MTG thread


Golden Squire
I'm running G/R monsters tonight at FNM. Any ideas for what might be good in the side board for the mirror? Right now my side boarding involves replacing two Xenagos with Chandra's and then bringing in two more Mizzium Mortar's.


Molten Core Raider
I'm running G/R monsters tonight at FNM. Any ideas for what might be good in the side board for the mirror? Right now my side boarding involves replacing two Xenagos with Chandra's and then bringing in two more Mizzium Mortar's.
Time to Feed maybe?


Lord of Guk
I'm running G/R monsters tonight at FNM. Any ideas for what might be good in the side board for the mirror? Right now my side boarding involves replacing two Xenagos with Chandra's and then bringing in two more Mizzium Mortar's.
Ran this as well, 4-0. Romps mono black, feels good man.


Potato del Grande
lol I'm totally trolling my FNM with Brave the Elements and Fortify.

"You think you will win because of your overwhelming board presence and the fact that I am on 4 life? I attack for 21 damage".


Molten Core Raider
Did my first sealed draft last night. Shit is tough. I enjoyed the 3 pack draft more as a play style but I think sealed really puts your deck building skills to the test.

Not sure which I prefer for collecting yet...

Doing a 2014 core set draft tonight. Not sure how to play it. Seems like blue and black are super strong. So do I force those or maybe go red green aggro type since those colors might be more open. All the guys i'm playing with have been playing for 10+ years verse me with about 3 weeks experience.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did my first sealed draft last night. Shit is tough. I enjoyed the 3 pack draft more as a play style but I think sealed really puts your deck building skills to the test.

Not sure which I prefer for collecting yet...

Doing a 2014 core set draft tonight. Not sure how to play it. Seems like blue and black are super strong. So do I force those or maybe go red green aggro type since those colors might be more open. All the guys i'm playing with have been playing for 10+ years verse me with about 3 weeks experience.
Strong is strong, but what you pick/force depends on what you and the others around you open. Black being strong means jack shit if there's only 10 black cards amongst the lot of you :p


Molten Core Raider
I was thinking maybe trying for Act of Treason and red/green slivers. And try and snipe some Doomblades or whatever. Unless I open a huge bomb in another color. After doing a ton of practice drafts on Tappedout it seems like there is always 2-3 Act of Treasons and tons of slivers. Use just 1-3 drop creatures and use Act Of Treason to steal bombs.

Or switch out whichever one of those for White slivers if its stronger picking and change Act Of treason for Pacifism's

I hope we open shit like this on our first boosters, jesus christ.


I was thinking maybe trying for Act of Treason and red/green slivers. And try and snipe some Doomblades or whatever. Unless I open a huge bomb in another color. After doing a ton of practice drafts on Tappedout it seems like there is always 2-3 Act of Treasons and tons of slivers. Use just 1-3 drop creatures and use Act Of Treason to steal bombs.

Or switch out whichever one of those for White slivers if its stronger picking and change Act Of treason for Pacifism's

I hope we open shit like this on our first boosters, jesus christ.
What is a bomb in Constructed (because you can guarantee up to 4 of) is not necessarily a bomb in Limited/Sealed. Just be careful of that.


Molten Core Raider
I went 2-3 for fourth place out of 6. Pretty happy about it. The packs people opened as a whole were insane. I pulled a Mutavault in my first pack. I honestly cant even remember what all the good rares were. Everyone ending up having really good competitive decks.

I made out like a bandit. After we redrafted the rares everyone just gave me all of there uncommons and commons. My collection grows!


Molten Core Raider
Played EDH today for the first time. Friend loaned me a deck for it. With shit in it like Fist of The Suns,Chromatic Lantern, Nicol Bolas Planeswalker. Commander was Progenitus.

Epic amounts of fun were had. I need a EDH deck...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Played EDH today for the first time. Friend loaned me a deck for it. With shit in it like Fist of The Suns,Chromatic Lantern, Nicol Bolas Planeswalker. Commander was Progenitus.

Epic amounts of fun were had. I need a EDH deck...
That sounds VERY much like a deck a buddy of mine has....they're big MMA fans too....the plot thickens.

