Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Molten Core Raider
In the immortal words of Stan Lee: "There is more to come true believers."
(IE we will all find out in a few episodes)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Having a superhero won't nullify anything, especially post Winter Soldier. Honestly, it's easy to write in ways to curtail the power:

1) You have a built in limitation to the power. Remember the dude that became Deathlok? He would get tired/need rest after using his powers. Granted, that was a different situation, but it's not hard to have a hidden "power meter/mana pool" that limits how much ass kicking they can do. I think Ms. Marvel even had a power nerf in the comics where she lost the ability to draw certain types of energy that really amped up her powers, although every now and again they find a powersource that lets her do that again.

2) Arms Race. Basically, whatever powers cant do, tech can do. Don't forget Tony Stark is just a dude in a metal suit. Hawk Eye and Widow are just "Batman" style heroes, ie they are just really peak performance humans with tech helping them. Simple enough to arm the team with weapons/tech that even the odds.

3) Power balance. It's kinda like arms race, but instead of tech, you have supers on both sides which balance out the power advantage. For instance, Skye could become uber, but maybe not so uber that 4-5 Centipede soldiers can't overpower her.

4) Learning the Ropes. This is only temporary, but if Skye manifests powers, it would be very easy to just write in a story arc where she can't take full advantage of her powers because she a) doesn't know what they are b) doesn't know how to use them/control them. They could easily scale her power level this way...basically "unlocking" abilities when the script calls for it, thus they can gradually ramp up her power so it isn't a huge change to the show at first


Avatar of War Slayer
seems good.

Blue alien I thought was Frost giant first, kree, badoon, etc, second.. could have been any blue alien. hell nothing even says it HAS to be a blue alien. They screw around with everything else. could even be shiair or skrull.

Pretty sure Carol/CtpMarvel/ms.marvel is getting a movie. so its not her. Although, there are/have been like 3 Ms. Marvels. so, not completely out of line.


<Gold Donor>
If Ms. Marvel is getting a movie of her own, I am 100% certain Skye isn't her. And they definitely wouldn't pull the "several different Ms. Marvels" thing on a viewing public that knows next to nothing about how that kind of thing works in comics.

I was not aware that Marvel didn't own the rights to Kree in their movies, but I guess it must be part of the Fantastic Four franchise. That puts a big damper on my thoughts that it was a Kree in the tank. I really don't like the Frost Giant aspect of it from a purely physical standpoint, because that's purposely being dishonest to the viewers. Sure there are Loki-sized frost giants, but what are the chances that the one we have is one?

I'm not sure it makes much sense for her to be part Chitauri, but I can't really think of much else that alien could be other than just an_unknown_alien_01. Which isn't very exciting. Not to mention, it seems really weird that they'd have a Guardians of the Galaxy movie without a single Kree reference. I don't know man, now I'm just confused. But I think it is a good bet that Skye is part alien due to the lack of extended reaction to its juices. Maybe not, but I'd lean more towards that answer than any other right now.

My favorite part of the episode was when they rushed her into emergency surgery and said, "Let's lose the shirt." And then they only exposed her belly button! Obviously I wasn't expecting nudity on ABC, but come on, they always cut that shit right off and at least let us see some bra action!


Molten Core Raider
The two lead Bad guys in Guardians of the Galaxy are Kree. I linked them above. So I wonder what race they will call them in GotG?


<Prior Amod>
I was not aware that Marvel didn't own the rights to Kree in their movies, but I guess it must be part of the Fantastic Four franchise.
i think you might be mistaken, it would seem more apt that the FF own the rights to skrulls and not the kree. while both races (i believe) were introduced in FF, skrulls are more associated with FF, ala super skrull kl'rt. (course i didn't research this, but yea ronan and korath, are pretty much top tier kree besides supreme intelligence)

this is stupid, we are arguing the same point. i say skye is human because there is no evidence that she is anything other than human. you are arguing that she could be an alien because of a code and a dead smurf floating in a test tube. neither of us know for sure because its still vague whats going on exactly.
how can anyone argue that she could still be human after being designated 0-8-4? just b/c she looks human, doesn't mean she is, superman by the luck of the draw is an alien who could pass for a runway model... his whole origin and him,himself would pretty much be a 0-8-4


Vyemm Raider
Actually, he wouldn't, since Superman is DC.
But, besides that, it's known now that he's originally from Krypton. Just like Mjolnir is no longer classified as an 0-8-4, since they now know its origin is Asgard.


