Mass Effect 4(Untitled)


Trump's Staff
I appreciate Casey for creating Mass Effect in the first place, but the way he handled the ending will forever taint any other accomplishments he's had or will have. Guy managed to completely fuck up the ending to the best franchise of the generation because he wanted to be an artsy faggot.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There was a helluva lot more than the ending wrong with ME3.
It was almost identical to ME2 with a continuation of the story, which is what everyone wanted. In my opinion, they delivered.

But yeah I am with Xxexx, the hate over the ending is pretty crazy sometimes when it comes to ME3.


Vyemm Raider
I honestly dont remember the ending - i surely didnt play the series just for it, i played it because it was an amazing experience. I know something dumb happened but its like whatever, bring on the next ME!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I honestly dont remember the ending - i surely didnt play the series just for it, i played it because it was an amazing experience. I know something dumb happened but its like whatever, bring on the next ME!
The ending was shit - but it's a 5-10 min blight on 30 hrs of a game (or 90 hrs if you count the series as a whole) that was otherwise next to perfect. And Extended Cut did at least make the appearance of some of the decisions mattering which was a large flaw with the original ending. (Not that it entirely fixed the marr)

Only other complaint I'd have for ME3 was the removal of any type of hacking minigame because I enjoyed the ME2 ones (ME1 ones can eat a dick though - maybe even a partial bag of dicks)

Hell, between Destiny and Mass Effect (largely because of 3, but 2 definitely played a part as well) the wife actually plays console shooters now - something that would've been laughable two months ago, now she's actually amping the difficulty up enough that she's considering an Insanity playthrough after she does the ME3 DLC she skipped last time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Every scene involving Kai Leng was stupid as fuck too. Also, the whole design of no matter what you choose, you always get about the same amount of war assets. Also, you effectively get the exact same resolution to every single difficult choice whether you resolve it with paragon or renegade rating.

And the fact that all your decisions over the previous games boiled down to various mostly insignificant little bumps to your war assets.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Every scene involving Kai Leng was stupid as fuck too. Also, the whole design of no matter what you choose, you always get about the same amount of war assets. Also, you effectively get the exact same resolution to every single difficult choice whether you resolve it with paragon or renegade rating.

And the fact that all your decisions over the previous games boiled down to various mostly insignificant little bumps to your war assets.
War Assets is just "the ending" stuff though. And Kai Leng was a bit nonsensical, but most games have a nonsensical antagonist here and there. Replace him with a squad of random dudes and cut out his scenes and it really would have been no different - he's easy to ignore.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I hated how everything you did , the monumental effort to get there with these alliances you put together mean absolutely nothing. They shit all over it in the original ending. They took the illusion of choice they gave you from DA2 and basically applied it all to ME3. Was pretty fucking horrible


Every scene involving Kai Leng was stupid as fuck too.
Kai Leng was a character that never should have been introduced in the game series. He was fine as an antagonist in the books, because most people aren't going to bother with them, but shoehorning him into the last installment with no introduction or background seemed really fucking stupid to me.

The thing that, it would seem, a lot of folks glaze over is that the writers of ME3turned the Reapers into idiotsin ME3. Vigil, in ME1, laid out exactly how the Reapers beat the Protheans. They came through the Citadel relay and immediately took control of it. Since the Citadel controls the mass relay network, they were able to shut down all the relays, dividing and conquering the Protheans in one step. From there they went system by system over the span of about a 100 years, wiping them all out.
In ME3 they enter the galaxy and what do they do? Do they head straight for the Citadel and take control of the relay network? Nope. They go after Earth. Why? There's no explanation. All they had to do is take over the Citadel, which would have been easy for a Reaper fleet, and then they would have won the war. Instead they go to Earth, then split up and screw around so Shepard can build forces to fight them. And then, at the end of the game, they finally get around to taking the Citadel when it works for the ludicrous story Mac Walters and Casey Hudson pulled out of their asses.

