Neverwinter: PC


Molten Core Raider
Can anyone throw me an invite to the guild ? I can't find it in the guild search thingie.

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Avatar of War Slayer
The gameplay has zero depth. Combat is essentially the same at level 5 as it is at 50. You get 2 "at-will" powers, left click and right click, that you can use as much as you want, and 3 (wizards get 4) "encounter" powers with rather long CDs (10-20 seconds, usually, I think, I hardly pay attention). So combat basically consists of using your encounter powers then holding down the left or right mouse button until a CD is up on an encounter power. Also, many attacks have somewhat long animations and/or root you, and mobs tend to move around a lot, so if you're not careful, you can whiff an encounter power. Fun stuff.
no depth.
skills have cast times which require time and precision to land.

I'm not going to pretend I like that design... but I do have to point out, managing your skills properly with mechanics like that, is depth of a sort.

Not much though. it does get a bit better higher up. npcs hit alot harder. past 30, and you start to need to pay attention to CC, avoiding hits, tanking, splitting healers, etc. Killing adds, or not killing adds, and full dps on boss.
Boss npcs have good animation tells for their attacks. not like GW2 which are hard to see, and often too fast to really do much. That said, the red circles kindof make it almost too easy. Seriously they could remove the red circles and it would still be doable, as the animations are quite good.

For a rogue, high level dps is about managing flanking/stealth/combat advantage. Managing debuffs, or buffs/bleeds. one line is crit severity and bleeds on target, other line is an armor debuff, third line is extra damage in stealth, so you need to maintain stealth, which require use of encounter powers, and damage avoidance.


Avatar of War Slayer
Thoughts on this games free to play.

As mentioned previously, far far better then champions online. Which just shot themselves in the foot.

first off, technically everything in the game can be gained via play alone. You could in theory get everything, and not pay a dime. so thats good. although not realistic.
Things that require zen, or the cash shop money, can be gained via trading astral diamonds for zen.

A problem here is the value of astral diamonds. which does not seem to be all that well thought out.
1. preorders. 200$ pack got 2million AD. 60$ pack got 600k AD.
When comparing to how much a player in game can get. 1k per daily 1-10. 50-60, its 3-5k iirc. so a player is going to average like 10k AD daily at 50-60.
so the market is already flooded with paid players. preorders should have gotten zen not AD.
1zen=500 on opening day, its down to 1zen=370 AD now. been stable around there for a bit.

2. costs.
From vendors.
2million AD for mount3.
900k for blue pets.
2m for blue level 60gear.

2k for t1 runes.
10k for t2 runes. seriously, think about how much these things drop then compare prices.
50k t3
Ident scrolls can only be bought with AD. cheap at least. but still, you need to spend AD to id stuff you vendor for gold. Although, again, this does encourage AH. (gear is so plentiful I have no idea who is buying the stuff I put up... but I do have to admit I have made 100k AD from AH leather working greens/blues and drop greens/blues.)

Playing the AH you can make alot of AD of course.

Crafting. high teir crafting REQUIRES assets from the profession packs bought with zen.
That said, those assets CAN be traded on the AH. they go from 50-200k AD about.

The market in this game, is basically controlled by the early adopters now. If you paid cash early, you had the cash to control the AH early, and buy/sell for even more AD.

I dont feel AD acquisition rates really match the costs of items in AD.


Crashing to desktop started for me yesterday and is happening an awful lot now, I assume something got patched in recently and is the root of the problem? Anyone else noticed this?


<Silver Donator>
Another day. another unplanned server outage it looks like...

Love playing this game right now, but they were serious when they just called this open beta....


Vyemm Raider
no depth.
skills have cast times which require time and precision to land.

I'm not going to pretend I like that design... but I do have to point out, managing your skills properly with mechanics like that, is depth of a sort.
That's one way of looking at it, but there is no way to "manage your skills properly" when you have no way of knowing (solo) when that mob is going to suddenly run off and attack your companion, or (grouping) when one of the other classes (I play rogue) is going to do a knock-back or a suck-in. And requiring "time and precision to land" only because of poor combat mechanics (long animations etc) is hardly depth. And the fact still remains that all you are doing is pressing 1-3 then holding down a mouse button while waiting for 1-3 to come off CD.

I don't particularly care for games with dozens of different skills (especially when most of them do the same thing) but I also really don't like this recent trend of games giving you just a handful of skills either. Just makes the combat rather stale and boring.


<Silver Donator>
That's one way of looking at it, but there is no way to "manage your skills properly" when you have no way of knowing (solo) when that mob is going to suddenly run off and attack your companion, or (grouping) when one of the other classes (I play rogue) is going to do a knock-back or a suck-in. And requiring "time and precision to land" only because of poor combat mechanics (long animations etc) is hardly depth. And the fact still remains that all you are doing is pressing 1-3 then holding down a mouse button while waiting for 1-3 to come off CD.

I don't particularly care for games with dozens of different skills (especially when most of them do the same thing) but I also really don't like this recent trend of games giving you just a handful of skills either. Just makes the combat rather stale and boring.
You realize the point is to be able to fit all possible controls you would need on an x-box controller right? I'm mapping this game to mine today



<Silver Donator>
You can map more than this though. One jump button, one interact button, 2 at wills attack button, hold one trigger, make everything swap to a second set for 4more abilities(3 if you want to keep jumping but since you can't attack and jump in this game it's fairly pointless), hold other trigger, 4more abilities. Don't know about xbox controllers but they should have 2 more buttons still(playstation pads have 2 triggers on each side), for dailies. Directional pad for items. So you can bind 12 abilities fairly easily on a playstation pad which I assume has the same amount as an xbox pad, not counting the directional pad.

