Most screwed up thing your parent/bro/sis/gf/bf has told you?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I hope that the number of fucked up families, molestations, and rapes being reported here is skewed due to the fact that people who come from largely normal families aren't jumping in to post "Everything was fine and dandy, nothing to report." again and again.
I'm sure it is, but FWIW, I consider myself to have a "largely normal" family. We had my fucked up grandfather, and my Dad got into trouble for 4 or 5 years with drinking before he got sober and stayed that way for 19 years and I have one cousin that is currently strung out on pills and in the process of ruining his life but for the most part my family is pretty good and made up of productive, not especially fucked up people.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I think I'm with McCheese on this one. Whenever my life seems stressed I'll be able to look in this thread and have it purged out right quick. Holy shit I'm both amazed and dismayed at the amount of fucked up families and abuses. Makes my pitiful alcoholic (former to boot) relatives seem down right friendly and "kumbaya"-ist.

*Edit - Props to everyone who has worked through all the shit or is still working on it.*


Silver Squire
I had a nice easy life but I dated a girl who had something really bad sexually happen to her.We were watching a movie on the couch one night and started to mess around a little bit and then she just flipped the fuck out....I didn't know WTF was going on and then she was crying and apologizing.She gave me the whole story after she calmed down a little and I was horrified.I still get upset thinking about it years later.She is the sweetest girl I have ever met and I can't believe some shithead had to wreck her mind with memories like that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
At first I was completely horrified by all your fucked up stories. But then I remembered my cousins.

The backstory (you could probably skip): My dad died when I was 2, and so my mom and I were mostly poor when I was growing up. We lived with my aunt and her husband for a while, and I had 3 cousins. The oldest was a guy, close to my age. Then I had two younger female cousins. So they were kind of like sisters. Anyway, their dad died of cancer (he was a shitbag, I'll do a separate section for that). We eventually part ways and we're living in different households, but still within a few minutes of eachother.

So anyway, my aunt is now single and she is collecting social security and welfare from her now dead husband (actually 2nd husband, first was divorced). She basically spends all her time online in chat rooms (this was mid-90's). It gets to the point where she'd have random people staying with them at their house all the time. This probably went on for almost a decade. I liked a lot of the people that'd live with them, but looking at it now it was incredibly fucked. Semi-related, but I later found out she's polyamorous and she'd be "dating" some of them.

End backstory.

So I moved away from my family at 18 because of the military, but I'd go back every year for Thanksgiving to visit. Over a series of 3 or 4 of these visits, I kept getting more fucked up information. Around the time the older female cousin was 15 or 16 and the younger was 12 or 13, it came out that one of the guys who their mother (my aunt) was dating had molested them. They were like 3-4 and 7-8 I think. Pretty fucked up. The trial was pretty brutal, since they were minors and scared shitless to testify against this guy (in the event that he wasn't convicted). He's currently in jail, and now every couple years I get to hear updates on his parole, which he was denied last month. I think he's also sent them death threats a few times.

The next year, I'm there and they tell me that the oldest female had been pregnant at 16 and got an abortion.

And then next year is when the whole polyamorous thing came out. Apparently my aunt had been driving up to Rhode Island or some shit for sex parties. It wasn't a big deal I guess, until that is she took her son (the oldest cousin) with her to partake (he was probably mid 20's at this point).

As far as my step-uncle (the one who died of cancer), he was apparently pretty hard into heroin. At one point he ended up getting shot in the head in a drug deal gone wrong in DC. He was a complete asshole and I think everyone was glad that cancer got him eventually. He abused the shit out of my oldest cousin (who was his step-son) and I even remember getting hit a few times by him. But I never got it like my cousin, who apparently was punished by using a lighter and burning his asshole.

So really, my aunt and her kids were incredibly fucked up. The cousins are 33, 24, and 22, and the oldest 2 are just barely finally turning their lives around a bit. But for the most part they've all been heavy drug users and pretty much fuckups. The youngest was in nursing school but ended up having severe back problems and had to drop out.


My life was pretty normal. The only thing that I thought was fucked up was my real father abandoning my mother when she was pregnant with me. That and my mother giving me up to Foster Care. Meh, shit happens and I made it out stronger than 99% of my peers and with more opportunities and money!


Silver Knight of the Realm
By comparison, my childhood was pretty normal. Parents got divorced when I was 3, and my mom and siblings and I moved around a lot staying with/near family and such, but nothing major. No drugs/alcohol/sexual type dysfunction, aside from my great-grandmother being about the most racist woman I've ever met (if she were watching the news and some story about crime that involved a black person, she'd always start on about "the goddamn nigras."

