Mass Effect 4(Untitled)


Tranny Chaser
Yeah that part really did not scan well with the Starchild's talk at the end. In my game the Geth and Quarian made peace and I had both fleets at the final battle so having him say "nope AI and organic can't exist together" without my Shepard pointing those two out made me scratch my head.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
ME3 was fine, it's the ending that was bad.
ME3 had a lot more wrong with it than just the ending bra. Thats the thing, it wasnt just the last 10 minutes that was terrible.

I think Bioware really did a swing and a miss with the whole "your choices really matter" idea when it came to ME. None of the choices you made had any relevance outside of different dialogue options or news blurbs. I think the biggest difference was whether or not Wrex lived or died? Whether or not Wrex lived you still took Grunt to tuchungka and did his loyalty mission, the only difference being who talked to you about it. Did you saved the council or let them die? Zero impact on what happens in ME2 or ME3.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Grunt isn't an absolute on the Rachni world. There's a ton of minor variables there. There's tons of small variables in 3 all over the place.

None major though.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Grunt isn't an absolute on the Rachni world. There's a ton of minor variables there. There's tons of small variables in 3 all over the place.

None major though.
Yeah I never got to that part of ME3 because the way it was setup was shit and never bothered replaying it.


Trakanon Raider
ME3 had a lot more wrong with it than just the ending bra. Thats the thing, it wasnt just the last 10 minutes that was terrible.

I think Bioware really did a swing and a miss with the whole "your choices really matter" idea when it came to ME. None of the choices you made had any relevance outside of different dialogue options or news blurbs. I think the biggest difference was whether or not Wrex lived or died? Whether or not Wrex lived you still took Grunt to tuchungka and did his loyalty mission, the only difference being who talked to you about it. Did you saved the council or let them die? Zero impact on what happens in ME2 or ME3.
I wonder what % of people played through all 3 MEs, because I feel like they came to conclusion that implementing options that can only be done if the player played ME1 wasn't worth it. It would be definitely cool and something like ME trilogy was never done on this scale in gaming, but what's the point if majority of your playerbase doesn't get to see it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Not sure how many people do the multiple playthroughs to see the minor differences thing, but the wife is certainly one. She's on her third time through now. (with a 4th planned after to do Male Shep)


Yeah that part really did not scan well with the Starchild's talk at the end. In my game the Geth and Quarian made peace and I had both fleets at the final battle so having him say "nope AI and organic can't exist together" without my Shepard pointing those two out made me scratch my head.
So much this. When I got to the end, my Shepard had done a ton of stuff that completely contradicted everything that asshole was saying. I don't care if Shepard dies, but you spend 3 games exploring a universe, highlighting the best things of every race, making allies out of enemies etc, then you get to the end, all that shit goes out the window, who cares that you are literally a fucking variable in the equation the starchild came up with, AND the only way to save the universe is to make everyone the same. The fuck.

The ME hate over the ending is so out of control lol.
It's pretty much right on the money. Three games, 5 years, 90 hours, books, graphic novels, etc, to end like that. What a god damn travesty. The lore and world were immense and they found a way to distill it into three fucking endings which ignored everything you spent 3 games turning your Shepard into. Ugh.

The ending was shit - but it's a 5-10 min blight on 30 hrs of a game (or 90 hrs if you count the series as a whole) that was otherwise next to perfect. And Extended Cut did at least make the appearance of some of the decisions mattering which was a large flaw with the original ending. (Not that it entirely fixed the marr)
The extended cut made less sense out of things than others; for example, partially going off of what Jarnin says, it's stated the Normandy cannot even land on planets etc, (at least the SR2 can't because of increased mass) and that's why the Mako and later the Hammerhead existed. But we have two instances where that just goes out the window - and for all things, to fucking rescue two people. TWO. What was stopping the Normandy from just taking Shepard to the doorstep then?

Having the kid explain the reapers was just the fucking worse. At the very least, most people could tick off two or three reasons why his ultimate solution won't work, and for others, their Shepard literally renders everything invalid.

And as for the geth vs. the quarians - this is literally a time in history where synthetics DON'T turn on their creators. They chased the quarians from Rannoch and then LET THEM BE when they could easily have destroyed them. They just wanted to live. That one little thing should have been enough to give the Reapers pause.

Take over what exactly? The Mass Relays were destroyed. Nobody is going anywhere, galactic civilization is over. Ship based ftl drives are too slow to travel between star clusters.
Let's not forget that the Arrival DLC showed us what happens when a relay is blown up. They retconned it seriously fast to make it just show that the relays are out of commission, and don't explode, but before that, the original ending showed them all vaporizing. 3 choices, all of them lead to the total extinction of every intelligent species. This isn't that big of a deal until you see how often shit like this happens, where they decide to go down one path that their own lore has shown us IS IMPOSSIBLE.

