber faggots.

Also, how have none of you nerds creamed your fucking pants Jeff Goldblum and KARL URBAN is in a Marvel movie? Your priorities are ALL fucked up.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You guys are all uber faggots.

Also, how have none of you nerds creamed your fucking pants Jeff Goldblum and KARL URBAN is in a Marvel movie? Your priorities are ALL fucked up.
Because he's going to have 3 lines of dialogue and won't survive the movie.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
At this point I don't care who Marvel cast, they're pretty 100% so far in my opinion so I'll trust them until they fuck a few.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Heimdall w/ Idris Elba gets a pass, cuz he's Idris Elba. Black Jonny Storm gets a pass cuz Michael B Jordan is a good emerging actor. This black Valkyrie chick is just some bitch from tv land, not even Halle Berry hot or anything, whats the point?
She was with Michael B Jordan in Creed and Marvel has been pulling in talent from that movie every chance they get.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Thor casting news.

Jeff Goldblum - Grandmaster
Does this mean a new Infinity Stone? The Grandmaster was one of the original owners of one (although it was the Mind Stone, which is currently on Vision's forehead).

They only have 4 movies left to add the 6th since Feige spoiled Time: Thor 3, GotG2, Black Panther or Spiderman, and neither Black Panther nor Spiderman seem very likely to feature something like the Soul Stone.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
insider news is fox is talking to Marvel now about FF.
Yea, they finally realized they cannot make that property work. They've tried, and tried, and failed.

But the X-Men (as meh as it is) is probably going to make them loads of money, and as long as that train chugs, they're not letting go. Heck, letting X-Men go would probably mean letting Deadpool go. Can we say "not going to happen anytime soon"?


Trakanon Raider
Xmen is just not going to happen. Shit was on its deathbed after X3 and Origins and they turned it around with First Class. Sounds like they already have another movie with this cast planned due to the leaked credits scene, and with New Mutants and Deadpool they will have enough content to finish out the decade. Then it'll probably be reboot time.

FF as a stand alone franchise is not going to work and the sooner Fox comes to terms with this the better off everyone will be.


Trakanon Raider
Why wouldn't they make a similar deal to Spider-Man? Let Fox keep the profits for future X-Men movies (including Deadpool), but creative control, permission to use those characters in their own films, and the FF property goes to Marvel Studios.
Would you say no if you were Fox? Even with only half the X-Men movies currently being bad, that still leaves a lot of potential money on the table of what they'd be raking in if Marvel Studios was allowed to reboot the X-Men in their universe.

Maybe it's just the fan in me wanting to see that happen, but this should be a win-win-win.