Millie's Staff Member
i think you might be mistaken, it would seem more apt that the FF own the rights to skrulls and not the kree. while both races (i believe) were introduced in FF, skrulls are more associated with FF, ala super skrull kl'rt. (course i didn't research this, but yea ronan and korath, are pretty much top tier kree besides supreme intelligence)

how can anyone argue that she could still be human after being designated 0-8-4? just b/c she looks human, doesn't mean she is, superman by the luck of the draw is an alien who could pass for a runway model... his whole origin and him,himself would pretty much be a 0-8-4
she doesnt just look human on the outside, this week they had a team of medics sewing up her insides, there was no mention of any differences in her anatomy. even that asgardian dude this season had completely different insides so when he got injured thet let him get better on his own. but hey, maybe they will retcon all that and she will still be an alien. i really dont give two shits anymore, think what you want.


<Gold Donor>
i think you might be mistaken, it would seem more apt that the FF own the rights to skrulls and not the kree. while both races (i believe) were introduced in FF, skrulls are more associated with FF, ala super skrull kl'rt. (course i didn't research this, but yea ronan and korath, are pretty much top tier kree besides supreme intelligence)
I'm just going off of what someone posted earlier. I am aware that Ronan is a Kree, so that's why I was surprised to hear that news. Maybe that person was wrong, or maybe they just won't call them Kree. But if they can't use the word, that sort of limits what they can do with that alien on this show.

I guess we need some confirmation about that licensing issue before we can really debate the matter any further.


Molten Core Raider
Well here is a theory from another site.

The guy in the tube is a Kree. And his name is Geheneris Hala'son Mahr Vehl. The door on the room was labeled G.H.

Mahr Vehl (Earth-1610) - Marvel Comics Database

Captain Mahr-Vehl

The is the current running theory I have seen on several AoS (Agents of SHIELD) fan threads on different sites.

Now if this theory holds true maybe Skye's genetics allows her to gain his powers. As he is the Ultimate Captain Mahr Vehl which could lead to a female Captain Marvel. But as I said before it is all theory and we will know more soon enough.

On the Kree Licensing thing. I have not found anything say they are locked into Fox or Marvel for movies. Does mean that they are or are not, just that I have not found anything yet.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
On the Kree Licensing thing. I have not found anything say they are locked into Fox or Marvel for movies. Does mean that they are or are not, just that I have not found anything yet.
I found one thread had folks talking about "we know they own the Kree" but no reference to how they know that. Another with a supposed Avengers 2 casting call for people that mentioned both the Kree and the Skrull. But nowhere can I find anything official. Some are saying the Kree might be jointly owned like Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: What Was the Blue Alien? |

At one point it was rumored either race might be in the 1st Avengers and when Whedon ruled it out there was no mention of the rights being elsewhere, just that neither race was right for the movie.

The name/GH stuff makes sense. I had no idea off the top of my head for the initials. Though, as folks have said, no way Skye is Captain Marvel. That bitch ain't carrying a movie.


Avatar of War Slayer
If Ms. Marvel is getting a movie of her own, I am 100% certain Skye isn't her. And they definitely wouldn't pull the "several different Ms. Marvels" thing on a viewing public that knows next to nothing about how that kind of thing works in comics.
I didnt mean they were going to make several ms. Marvels in the movie/tv universe.
I meant it as, Carol/Ms. Marvel is now Captain Marvel. And the movie about her, will probably be Captain Marvel.
Her history as Ms. Marvel very likely not even brought up. (along with Binary and warbird...) nor, her having her powers stolen(and put into a coma) by Rogue.

