MTG thread


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well, I mean, any attempt at hard-assing a Pre-release is defeated by the 5 guys who went to the midnight pre-release and purchased Intro Decks (Fuck wotc for making these things sellable AT the prerelease. They know the reason people buy their inefficient shit that night is to cheat the rest of the weekend) to create a pool of cards to "fix" their saturday and sunday decks anyway. Taking any sealed event without deck reg and swap seriously isn't a great plan

My main problem with the seeded packs was that they made it easier for the substitution cheaters to *defend* their cheating, since there was a way higher than "normal" instance of cards on-color being at 3x/4x with the seeded packs.

I miss Sealed Deck +2 Boosters. You could, mathematically, only have a maximum of 4 copies of ONE common, as there was only one repeat slot in the starter, and the likelihood of having more than 2 of an uncommon was incredibly low. It didn't stop the substitution cheaters (Unless they were dumb enough to 4x two different common sets), but it reined in the power of their decks.


Lord Nagafen Raider
People getting ruthless to win those prizes.

I got ruthless in my own way at FNM: played RG Devotion. Went 4-0 and only dropped 1 game on a mulligan to 5.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well, our shops put Moxen (hooray for Shop Owners who played magic in their youth), Duals, Multiple Boxes per t8 Member and shit in their t8s at the pre-releases in an attempt to drive the other stores out of the Pre-release business, then insist it's still a casual event that doesn't need deck reg/swap; so yes, it becomes an issue. 13 Game stores in a medium sized city creates a magical cannibal circus.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So that sort of prize structure and pre-releases being casual rules enforcement equals the MtG equivalent of the Gold Rush?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I did actually see someone murder another player with a Pick-axe and then scribble their name on the guy's pre-release box.


Trakanon Raider
Well, our shops put Moxen (hooray for Shop Owners who played magic in their youth), Duals, Multiple Boxes per t8 Member and shit in their t8s at the pre-releases in an attempt to drive the other stores out of the Pre-release business, then insist it's still a casual event that doesn't need deck reg/swap; so yes, it becomes an issue. 13 Game stores in a medium sized city creates a magical cannibal circus.
Atlanta has close to 30. It's madness.


Trakanon Raider
Been messing with a sealed gen for origins to get a feel for the set, had one pool give me 3 thunderclap wyvern and 8 other flyers lol. Been a nice pool to have on Sat.


Trakanon Raider
That's pretty insane. We're the only shop in the one town and one of 3 in the other town we have locations in. Atlanta is much bigger than either town, but that's still a fuckton.
It makes scheduling PPTQs pretty insane. There are only a handful of L2s for it all, so we stay busy as shit. Practically every weekend is booked from here until November.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah, in order for our stores to survive they pretty much had to all get together at a Perkins, avoid strangling each other for a couple hours, and plot out a non-conflicting PPTQ/GPT schedule.


Local shop I don't usually go to is doing a midnight but I have to work the next day so doubt I will do that. It will take many hours of play.

Sat/Sun at the place I usually go to they are doing noon which is during work but I can flex my shift and take a few hours during the middle of it and just make it longer. Not sure which I will do.


Molten Core Raider
Midnight prerelease. Took the white planeswalker pack. Got foil Gideon as my seeded rare. had a solid straight white deck. Curved 1 2 3 4 5 drops perfectly. 4-0 no sweat. Lost one game to a Nissa turn 7. Gideon opening hand all but 2 games, they were over by turn 5. He is a total beast in sealed. The other three folks who went 4-0 had Jace. Was a short 4 round prerelease so prize support was based on wins. 10 packs for 4-0, 6 packs for 3-0-1, 4 packs for 3-1. The rest got a pack a win. Really like the speed of this prerelease.

Gonna try to get in two more Sat, and another on Sunday.


Got stuck with the blue seeded pack and got a Jace promo. 2-3 running U/R trash.dec. All of my rares were off color and most of my pool was mediocre at best. If you can get it, white is the way to go.


Oh man I did so terrible. Went 2-3 and I pulled two mythics neither in my color. One of them was The Great Aurora aka the worst mythic ever, the other was Woodland Bellower which is good but I traded it for a Pyromancer's Goggles which is good for my red addiction.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Managed to dodge all the amazing 2-drops in the format in order to pilot my Curve-Starts-At-3 (not by choice) R/W Control deck to a finals prize split.

Every time you play Gideon's Phalanx, it is the best feeling.

Grabbit Allworth

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I guess I truly am the definition of spike. I don't play in pre-releases, especially not ones around here where you're basically paying full individual pack retail for the event and has utter shit for prize support. It's a complete waste of time and money. If it doesn't qualify me for an event, have at least a 3x PwP multiplier (gotta keep those byes), or have extremely good prize support, you won't see me there.

I really wish I enjoyed Magic for Magic like a lot of people do.


Trakanon Raider
I guess I truly am the definition of spike. I don't play in pre-releases, especially not ones around here where you're basically paying full individual pack retail for the event and has utter shit for prize support. It's a complete waste of time and money. If it doesn't qualify me for an event, have at least a 3x PwP multiplier (gotta keep those byes), or have extremely good prize support, you won't see me there.

I really wish I enjoyed Magic for Magic like a lot of people do.
Place I go to locally charges $24 for a prerelease, with the price getting cheaper the more you do (doing all 5 only costs you $100) and even if you got 0-2 drop you get a pity pack. Makes it worth it for me.

In other news, anyone else see the new akroma (red and white) for from the vault angels? Its sexy as hell.