Grabbit Allworth

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
5th. Punted hard that cost me the match.

Situation - it's my turn, opponent has two pack rats in play and 1 untapped land (Mutavault). I have two Pharika's cures in hand a 4 black mana available. I cast one cure targeting a rat (hoping he may forget the Mutavault pump. Multiple packrats inspire desperate tactics in the mirror), he doesn't and taps it. Here's where I punt, instead of responding to the Mutavault activation trigger and targeting the other rat with my second cure (which would have killed both rats once everything resolved) I targeted the same rat with the second cure in my hand. This leaves him with a rat in play and obviously allows him to untap and effectively win the game.

I know, it's realllllly bad, but no one, my opponent or any of those watching the match saw the play and I didn't realize it until almost two hours later. We were playing extremely quickly, but that's no excuse.
I just got back from GP Sacramento. Made day 2 and ended up 123 out of roughly 1850 players. Tournament payout was to top 100
. I didn't realize until I was thinking about it over dinner, but if we had ID'd the last round, my opponent and I would have both made top 100 (31 pointes) and even though he won he still didn't make the cut to top 64 (for an increased payout). Sometimes you don't think about these things getting caught up in the moment, but man am I kicking myself for it.

First day was sealed and my pool had Thassa and Shipbreaker Kraken. Sealock Monster and Prescient Chimera helped to enable devotion, but rarely was Thassa active. I had a couple Vulpine Goliaths, but otherwise nothing too outrageous. I settled on UGr. I had 2 byes from winning a GPT and then lost the first round coming out of that. I thought it would be a short day, but ripped off 5 in a row to guarantee day 2 whether I won or lost the last round (I lost).

Second day was made up of 2 drafts. First draft was very awkward with a first pick Nessian Asp and then not much to back it up in green. I ended up with a Bant pile and went 1-2 on the back of a couple Benthic Giants. The only regret I had in this draft was taking a Phalanx Leader instead of a Sealock Monster. I hadn't settled on blue yet and the soldier seemed better than the octopus, but in hindsight the octopus would have fit my deck so much better. Second draft was super sweet and I pulled out a really good BG deck with 3 Nessian Asp, 3 Vulpine Goliath and 3 Sip of Hemlock. The problem is that the deck is really slow. I had 4 Opaline Unicorn to ramp, but I knew the deck would be weak to fast aggro and deathtouch dudes. Fortunately no one I played had any red or white heroic rush, but my third round opponent (the aforementioned guy that I should've drawn with) had a turn 2 Baleful Eidolon and turn 3 Agent of the Fates which made me put on the brakes. He won on the back of a Colossus of Akros and I was sad.

Overall I had a great time and am already considering pretty hard heading to Richmond in March for the next US GP. I just need to play a lot of modern between now and then.


Trakanon Raider
Doh! Sorry Grabbit. Honestly, as obvious as it sounds in hindsight that is a subtle enough play that I'm sure pretty much everyone else would have missed it as well.

I'll be at Richmond for sure. At least for right now, Modern is my favorite format. I'm incredibly disappointed in Theros-RTR Standard, and while I love Legacy I'm unable to play it enough to really feel like I have a good grasp of the format. Modern is where I feel the most capable at the moment.

I'm not 100% settled on a deck for Richmond yet. It will depend on banlist announcements next week. There's an awful lot of talk about Deathrite seeing a ban, which I don't agree with at all. If he goes, I'll probably go with Scapeshift. If not, it's a toss up between that and Junk.


Molten Core Raider
Deck I built for Standard when BNG comes out. Just played a few test games against the mono blue devotion that has been floating around the pro tour. I won 2-1, I played tested against myself using tappedout. I might not know how to run the mono blue deck like a pro but its still very strong.

There is a very strong synergy with my mino's and Mutavaults. The Akroan crusaders are there for 1 drops to pump with Deviant Glee early, or to trigger Purphoros later. I would side board removal of course.

I have tried it a couple times, the curve is weird but it plays pretty smooth. Springleaf drum saves me if I cant draw the mana I need.

MiNO Tribal ( MTG Deck)