She is the only one that is kree/human. But all around, I don't think it would be a big deal.

I was not aware Ultimate Mar vell, had a first name with G.H. That is interesting.


Avatar of War Slayer
Mahr-Vehl? Really? Are people paid for this lame-ass writing?
comics everybody.

But even more. it was about copyright.
1940-1953 Fawcett comics. Captain Marvel aka. Shazam nowadays.
DC comics sued Fawcett because Marvel was more popular then Superman. and claimed he was a copy of Superman. the lawsuit forced Fawcett to stop publishing Captain Marvel.

In 1967 when the trademark on Captain Marvel timed out. Marvel comics jumped on that shit, and created Captain Mar-vell. Aka, Captain Marvel. space superman for Marvel comics.

Never super popular. but kept in print to keep the name.
1982 is the Death of Captain Marvel. a comic death that stuck. he dies of cancer. of note, Thanos is his primary opponent.

1977 Ms. Marvel is spun off. She and Captain Marvel are in an super science explosion together. Part of his DNA is encoded into her. She gets similar super powers.
Rogue when she was still a villain drains her powers at one point. not just a quick touch. She outright puts her into a coma for years. And gets full access to her powers. This is how Rogue can fly, has super str, etc. the conflict also kindof makes Carol a little bit nuts, and hate mutants. Alot of weird shit during this period. binary, Warbird. the rape of ms. Marvel.
2000's? they bring her back strong, and start promoting her as a A-list character again. As, Ms. Marvel. Civil war/dark Reign has Moonstone take the Ms. Marvel title. But Carol take it back again, when that is over.
Then finally, quite recently, Carol, full on takes the name Captain Marvel. (this is actually a downgrade for an Air Force Commander, as opposed to Private Steve Rogers.)


DC comics bought out Fawcett comics eventually, due to their bullshit damaging Fawcetts stability.
But having, lost control of the Captain Marvel trademark. the character could still be called it, in interiors, etc. But NOT in the title. TV show was called Shazam! for example.


Avatar of War Slayer
I found one thread had folks talking about "we know they own the Kree" but no reference to how they know that. Another with a supposed Avengers 2 casting call for people that mentioned both the Kree and the Skrull. But nowhere can I find anything official. Some are saying the Kree might be jointly owned like Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver.
thinking it came from one of the cons. don't think they named that many titles but pointed out the shared properties gets tricky as Skrulls mostly likely shared by both, but Super-Skrull goes with FF/Fox.


<Prior Amod>
i remember when marh-vell told his name to danvers in ultimates, it was during the galactus saga and he outted himself (he was an undercover observer)

is it a stretch? well they did make a big hoopla about G.H. (oh guest house) and then a double take would be it actually is whatever the fuck mahr-vehl real name is. but then the whole facility blows up, and as i stated b4, there were autopsy marks (the railroad tracks across the chest) which means he's basically dead and preserved just to make serum?

captain mahr-vehl, always has super significance, remember captain mar-vell of 616 was tops, he was strong and he was thanos nemesis (so there's that tie-in), and just went caput with cancer.

fuck it, make skye captain mar-vell, her name is skye, so she'll be able to fly, the current ms marvel is an arab chick anyway, it doesn't matter anymore.


Vyemm Raider
Saw this posted elsewhere. Not particularly relevant but kind of a deep thought:

Coulson begging to die during his revival operations were not his own pleas, but transferred from the Kree when the healing fluids were injected into his body. It was not Coulson who was experiencing pain, but the comatose body of the alien trapped in a near-dead state of unimaginable pain and suffering for untold years.

Skye was not directly connected to the tubes that were drawing healing fluids, instead receiving a bit from a vial; perhaps she didn't experience as much pain because she was not directly connected to the Kree.