MMA Thread





New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
its literally like JH pads his gloves with cement, he wasnt even throwing full power punches, and look at GSP fucking face jesus...
GSP has looked the worse for wear after several fights that he won. Such as against BJ Penn and Jake Shields. I think he is one of those guys that just gets busted up pretty easily. Usually he avoids getting hit, but if he gets touched at all his face gets fucked up pretty bad.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I love how every bad decision gets instantly inflated to the worst most lopsided miscarriage of justice of all time=P Dickhead judges got it wrong by one round, "WORST DECISION OF ALL TIME!"...let's not forget Leonard Garcia's string of "wins" people=P

Ameraves is right that GSP marks up easy, but this was way way more than that. He was still out of it when the fight was over, that dude took serious damage that isn't healing any time soon.

Yay Lawler.

Double yay Woodley, that hook was fuckingsavage. Look at the strain on his face as he throws it in the 3rd angle.


SPOILER - UFC 167 GSP VS Hendricks Full Event GIFs : MMA

And just for completeness

SPOILERS - Legacy FC 25 Almost Full Event GIFs : MMA


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Love that new avatar, Grumpus!

UFC 167 Roundup -- Georges St-Pierre beats Johny Hendricks, says he's leaving - ESPN

According to Dana, GSP wants to fight again he is just having some personal issues that Dana feels they can get worked out. He is aiming for an immediate rematch for them.

"He wants to fight," said White, following a brief closed-door meeting with St-Pierre. "This isn't about fighting. It really isn't about fighting or retiring. It's a personal problem that has him very, very upset right now and I'm very confident we can work it out."
Of course that is Dana, and you just never know with him.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I love how every bad decision gets instantly inflated to the worst most lopsided miscarriage of justice of all time=P Dickhead judges got it wrong by one round, "WORST DECISION OF ALL TIME!"...let's not forget Leonard Garcia's string of "wins" people=P
I still feel pretty good about saying this was the worst decision of all time. Maybe I'd change my mind if I looked at the round to round scoring but the bottom line is that GSP got his ass kicked on Saturday, did very little to Hendricks and kept his title.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I feel like there have been worse out there, but I can't think of any off the top of my head this very moment. I will go back and look through some to see if I can jog my memory.

The reason this isn't the worst of all time is it is literally one round where the discrepancy is. It isn't like Hendricks clearly won all 5 rounds, or even 4 really. I personally think it was pretty damn clear that he won 3 without question. But having 1 round called wrong isn't the worst decision of all time.

Let me be clear in saying that I totally agree it was a bad decision, and one that GSP clearly lost. Just not sure it is worst of all time.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
you make a good point. I guess I'm conflating the actual scoring mechanism with it being a champion fight and how bad GSP was hurt. From his own words he doesn't remember huge parts of the fight.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
another thing that's lost on this is that GSP really proved he can take a punch and keep coming. In fact I'd argue that once he started getting hit he switched to a much more aggressive style. He may not have been able to come back from it but that proved he has the heart of a champion in a way that his last handful of fights didn't.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Why is no one upset that it seems pretty obvious that JH tapped out in that fight?
I won't lie, I thought I saw that happen during the fight and figured it was just a weird angle. The gif seems to show it as well that he was going to tap maybe, I dunno. Seems like the hold wasn't on there long enough for him to actually tap, unless he somehow freaked out. I am guessing it was just some weird movement of his hand maybe. Dunno


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You think he tapped out to that sick underhook GSP had?

I saw the tap when it happened but it made no sense because GSP's guillotine wasn't anywhere near threatening. It was almost certainly just a weird hand movement that happened to look like a tap.


Why is no one upset that it seems pretty obvious that JH tapped out in that fight?
I see on that gif where it kind of looks like hes starting to tap to that neckcrank as GSP releases it, but I think it's just his arm/hand kinda bouncing a bit as he pulls it out from under GSP. If GSP had it locked in solid enough to tap him it would be strange for him to release it like that.


Vyemm Raider
Not a tap IMO, the supposed hand movement comes AFTER GSP had let go of the hold, Folks in the UFC don't tap out AFTER they escape.


Although the more I watch it the more it does look like he is tapping, like hes going out, even after GSP releases hes still kinda tapping, and then the circulation starts again and he regains composure.