Neo's Land


Been bit busy with work/kids lately , is the final game browser based Flex or just the design portion of it ?

Seriously considering jumping in the 60 dollar kickstarter after having time this weekend to really watch the videos and read about it.

Once FFXIV ARR wears off for me , there's jack shit coming out now that ArcheAge is looking long away if ever with the money troubles and EQN I'll be playing purely to see how bad they go and fuck up the EQ world. Red Panda's Hoooo!! (and McQuaids game possibly , which is obviously years off )


I bought the $80 kickstarter package. Game looks interesting enough for me to throw some money their way.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Final game has a client. The browser portion is for building and designing shit as I understand it.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
One of the browser/tablet functions may be home defense.

i.e. i break into your house to steal your shit, your phone or tablet can be set to alert you. from there you can react in game or use your phone to trigger your magic dragon statue on the mantle to roast me, etc


One of the browser/tablet functions may be home defense.

i.e. i break into your house to steal your shit, your phone or tablet can be set to alert you. from there you can react in game or use your phone to trigger your magic dragon statue on the mantle to roast me, etc
The mental image I get from that is some guy at work sitting in a meeting having his phone buzz, looks down, thinks, "HE'S TRYING TO STEAL MY CLOUDSONG!" and then starts frantically texting people he knows under the table to stop it from happening.


Pledged. Very intriguing design concept. Big ups to Flex for the heads up on this.

Watched their Round Table today. HUGELY different from the "Round Table" experience that other game is offering. Incredibly refreshing. They're basically giving any schmoe off the street the chance to join in and actually have a live conversation with the rest of the design team (which is everyone) while the development team listens in. Obviously if you're a douche you're gonna get kicked out pretty quick, but if you've got something worthwhile to contribute it seems like you can truly have your opinion heard and be a part of the project. I'm really only discovering this Markee Dragon (also known as Marcus Eikenberry in real life) character just now, and so far I really like the cut of this guys jib. Seems like he's basically the point man on this project, the 'Lead Designer' if you will.

One of his many videos I watched tonight that I highly suggest you check out:

How Do You Stay Interested In An MMO?

And one other optional view that I enjoyed purely for the music and teh lulz:

Making The Cut

PS - On the browser/tablet thing: This was mentioned today during their feed, and what I got from the way they talked it about was this: There will 100% be a thick client, but they get that a lot of us simply aren't able to access our gaming machines all the time for many different reasons...and they've got something cooking to allow players to participate when all they can get to is a browser. I believe Marcus also mentioned something along the lines of 'you'd be surprised what you can do in a browser these days.'

PPS - I agree that it would be best if the name of this game was changed.


Trump's Staff
Wtf is that inventory/bag system they showed in the video? That crap needs to change.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
The mental image I get from that is some guy at work sitting in a meeting having his phone buzz, look down, mentally exclaim, "HE'S TRYING TO STEAL MY CLOUDSONG!" and then starts frantically texting people he knows under the table to stop it from happening.
How badass is that? Amirite?

Wtf is that inventory/bag system they showed in the video? That crap needs to change.
It's appears to be a drag/drop bag homage to UO, as much of the game currently is. I'm sure it'll change.

And I agree with Couloir, 100%, thats why I'm pushing this title hard since it's discovery. Its quite literally the framework of EQN but done, imho, better. I asked them 3 questions in a roundtable and got them all answered to my satisfaction.

Markeedragon (Also known as Marcus Eikenberry in real life!) lives like 15 minutes away from me, if NL does well I'll interview his ass for Junkiesnation etc. That dudes is a massive neckbeard but he's pretty cool. He called Richard Garriot a fucking liar like twice to his face in an interview. Just like the difference in round tables between EQN and NL is massively different, so is press interaction. An interview with ponytail is an uncomfortable series of canned, vague PR lines whereas an interview with Eickenberry is like talking about pvp while he smokes a bowl.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
In that video the viewer who wrote in was referring to IDOC, which was an Ultima Online term for "In Danger of Collapsing", in which people would camp out houses about to expire for loot and pvp, not DaOC. Markee didn't remember what IDOC ment and assumed the viewer ment DAOC but made a type-o.


Trump's Staff
That name and logo need to be taken out back and shot. It doesn't do anything a good RPG's name should. It doesn't give a hint as to what to expect from the game, nor does it inspire curiosity. Actually, using a possessive individual's name in the title detracts from the interactivity the player is supposed to feel in the game world. What if WoW's title was Thrall's World? Silly.

Also, the logo looks like its for some 32bit platformer, not an MMO.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
i feel bad for any promising project relying on kickstarters for funding, the tidal wave of constant new MMO kickstarters in a way makes the whole system seem less legit for me

like hundreds of mmo kickstarters atm, so many that it makes me not want to donate due to the fact that I know an enormous majority will never see the light of day

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
The logo/title is going to be changed, enough people bitched through official channels to the devs that they understand.

The game is, apprently, not reliant on kickstarter funding, but it would apparently make shit alot nicer. It's launching with or without it.


2 Minutes Hate
Its hard to take a game studio who thought Neo's Land was a good idea in the first place. It's fine if they said it was just temporary, but c'mon.

Game looks different, I hope they put something out there.