Naked and Afraid


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
not really watching the show, but I've caught it a few times and I have some questions.

1. Is anyone failing? All of them I've seen they seem to make it, even if sometimes their scores are lowered.
2. Have any of the couples had sex that we know of?

In the one I saw last night, the girl had the best ass of any I've seen. Of course, she was a mega bitch too, so i guess it figures. I didn't watch the end to see if her ass stayed intact.

Oh and did someone say there was a mormon on the show? I doubt it, as a good practicing mormon wouldn't be allowed to take off his holy mormon long johns.

Also, I laughed when the black dude talked about pulling out his ninja sword and knighting the girl when they finished (this isn't the episode I saw, it was some sort of best of behind the scenes episode right before it).


<Prior Amod>
1. at least 1 failure per season
2. everyone seems too near death for that

you probably saw tim and carrie this will jog your memory

there have been at least 1 mormon male and 1 wiccan.


<Gold Donor>
does Discovery ever plan on releasing uncensored versions of these shows on video?
Doubtful, as I would imagine every participant signed a contract where Discovery promised to blur everything out. Just like that beaver shot that slipped through Dating Naked (it was posted in the FSR I think recently), the chick is now suing the network (VH-1 or MTV, I forget) for failing to live up to their end of the contract, emotional distress, blah blah. Nice cooter on her though.

If any of them had signed a contract saying they could release the nudes at some point, I'm sure they would have teased it by now.


> Than U
I saw that episode and noticed it, played it back at 1/15 speed thinking the entire time WTF. Could see asshole and vagina clearly doggy style.
Didn't shock me when it came up as a lawsuit.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
That shit sounds straight out of telemundo's playbook. As a kid if I stayed up long enough the local spanish channel would play a raunchy blurred out movie. Buuuut they were kind of lazy with it in some areas. lol


Murder Apologist
If it was any other network then an accident would be plausible... But it's vh1.

So they'll call up their liability carrier to send over their jackbooted arbitration team, the plaintiffs counsel tells her these dudes will hold out for years because it's their job to make sure no one pays off their student loans by suing their shitty clients ever. Plaintiff settles for 200k and in any other decade that would be the end of it.

But it's the age of social media and viral advertising so before the ink dries on the settlement vh1 has gotten more organic viral exposure on their shitty show than running a spot on a primetime nfl spot, and all for half the cost of a 30 second ad.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
That shit is digitally blurred, right? Can't it be unblurred if you can figure out the algorithm? No expert on that shit, this is just something I heard many years ago. Maybe these days they can add a level of encryption to stop that.


> Than U
It is supposed to be and normally is even on VH1 but there was 5 seconds where there was no blurring at all. It was a 42 inch Vagina on my tv as clear as any porn.


Millie's Staff Member
both of these people seem to be as dumb as a bag of rocks

correction, these people ARE as dumb as a bag of rocks.
fucking paul giamatti uses up his duct tape to make this chick a fucking bikini and a yoga mat. dude gets massively sick because he is a doughy smoker and taps out. chick decides she is just going to sit in that spot doing nothing.

-edit again


> Than U
Watching it now. My PeeShawReader is 9.4

whoa wait he was 149 lbs starting off? He looks as fat as me at 220 lbs. In fact he may be the fattest 149 I've ever seen, even she weighed more and she didn't look fat.
Dude musta been 4 feet tall.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That must of been one of the more boring episodes in the entire show. It was half interesting when they were both there (the sleepwalking bit was straight out of the movie paranormal activity) but once left all she did was sit there for 16 days. That must of been one where the producers tried to find inventive ways to make the episode better and just couldn't. I laughed that he selected the duct tape though (instead of a fire starter). The only benefit that I saw was the makeshift bikini.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I haven't seen it past the first season due to it not being on demand.
Best ass so far was the palm leaf weaver on the episode with the dude that got hella sunburned


<Prior Amod>
another redneck failure, said he had an ulcer is why he tapped out, after 5 days.
no more rednecks and no more wiccan/feminazi bitches.

plus wtf, he finds plantains/bannanas and a fucking pineapple? were they on the Dole plantation?

a lot of these challenges are extremely easy (fucking pineapple) to extremely hard (fucking swamp!)


<Gold Donor>
The only halfway redeeming part of this episode was that this chick had a pretty nice body. Face was nothing special but body was nice. Other than that, I think even the producers realized this was a terrible fucking episode, but they'd already spent the money so had to make the best of it. Like 3/4 of the episode was the first 5 days, and even that wasn't very exciting unless you enjoy vomit.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Luckily after that we got to watch a whole lot of the chick sitting on her ass doing nothing to make up for it.


<Prior Amod>
they really dragged out those 5 days, i think it was 2/3 in, then he quits and 10mins of her being a monk, did she ever make fire? is this the first time a person beat the challenge w/o fire?


Millie's Staff Member
looked like the camera crew brought everything to her while she had herself a little pity party on that duct tape mat for 2 weeks. if there was ever evidence that this show is bullshit, this episode would be exhibit one. chick had this walmart special machete and never swung it even once.