Worst thing I heard was what my dad told me after he divorced his second wife. She was fucked six ways from Sunday and according to my grandparents, who knew her parents, might have been the victim of some type of molestation from her dad. At the time, I was like 12 and I hated her and her son (whom I stole $100 from out of spite one weekend, I didn't really dislike the kid, just dumb shit kids do I guess) so I didn't give it a second thought.

Anyway, so my stepmom apparently used to be a model (I saw some old photos of what I assumed were photo shoots and she was sort of attractive, but really let herself go). She didn't work for a while because her pops was a lawyer and her husband was a pro football player (I met the guy and some of his teammates, so I know that was true). At some point, she got some wild hair up her ass to be an EMT so some guy who lived in their neighborhood offered to help her get started and train her and whatnot. One night, she was over at his house and was so ripped to the tits drunk, that she couldn't find her keys. She had this large, gaudy gold heart on her keychain, and the guy put it over his cock and said he'd give it back if she blew him. She did. A few weeks later, she decides that my dad cheated on her (I've never really broached that with my dad because regardless if he did or not, he needed to get out of that relationship) and wants a divorce. She's had a bit to drink and just goes absolutely apeshit. They had this big armoire in their bedroom where he kept his suits which she proceeds to empty, throw the suits on their bed and start to douse them with gasoline. Luckily, he was able to stop her before she set the whole goddamn house on fire. So yeah, there's that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My aunt is the only real fucked up person in the family. She was in an abusive (Raped? I think) relationship in her late teens/early twenties, sought counselling (with a hypnotherapist) after ending that, and "recovered" memories of my Grandfather raping her while under hypnosis. She goes batshit for a while, changes her name, and moves halfway across the country. She was the second youngest of my mom's seven siblings, and my Grandfather broke his back shortly after the last kid was born. The operation was botched and he had a sheath of scar tissue grow up his spinal column, effectively crippling him, so the likelihood of any shenanigans was pretty goddamn minuscule. But recovered memories!

I find out about all of this after she gave me the whole feminazi "No means no, and yes means no if she changes her mind about it at any point in her life!" lecture when I was 17. Apparently she thought I was a rapist-in-training or something, because all men are rapists.


my brother told me some of his friends robbed a casino, got away with about $20k and than went on a celebration holiday and invited my brother with them.
Lots of drugs and parties later... they arrived on the airport back in our homecountry where they were all arrested. Brother got away with like a week comm. service.

Also, my bro and a friend kidnapped a guy because he owed money to the friend... Stripped him naked and left him in Germany, like 600km away from his home.

The end.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I hope that the number of fucked up families, molestations, and rapes being reported here is skewed due to the fact that people who come from largely normal families aren't jumping in to post "Everything was fine and dandy, nothing to report." again and again.
My parents divorced when I was little, but both have full time jobs and are relatively well off independently now. Other than that "Everything was fine and dandy, nothing to report." You guys are all fucked up and I shudder to think of what sort of hellholes you grew up in.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
amazingly, my parents were mostly lower middle class and my grandparents are definitely mid to upper middle class based on income.

Another great parenting story: my dad and mom when high got a kick out of making me and my little brother wrestle and fight....until one day he pushed me into a TV or something and I got a black eye. So I jumped up and went Nightowl-on-Topknot on his face for a few seconds before my dad broke it up while laughing. They then held me while my brother headbutted me in retaliation. Later, I tied him up outside during mosquito season and left him for 4 hours.

Also, I had an uncle on my dad's side that got so fucked up on meth one time that he was carrying around a cup of bleach like it was beer. I assume he didn't drink any of it. Same uncle once threw a guy through a plate glass window and cut him up over stabbing my dad for breaking up a fight. Same uncle also hung himself last year leaving behind a decidedly sweet but probably fucked up son that I help out with.

I moved away...far away and have a boring engineering job and all that with a decent house and car. It was still surreal to walk up to my boss a few years back and say "Um, i have to leave..." "Why?" "Well, my dad was just shot..." That was over some skank he started dating (that I graduated HS with but I digress). Still, that shit doesn't happen in the whitebread Ph.D. engineer world I don't think...embarrassing family.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
amazingly, my parents were mostly lower middle class and my grandparents are definitely mid to upper middle class based on income.

Another great parenting story: my dad and mom when high got a kick out of making me and my little brother wrestle and fight....until one day he pushed me into a TV or something and I got a black eye. So I jumped up and went Nightowl-on-Topknot on his face for a few seconds before my dad broke it up while laughing. They then held me while my brother headbutted me in retaliation. Later, I tied him up outside during mosquito season and left him for 4 hours.

