MLB Hot Stove '13-'14


Golden Squire
Rangers filled a power bat need and now have a spot on the field for Profar. Sad to see Kinsler go but it's not like they gave up the farm for Fielder. They took on a large contract, made less so by the $30m Detroit kicked in, but that's a minor thing to quibble at over a team about to reap in a huge TV contract.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Probably Andrus and Profar to start the season, with Beltre batting behind him.


<Prior Amod>
This doesn't look like the body of an obese dude

Sure if you ignore his huge man tits hanging half way down his chest.

The dude is fat and is just shy of 300 pounds, get over it.

Also I watched every game he's played in for the past two seasons I can sure you there isn't an athletic bone in his body.


<Prior Amod>
He has less than 150 post season at bats, that's a hilariously small sample size.
For post season play? That's way more than most will ever see, it's not a small sample size at all.

The guy is not good come post season, he just isn't. Also, he has a piss poor attitude.

That said, he has been trending down the past few years and Comerica Park is pretty big, in Texas he should hit more homers for sure.

I find it amusing that some of the same people talking shit about Fielder two years ago come post season are now here singing his praises and defending him.


<Prior Amod>
No just the hyperbolic retardedness.
no hyperbole, I like Prince but to say he has been anything but a disappointment the past few years would be a lie. I also acknowledged he will hit more homeruns in Texas. Also he's fat and unathletic and vastly overpaid.

How is any of that hyperbole and not true?


Bronze Squire
Who's gonna be batting in front of Prince, and how hard did he thank God?
It has been shown time and time again that 'protection theory' is a myth and there is no evidence to support it. There have been numerous studies and there's been no link found between the performance of a batter and quality of the player hitting behind him. And it never made sense to begin with, forget the numbers, and just think about it for a second:

Seriously, here's the basic theory - if there's a good hitter on deck, pitchers will want to avoid pitching to that guy with a runner on base, so they'll throw more strikes in order to avoid walks. These strikes are apparently meatballs, and because the batter in front of the feared hitter is now getting good pitches to hit, he'll get more hits and get on base more often. The theory demands the pitchers actually pitch in such a way that they fail at the original stated goal, which is to avoid pitching to good hitters with runners on base. Apparently, we're supposed to believe that pitchers are dumb enough to not notice that this suboptimal pitching strategy allows the guy in front of the good hitter to get more hits, as they just continue pounding fastballs in the strike zone that Mediocre Hitter X can whack.

With just a few exceptions, pitchers are not dumb. If they can get Chone Figgins (or whoever) to hit .230 by pitching him the way they are now, sans home run hitter behind him, they're not going to suddenly start pitching him in a way that will let him hit .280. That's counterproductive to their entire goal. If the protection theory was legitimate, and pitchers did indeed throw meatballs to guys batting in front of big sluggers, they would quickly figure out that this wasn't a very good idea, and that they would be better off pitching each hitter in a way that gives them the absolute best chance of getting that guy out, regardless of who is on deck. Which is exactly what they do.
The Problem With The Protection Theory | U.S.S. Mariner


<Prior Amod>
Detroit goes from making one of it's best moves in a long time to making one of it's most retarded.

seriously, what the fuck.


Jack Z couldn't have come up with a better way to troll the Mariner fanbase than to sign Willie Bloomquist.