I'm alright with limiting abilities but I feel they limited them too much in this. When you have to pick 3 encounters, you can't pick anything that remotely situational, it's all-purpose abilities only that you can use in most to every situation, which sadly tends to be damage, damage and more damage(aoe), or similar. A lot of their utility also have damage so you can sometimes make the swap, but I know some shit have no chance of landing on anyone's bar because they just don't do enough vs having another aoe/damage ability.


Avatar of War Slayer
That's one way of looking at it, but there is no way to "manage your skills properly" when you have no way of knowing (solo) when that mob is going to suddenly run off and attack your companion, or (grouping) when one of the other classes (I play rogue) is going to do a knock-back or a suck-in. And requiring "time and precision to land" only because of poor combat mechanics (long animations etc) is hardly depth. And the fact still remains that all you are doing is pressing 1-3 then holding down a mouse button while waiting for 1-3 to come off CD.

I don't particularly care for games with dozens of different skills (especially when most of them do the same thing) but I also really don't like this recent trend of games giving you just a handful of skills either. Just makes the combat rather stale and boring.
so button mashing is counter productive? seriously think about what you are saying. That IS depth you are describing. spamming all your attacks, causing pointless annoying knockbacks hinders play. While using finesse and well timed actions, aids.
Again, I'm not saying its perfect. I really don't like the whole stop to attack thing. But your argument is way off base. depth? yes. not really that fun, and counter-intuitive? probably.

Pyros is right about general purpose and situation moves though.
As a rogue you basically have 2 must haves. dazing strike and lashing blade.
You get those in the tutorial by level 3, and they never leave your skill bar.
Your 3rd encounter is maybe 1 of 3. Deft strike for a blink, impossible to catch for CC break/damage reduction, or MAYBE impact shot, for another high damage ranged attack.

Daily is lurkers assualt first and foremost. second daily is shocking ex, or whirl of blades. but 99% of the time you use lurkers.

3 viable at wills
sly-flourish, the basic attack all purpose.
duelists flurry, high damage, stationary. for pve bosses, and retarded players.
Cloud of steel, the basic throw knives ranged.

Everything else is complete shit. Either situational, or just plain bad.


Vyemm Raider
I already stated I play a Rogue, and I also stated why it's nearly impossible to use "finesse and well timed actions" as a Rogue. You've said nothing that refutes my claim.


Trakanon Raider
Crashing to desktop started for me yesterday and is happening an awful lot now, I assume something got patched in recently and is the root of the problem? Anyone else noticed this?
Just installed this a few hours ago, I get about 5 minutes into the game, then my monitor just turns itself off.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't particularly care for games with dozens of different skills (especially when most of them do the same thing) but I also really don't like this recent trend of games giving you just a handful of skills either. Just makes the combat rather stale and boring.
I think the number of skills it pretty good. Another 1-2 skills would have been fine as well, but I for one like all my abilities being easily accessible without having to come up with and memorize fancy key binding schemes. Even in a game like WoW with a bloated set of abilities you probably wont really be using that many on a regular basis.


Molten Core Raider
1. Linear dungeons / quests / game through level 10 - Check
2. Hold down one button to win - Check
3. Mindless action combat - Check

It is amazing how mind numbing and boring this game is ( at least through level 10 ). Once again this dumb action combat mechanic makes every game basically a one button game.

It may be time to retire for me unless we can get some games with depth in the future... talk about dumbing it down.. this game is unreal i bascially used the right mouse button to get to level 10. with the occasional stun. ROFL.

These developers should just go all the way with the dumbing down of gaming... just have a chair to sell that you sit in and collect loots... just have to apply pressure to ass shaped pressure plates in chair that they sell for Virtual Currency.


Silver Squire
I think the number of skills it pretty good. Another 1-2 skills would have been fine as well, but I for one like all my abilities being easily accessible without having to come up with and memorize fancy key binding schemes. Even in a game like WoW with a bloated set of abilities you probably wont really be using that many on a regular basis.
If there weren't periods of just spamming auto attack I'd agree. The way cool downs are though the down time between skills is a little long. They really need another damage skill or two in there to keep people actually playing instead of just auto attacking.


Tranny Chaser
This is why Recovery is your friend. Clerics have to have it in order for people to live, but it is valuable for everyone. With Recovery and some set bonuses you can cast encounter problems almost one after the other and dailies refresh like mad.


Silver Knight of the Realm
If there weren't periods of just spamming auto attack I'd agree. The way cool downs are though the down time between skills is a little long. They really need another damage skill or two in there to keep people actually playing instead of just auto attacking.
True, the cooldowns do feel a bit long considering the number of abilities you have. Although except for "autofire", is there really that much difference between spamming fireball as a mage in WoW compared to spamming magic missile as a CW in NW?


<Bronze Donator>
The choice of a handful of skills and the mapping of them is quite awesome actually. everything is within reach of WASD. Not since original EQ have I been able to play an MMO solely by WASD and mouse. Oh and mapping both mouse buttons to attacks so that you are always in mouselook mode is great, god i hate mouse clicking and games with so many action bars that the only way to play is whack-a-mole mouse clicking (EQ2 i'm looking at you). I've only been playing for a few days maybe a total of 10 hours, but at my level everything I need is within range of WASD. the farthest key for me is 6 which is to summon my mount.

The game reminds me a bit of The Secret World especially with the action pacing and MOB AOE alerts allowing you to dodge, but even TSW had you using 1-9 keys meaning you had to move your hand off of your movement keys, and with sooo many AOE you had to avoid, leaving your movement keys even for a second was bad.