Also, I had an uncle on my dad's side that got so fucked up on meth one time that he was carrying around a cup of bleach like it was beer. I assume he didn't drink any of it. Same uncle once threw a guy through a plate glass window and cut him up over stabbing my dad for breaking up a fight. Same uncle also hung himself last year leaving behind a decidedly sweet but probably fucked up son that I help out with.

I moved away...far away and have a boring engineering job and all that with a decent house and car. It was still surreal to walk up to my boss a few years back and say "Um, i have to leave..." "Why?" "Well, my dad was just shot..." That was over some skank he started dating (that I graduated HS with but I digress). Still, that shit doesn't happen in the whitebread Ph.D. engineer world I don't think...embarrassing family.
What part of Appalachia are you from?
Back in high school I was dating this girl for a while. Everything was going good and seemed normal. She had a Stepfather that seemed cool, normal mom, and normal few years older than her brother. Her dad had split years before and she never really saw him. Come time for her to graduate, her dad wants to see her and she wouldnt go meet him alone and wanted me to come with her to some shady motel to meet him. She never told me what happened with him, but I had my thoughts that he may have molested her and her brother.

Anyway, a few months go by, and we've been dating for about a year or so Id say and she just up and decides shes going to move to Las Vegas. I was pissed because I thought things were going good, and she decided that she was gonna move 200 miles away. I even talk to her and say Ill make the drive as much as I can. She moves and I help her move and come out to visit her and she tells me she wants to break up. I ask why and she starts telling me all this stuff about how her step father beats her mom and her and that her brother has been raping her since she was like 8 or 9 years old and that it happened pretty much up until high school. Thats why she had to get away. My mind was blown. What do I do? Go to the police and pretty much break up the family? She would have been pissed so I couldnt and she didnt want me to tell anyone. Im pretty sure her mother knew but never did anything about it. She even seemed to have a great relationship with her brother (no puns intended) like all buddy buddy and what not.

I havent talked to her in about a year, but she seems to be doing fine, and her brother works for Homeland Security now.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I hope that the number of fucked up families, molestations, and rapes being reported here is skewed due to the fact that people who come from largely normal families aren't jumping in to post "Everything was fine and dandy, nothing to report." again and again.
My immediate family was more or less 100% fine/normal aside from my dad telling weird hook up stories. Parents where divorced by the time I came along so I really didnt spend time with my dad and my mom is just about the picture perfect mother.

As for my extended family, there is something a lot more screwed up. Last time I saw my cousin a few years ago before he died, he came out to me. He gave me the usual ive been gay this long and all that and why he thinks hes gay: he was molested at a young age by one of our cousins. Even more screwed up thing about is he said he told one of our aunts about it and she didnt do anything, she just told him to stay away from the molester.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Back in high school I was dating this girl for a while. Everything was going good and seemed normal. She had a Stepfather that seemed cool, normal mom, and normal few years older than her brother. Her dad had split years before and she never really saw him. Come time for her to graduate, her dad wants to see her and she wouldnt go meet him alone and wanted me to come with her to some shady motel to meet him. She never told me what happened with him, but I had my thoughts that he may have molested her and her brother.

Anyway, a few months go by, and we've been dating for about a year or so Id say and she just up and decides shes going to move to Las Vegas. I was pissed because I thought things were going good, and she decided that she was gonna move 200 miles away. I even talk to her and say Ill make the drive as much as I can. She moves and I help her move and come out to visit her and she tells me she wants to break up. I ask why and she starts telling me all this stuff about how her step father beats her mom and her and that her brother has been raping her since she was like 8 or 9 years old and that it happened pretty much up until high school. Thats why she had to get away. My mind was blown. What do I do? Go to the police and pretty much break up the family? She would have been pissed so I couldnt and she didnt want me to tell anyone. Im pretty sure her mother knew but never did anything about it. She even seemed to have a great relationship with her brother (no puns intended) like all buddy buddy and what not.

I havent talked to her in about a year, but she seems to be doing fine, and her brother works for Homeland Security now.
Oh good, so he's probably raping immigrants or illegal aliens now.

You should have went to the police and told them everything instead of letting her keep that rapey abuse mess together.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nah man, it was Geoffrey. Molested that whole family, including Uncle Phil.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Later, I tied him up outside during mosquito season and left him for 4 hours.
Damn dude. That's some pretty cold revenge. Just thinking about makes me wanna scratch a layer or two of skin off. Ugh.