Also as for the whole "Reapers are stupid", this cycle was totally different in many ways. The reason they did not just go to the Citadel was because they were not isolating and destroying a single intelligent race, they were destroying MANY. In past cycles only one race was exterminated, the one that was most intelligent and had used their relays, while the rest were spared and left to advance in time. In our world, many discovered the relays, or at least shared them (With asari technically being the race that should have been annihilated, as they discovered them first and hoarded specific things about them to get more powerful) and thus caused more advanced races. It's even stated that the major (Maybe only?) reason humans were targeted is because Shepard is such a pain in the ass, they go after Earth immediately. That last bit is definitely "Reapers are stupid", because we later find out we're making synthetics to essentially stop meaningless death and then we find out the executioners are letting personal feelings sway them. (Dickholes.)

Going from Sovereign saying "You will never understand or comprehend why we exist" to "YOU GOD DAMN KIDS CAN'T PLAY WELL TOGETHER" was so fucking stupid. I don't think the dark matter thing would have panned out, but it would have been more mysterious and acceptable. Kill organics so our robot friends don't, or kill everyone so we don't kill the universe. One reeks a bit more of vastly more importance.

And while it would have SUCKED, at least "no choice" at the ending would have made a bit more sense. Make allies, do whatever, but the galaxy is still dying and only you being blendered into a construct can stop the universe from imploding. Whoo.

This is why the ending is such an atrocity; it's why other moments are such terrible god damn things. Because the thought processes even a simpleton employs blows their shit out of the water. We want to be artsy or some shit, and distill 3 games worth of emotional investment, and fuck, one which required us to think beyond most people's bigoted worlds in something that mimicked the awesomeness of Star Trek, into an ending that involves no emotion, no thought, nothing. Just the very idea that you are well and truly fucked in the world. I can't remember which writer it was (walters?) who talked about how Hudson is just "so analytical" and he thought that fans would appreciate an ending with no emotional investment, but that's sugar coating it.

Yea, it's 2 1/2 years and I'm still so angry over it. Bro gave us midichlorians and all we wanted was a Vader who wasn't a little bitch.


The biggest thing that I hated about the extended cut DLC was when you were running to the Beam and Harbinger drops buy and starts wrecking you crew mates. Shepard of all people calls Joker to make an emergency pick up while he was doing space battle shenanigans and of course he hauls ass back to earth to land. So the Normandy lands right outside the beam, and Harbinger is looking right at you. He's killed every other fucking marine en route to that location but he lets Shepard haul 2 of his screwmates into a giant ass ship called the Normandy, the Normandy that has been a pineapple in the reapers asshole since day one, and he just lets it lift off, no harm done.

For fucking Christ, just shoot the god damn Normandy Harbinger. It was right fucking there. Why have Joker and your love interest live to go procreate the species on some distant tropical world when you can end everyone's dreams right here and now. Just do it pussy.

That's what I really hated about the extended cut DLC. The best part of course is being able to shoot the starchild, some computer voice comes over the comms with, "So be it!" and everyone dies and Liara's black box makes it to the next cycle and warms them of the Reapers. Out of all the endings, I think that one was probably best out of all the other shit we were given.


Trakanon Raider
Even more than the ending, I think the part of ME3 that bothered me the most was how the major events in ME2 didn't seem to matter. No matter what you do in ME2, The Illusive Man and Cerberus hates you. Give them the Collector base? Blow it up? It doesn't matter, you're treated the same way. That was the defining decision in ME2 and it meant nothing in ME3.


Tranny Chaser
Well I hope that this "same timeperiod as Shep" sequel does some justice to the Rachni. That was the biggest let down for me from ME1 and continuing through the hints of ME2. I was expecting the Rachni to come in and just fucking destroy some shit old skool and be the ultimate biology in contrast to the reapers ultimate technology. Instead you get one mission with them where nothing you did matters and then they go become construction workers.


Molten Core Raider
The real lesson to take from mass effect is just making self contained stories like the Dragon age games have been. Maybe DA3 will actually be a loved followup. There are too many variables in these games to try to stretch it over a decade of games and not have it come out garbage.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You actually bring up a lot of good points. The ending we got betrays the entire point of the story.

The Mass Effect story, if people didn't understand from being beaten over the head with all the literally gay shit, has a major underlying theme about diversity, multiculturalism, etc. It would have been hokey as hell, but at least fit the themes of the story, if the way the Reapers were defeated this cycle is because the various races united as equals and allies instead of being thralls and slave races under the direction of one homogeneous hegemony.

Even gay Captain Planet shit like that would have been better than the ending we got.


Ok I assume nobody gives a shit about spoilers at this point but if you do stop reading right now.