The thing that really cracked me up was the Extended Cut DLC. They tried to shine a turd of an ending by making it even harder to believe. The Normandy lands right in front of Harbinger, as he's shooting the fuck out of everything in front of him, but he doesn't take a shot at it? A big target like that. A well-known target like that. Sitting right in front of him. He does nothing.

Based on all of this, I'm glad that Casey is leaving. The more I see of ME4, the more it looks like it's going to be a reboot of the franchise, which might not be such a bad thing. Get some fresh blood in there that hasn't got baggage from the previous trilogy to fuck this up. Granted, it'll also give them the opportunity to fuck it up in many new ways!

ME4, or whatever they decide to call it when it releases, should hit shelves around August 2016, so I guess we'll all just have to wait and see.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Kai Leng was a character that never should have been introduced in the game series. He was fine as an antagonist in the books, because most people aren't going to bother with them, but shoehorning him into the last installment with no introduction or background seemed really fucking stupid to me.

The thing that, it would seem, a lot of folks glaze over is that the writers of ME3turned the Reapers into idiotsin ME3. Vigil, in ME1, laid out exactly how the Reapers beat the Protheans. They came through the Citadel relay and immediately took control of it. Since the Citadel controls the mass relay network, they were able to shut down all the relays, dividing and conquering the Protheans in one step. From there they went system by system over the span of about a 100 years, wiping them all out.
In ME3 they enter the galaxy and what do they do? Do they head straight for the Citadel and take control of the relay network? Nope. They go after Earth. Why? There's no explanation. All they had to do is take over the Citadel, which would have been easy for a Reaper fleet, and then they would have won the war. Instead they go to Earth, then split up and screw around so Shepard can build forces to fight them. And then, at the end of the game, they finally get around to taking the Citadel when it works for the ludicrous story Mac Walters and Casey Hudson pulled out of their asses.

The thing that really cracked me up was the Extended Cut DLC. They tried to shine a turd of an ending by making it even harder to believe. The Normandy lands right in front of Harbinger, as he's shooting the fuck out of everything in front of him, but he doesn't take a shot at it? A big target like that. A well-known target like that. Sitting right in front of him. He does nothing.

Based on all of this, I'm glad that Casey is leaving. The more I see of ME4, the more it looks like it's going to be a reboot of the franchise, which might not be such a bad thing. Get some fresh blood in there that hasn't got baggage from the previous trilogy to fuck this up. Granted, it'll also give them the opportunity to fuck it up in many new ways!

ME4, or whatever they decide to call it when it releases, should hit shelves around August 2016, so I guess we'll all just have to wait and see.
See the real problem is that Hudson may be gone, but Walters is still there.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'm with Gavinrad on ME3.

The game as a whole was pretty weak but had some great moments. Overall it was a disappointment with a terrible ending. Which is silly because of how easy it'd be to design an awesome ending to ME3.


Unelected Mod
You guys are trippin. I fucked loved ME3. Everything but the ending was gold and the multiplayer was an unexpected diamond. The game up until the very end completely lived up to the hype. I won't let a 10 minute end ruin hours and hours of great times.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The multiplayer was surprisingly awesome. If they had actually made real missions with unique objectives it would have been a great game onto itself.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I honestly dont remember the ending - i surely didnt play the series just for it, i played it because it was an amazing experience. I know something dumb happened but its like whatever, bring on the next ME!
The problem is that the ending basically destroys the ME universe and makes continuing the universe in any meaningful way nearly impossible.


FPS noob
i remember one of the original theories (pre ME3 release) that dark matter was causing stars to burn out, and that some sort of intelligence was behind extinguishing all the stars in our galaxy - perhaps the Reapers, or perhaps the Reapers were a tool to fight against it. It was supported by one of the missions in ME2, where you go help Talia investigate a planet on the Fringe where the star is collapsing.

but yeah there was a lot of interesting potential with the Reapers and Protheans and while much of ME3 was pretty fun, the basic elements of the plot were shit on. I don't mind fake choices and plot trees that are minor branches, after all we've all played hundreds of hours of MMOs where nothing you do matters but goddamn I will never forgive Bioware for turning the Reapers from badass Gods to fucking roombas.