MLB 2015 Season


Bronze Squire
So Giants swept the Dodgers, that is cool. I didn't get a chance to catch all the games (or all of each game I watched) but I really think Mattingly mis-managed his way to two of the losses at least. Also he seems to be trying to bring that NY/Boston 'slow the game down to a snails pace' style to this rivalry.


Molten Core Raider
Bench-clearing scuffle in the Royals-White Sox game. Chris Sale and Jeff Samardzija(sp?) tossed for the Sox, and Lorenzo Cain, Yordano Ventura, and Edinson Volquez tossed for the Royals. Samardzija and Volquez seemed to be the main combatants(Samardzija charged Cain, fell down, Volquez took a swing at him)

Freak stat of the night... Royals relievers have pitched 39.1 innings this year, and have only given up earned runs in ONE of those innings. 38 of 39 innings scoreless ain't too shabby. It's easy to win games when you get 9 innings to score and the opposing team only gets 5 or 6


Bench-clearing scuffle in the Royals-White Sox game. Chris Sale and Jeff Samardzija(sp?) tossed for the Sox, and Lorenzo Cain, Yordano Ventura, and Edinson Volquez tossed for the Royals. Samardzija and Volquez seemed to be the main combatants(Samardzija charged Cain, fell down, Volquez took a swing at him)

Freak stat of the night... Royals relievers have pitched 39.1 innings this year, and have only given up earned runs in ONE of those innings. 38 of 39 innings scoreless ain't too shabby. It's easy to win games when you get 9 innings to score and the opposing team only gets 5 or 6
Third brawl the Royals have been involved with this season. They are not screwing around and are playing hard which is a good sign for a young team after such a tough way to end the previous season. On topic of the pen, 1 run in 39 innings is outstanding so it looks like their relief pitchers have picked up where they left off.

The biggest hurdle for the Royals is going to be that division. The Tigers are solid, the Indians have a very dangerous pitching staff and will likely get on track as they did the previous two seasons, the White Sox have played well in spurts. That is one rough division and of the Tigers, Tribe and Royals, one of those teams will (more than likely) either not win the division or grab a WC spot. Early games count just as much as late season games so it should be a good sign to Royal fans that they are coming out and looking to win the station to station battle in each game.

While I don't see it as likely, I wouldn't be surprised if the AL Central had three teams in the playoffs.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
The new comissioner said in an interview just in the last two weeks he was going to entertain the idea of a review of the ban on Rose.


Karazhan Raider
Or people could stop using trash talk as a valid reason to start throwing punches? can you imagine if football players got that butthurt every time someone talked shit to them?

It's all this unwritten rules of baseball bullshit. Fuck, the royals get hit by pitches for celebrating near their dugout too much.


Karazhan Raider
Plus with the whole thing yesterday Eaton yelled at him first. And Eaton is the one who made it physical

Actually looking back and look it at it it really wasn't either of them that made it physical.


Karazhan Raider
Bench-clearing scuffle in the Royals-White Sox game. Chris Sale and Jeff Samardzija(sp?) tossed for the Sox, and Lorenzo Cain, Yordano Ventura, and Edinson Volquez tossed for the Royals. Samardzija and Volquez seemed to be the main combatants(Samardzija charged Cain, fell down, Volquez took a swing at him)

Freak stat of the night... Royals relievers have pitched 39.1 innings this year, and have only given up earned runs in ONE of those innings. 38 of 39 innings scoreless ain't too shabby. It's easy to win games when you get 9 innings to score and the opposing team only gets 5 or 6
Gonna be ridiculous when Hochever and Holland come back (and after Herrera serves his suspension)


Semi-pro Monopoly player

Royals are Gangstas!


Silver Knight of the Realm
This is from a Yahoo report: The Rangers are expected to pay around $15 million of the more than $80 million that is owed to Hamilton through 2017, with the Angels paying the difference, sources said.

The deal may not be announced until Monday.

Sources say Rangers will NOT send any players to #Angels and take on LESS than $15M. Hamilton will relinquish some money; amount not known. (@ken_rosenthal)


Los Angeles Angels preparing to trade Josh Hamilton to Texas Rangers

No mention in the article what LA would get in return. I guess they weren't fucking around when they said Hamilton wouldn't play for the Angels again.
Considering how he left the Rangers I find this deal both obvious (he was loved there before his BS at the end) but also kind of strange at the same time. It almost seems like Hamilton might have talked to the Angels front office to make excuses about his recent behavior and blamed it on something back in Texas (ie: I miss this girl, etc). From there saying he needs to go back and will take a pay cut to do so.

I'm sure I am wrong but I don't think I have ever heard of a player going from Point A to Point B back to Point A in less than a years time while also altering his own contract to do it thus losing millions at the end of his career.

I find this issue very weird. I doubt we ever find out the facts but, on its face, it made me ponder.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Here I was yesterday, bragging about how improved the Astros bullpen was this year to my brother-in-law. So they go out and give up 2 runs each in the 10th and 11th inning. Still won, but damn. Got a little dicey at the end.