MTG: Arena


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Dropping cash isn't a great proposition right now with how shitty the system for 5th+ copies of cards is. You hit diminishing returns real fast just slamming open packs because anything over the 4th is essentially worthless right now.

Unless you just want to jam sealed/draft forever I'd give it a few weeks and see if they change anything.


Trakanon Raider
Oh I don't really care about that vault stuff. I just want good entertainment/dollar and I'll probably put 100+ hours easily since I've been waiting for a convenient non paper MTG forever that wasn't MTG:O or the other terrible versions.


Trakanon Raider
Lol this guy refused to give up.

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Trakanon Raider
I do this a lot. I've obviously lost, but fuck man. I gotta cast them 40 spells to get my next deck unlocked. So, here we go.

I don't think spells count in momir just wins, but if so I should have been doing that!


<Bronze Donator>
I do this a lot. I've obviously lost, but fuck man. I gotta cast them 40 spells to get my next deck unlocked. So, here we go.

Plus it's always a learning experience at the very least. :)


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Dropping cash isn't a great proposition right now with how shitty the system for 5th+ copies of cards is. You hit diminishing returns real fast just slamming open packs because anything over the 4th is essentially worthless right now.

Unless you just want to jam sealed/draft forever I'd give it a few weeks and see if they change anything.
My vault unlocked from opening a sealed deck, so something is working.

BTW, playing sealed on the weekend is the way to go. I went 2x 7-wins and 2x 5-wins in the 4 I played this weekend, competition was harder during the week.
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Trakanon Raider
So apparently you can lose by having too many resolves and eventually timing out.

Just wasted 2 hours =O

Though we got an Ajani's to 182 stacks while being Luminous Bonded.

A+ deck, will never play again.


Trakanon Raider
My vault unlocked from opening a sealed deck, so something is working.
Oh, the system 'works', it's just you get very little from each individual card. Unless they changed the math in the last few months, it was like 4% per 5th mythic, 1% per 5th rare, and something like .1% for uncommons. I just remember you needed 100 'extra' rares to open a vault, which is ridiculously small.
That said, at the end of beta I had most cards and was crushing most drafts (specifically, I was good at m19 and DOM), so I was still opening one vault every 4-6 days that I played. Basically, I wouldn't suggest anyone spend money on packs, just drafts. Even if you can't get 4+ wins consistently, I believe it still works out to a lot more cards per dollar. I don't have the exact math anymore, but I vaguely recall it being cheaper than buying packs even at an avg of 1.5-2 wins. So, unless you hate draft with a passion, it's the best way to build a collection on mtga.

edit: OH, also, once you have the specific commons/uncommons you need for decks, spend the wildcards you get on whatever you don't have 4 copies of yet. That way, when you open them in packs you get a little more vault progress. You will eventually build up a huge surplus of common/uncommon wildcards, so might as well funnel them towards getting rare/mythic wildcards instead.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Oh, the system 'works', it's just you get very little from each individual card. Unless they changed the math in the last few months, it was like 4% per 5th mythic, 1% per 5th rare, and something like .1% for uncommons. I just remember you needed 100 'extra' rares to open a vault, which is ridiculously small.
That said, at the end of beta I had most cards and was crushing most drafts (specifically, I was good at m19 and DOM), so I was still opening one vault every 4-6 days that I played. Basically, I wouldn't suggest anyone spend money on packs, just drafts. Even if you can't get 4+ wins consistently, I believe it still works out to a lot more cards per dollar. I don't have the exact math anymore, but I vaguely recall it being cheaper than buying packs even at an avg of 1.5-2 wins. So, unless you hate draft with a passion, it's the best way to build a collection on mtga.

edit: OH, also, once you have the specific commons/uncommons you need for decks, spend the wildcards you get on whatever you don't have 4 copies of yet. That way, when you open them in packs you get a little more vault progress. You will eventually build up a huge surplus of common/uncommon wildcards, so might as well funnel them towards getting rare/mythic wildcards instead.

It´s even worse than that for vault progress, here are the precise numbers:

  • Mythic — 1.1%
  • Rare — 0.5%
  • Uncommon — 0.3%
  • Common — 0.1%
So you need 90 mythic rare fifth copies to open the vault, or 200 rares, or 1000 commons. The vault is silly anyways, with the reward being 1 mythic rare 2 rare and 3 uncommon wildcards you get on average the same amount of wildcards from opening 10-12 packs. Additionally, you win packs from drafting and as you cant pay your entry with packs you might as well crack them. I hope they come up with some brilliant solution to the fifth copy issue, but if they had a good idea I´m pretty sure we would have seen it by now.


Potato del Grande
I hope they come up with some brilliant solution to the fifth copy issue, but if they had a good idea I´m pretty sure we would have seen it by now.
Set specific wildcards of the same rarity as the dupe?

Gold refund? Maybe 100% if you bought the pack, lower % if it's a reward pack.

Hearthstone kinda has a mix of the two where you get like a 10% refund of a curreny to make wildcards.


Tranny Chaser
The system could try to avoid giving you duplicate cards with that chance increasing by rarity. As it stands right now if you are looking to complete a set it gets harder to finish the closer you get. You don't want to shit on people that are throwing money at you.
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<Bronze Donator>
i read somewhere that they are actively trying to come up with a better way to handle the 5th copies. they want to get it right the first time they change it ,so they're taking their time to really think it out, but i did see that one big idea they were thinking was what Arbvitrary^ proposed, having packs respect your library and reduce the chance of giving you 5th dupes.

it was stickied on the MTGA Reddit, but no longer. can't find it via Reddit's crappy search function.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
i read somewhere that they are actively trying to come up with a better way to handle the 5th copies. they want to get it right the first time they change it ,so they're taking their time to really think it out, but i did see that one big idea they were thinking was what Arbvitrary^ proposed, having packs respect your library and reduce the chance of giving you 5th dupes.

it was stickied on the MTGA Reddit, but no longer. can't find it via Reddit's crappy search function.
This would only work for people jamming packs though, not people who expand their collection via sealed and draft.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
They need to do something and do it fast, because the current system actively discourages you from not only spending wildcards to play the fucking game, but also from just spending money in general as the value of packs very quickly dips in to the near-worthless territory.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Not sure how many of you guys know about this website but MTG Arena Pro is pretty sweet. Tracks all of your decks automatically, win/loss, how you do against other color combos stuff like that. Has a decent deck building tool that you can use to export to MTGA as well. Just need to download the tracker program thats on the site and use a token from the site to link to your MTGA account. Figured some of you would get some use out of it.

MTG Arena Pro


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
They need to do something and do it fast, because the current system actively discourages you from not only spending wildcards to play the fucking game, but also from just spending money in general as the value of packs very quickly dips in to the near-worthless territory.
Yeah, 5th copies of rares should give you half a rare wild card progress, and same for uncommons. This should apply whether you open them from packs or limited.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
I may check this out. Used to do a good bit of MTGO, is there any transfer of assets? Think I have a few hundo worth of shit on their. Is this the next iteration of mtgo (buy cards buy packs ect ect)?

edit: also i'm dl'n now if there's any referral shit