I'm on my final playthrough at the very end having never played the DLCs for ME3 until now. I'm less upset about it all as it adds a lot of confirmation that in fact Shepard has been a subject to repeated attempts at Indoctrination but it doesn't get to its final attempt until the very end when Harbinger zaps you. In fact your crew has been experiencing the same thing to a lesser degree and Vega makes comments about hearing buzzing. Anyway this is why Harbinger ignored the Normandy when it landed. It's why it only takes surgical shots at your friends and allies but never you. It doesn't dare risk your life. It wants you alive and controlled because it's much easier to conquer Humanity if Shepard is leading what remains of his/her race to the liquifying pens with a fucking smile on their face. It's terrifying but that's what the Reapers want. If you pick Control or Synthases Shep's eyes momentarily change to eyes seen only on Saren, Indoctrinated TIM and the Husks. Giving up means you give up instead of give in. It means death as opposed to being controlled. Destroy is the only option where you live but what you see can still be in your head just as the entire ending was. There are so many fucking hints it's absolutely ridiculous to me that people still don't get it. I mean they went as far as having the oily shadows surround the screen the whole time Shep is talking to TIM and Anderson. There are well over a hundred hints dropped some subtle some very overt. Then there's the twitter comments from the devs arguing with people that they shouldn't discount the Indoctrination Theory. CleverNoobs did a great job covering this whole shit show in a series of documentaries. If you want to feel the urge to kill rising for 5 hours you can watch all 3 on youtube just search for his name. I won't link it because I'm not sure if there are rules against that shit here.

Why even bother going down this route? Well originally Shepard was supposed to be Reaper controlled but supposedly they couldn't make the mechanic work or were too fucking dumb to figure it out. I mean that's a rumor but supposedly it came from someone inside. Either way they couldn't make it work so they came up with this crap fest ending. I think it's bullshit. EA told them to ship so it can help their stocks just like SWTOR and other releases in the past few years and the devs had to come up with a story or get fired. I don't see why they couldn't make it work. Anyone here ever play Spec Ops The Line? I mean Jesus H Christ talk about a mindfuck and they did it masterfully. The game mechanic worked just fine there so IMO no excuses. Could you imagine having to fight your own crew? It wouldn't be the first BioWare game that made you do that so it's still possible that this was actually planned but I don't believe them when they say it didn't work.

Anyway back to the game....

So why the sudden interest in Shepard and why the fuck would Harbinger bother to waste the effort instead of just wasting him/her in one shot?

You have to have a very good memory but at if you go back as far as the Arrival DLC Harbinger wants Shepard alive and tells you that. In fact you are monitored and have god knows what done to you as you are out cold for two days by a whole research station filled with Indoctrinated people with a massive Reaper artifact. At one point Harbinger actually takes over the lead scientist and looks at you before you pass the fuck out. This interest in controlling Shepard's mind is mentioned later in ME3 by a Reaper no less when you defeat the Reaper Destroyer. Now what's the very first thing you see in ME3? If you know how Indoctrination works you know it kills the person under it if it's brute forced on them over a very short time period. The most success is done by influence over years. Even a single instance of exposure to Reaper Tech is enough according to the lore. Now tell me how much has Shepard and crew been around Reaper Tech and Shepard especially? How long has it been since he/she was exposed directly in ME1? That's right years...

Anyway the Arrival DLC sets up the interest in Shepard's eventual capture since Shepard so overtly gave the Reapers and Harbinger the middle finger by taking out the Relay and delaying them. Combined with past actions it became obvious to the Reapers that they must consider Shepard an actual threat and Leviathan confirms this in the Leviathan DLC. The problem is when you drop a hundred fucking hints at people but leave them dangling at the end it's like watching the Sixth Sense up to the ring drop scene and ending the movie zoomed in on the ring still on the fucking finger. You don't fucking do that. It's why I'm glad CH left BioWare. I will fucking refuse to touch ME4 or whatever the fuck it ends up being called unless they properly end Shepard's story. The sad thing is think they are likely to do exactly that to ensure I give them money. Mike Gamble said in tweets at the very end pretty much confirming that they fucking did this for monetary gain. They fucked us out of a proper ending so they can feed it to us in the next ME. You have to read between the lines. Here is the direct quote:

"Hardest. Day. Ever. Seriously if you people knew all the stuff we are planning... you'd, well hold onto your copy of me3 forever." - Mar 8, 2012 Mike Gamble

Here is his latest quote on Shepard:

"Your not playing as Shepard. Shepard is not an essential part of the story. So you can assume whatever you need to assume from that. Comicon 2014 - Mike Gamble

So yeah expect an option to import your save from ME3 but seriously fuck these guys. I hope they wake up one day with a cactus shoved up their ass.
or you could have saved that incoherent ramble cause the indoctrination theory is an old classic by now since the first hints of ME3s story were leaked but Bioware went with "nope, its all real"


Mr. Poopybutthole
or you could have saved that incoherent ramble cause the indoctrination theory is an old classic by now since the first hints of ME3s story were leaked but Bioware went with "nope, its all real"
Bioware is just jealous that some half-baked fan theory is 10x better than what they ended up going with.


or you could have saved that incoherent ramble cause the indoctrination theory is an old classic by now since the first hints of ME3s story were leaked but Bioware went with "nope, its all real"
Not aware of them saying it isn't true. Why would they defend it and directly refer to it in tweets and comments on the forums to explain the story?

Yeah I don't buy your empty statement.