Neverwinter: PC


Lord Nagafen Raider
Join channel Rerolled

its a custom channel you can join by playing around with the chat box if you press the alt button. Few of us in there


<Silver Donator>
Played a bit, now stuck on a loading screen downloading some file at 20kb/s for whatever the fuck reason.

So far pretty unimpressed. The animations are clunky and sometimes desync when performing multiple in a row(for example dodge backward then attack right away, half of the attack animation is "eaten" by the dodge animation then it resumes half way looking weird), combat is fairly boring, difficulty is very low(but I guess it's the start so that can be expected). The specing system looks kinda interesting but I dislike the branching out system when it comes to rerolling, have to play the same class until you reach the paragon levels and start specing into new stuff. Will need to see just how much there is going to be at release though since current there is only one paragon path, Spellstorm(lightning based stuff). Hopefully there will be 3 or so which should add a decent amount of customization to classes.

Took about 5mins to run into a non voiced quest, and it's the main quest too so don't know about that. I don't quite care about voices however it feels a bit weird to have a cutscene with only subtitles yet they bother voicing johnny mc soldier who tells you to go get some clothes for a 1step talk to a NPC quest.

The combat is probably the biggest disapointment, it's really not very actiony considering they went with the whole targetting stuff and all. Feels like Dragon Age kinda? But more like DA1 than DA2, so that's worse in terms of actual combat. Skills lock you in place, the damage still seems to be very "roll based", you can evade out of the way though so I guess that's a plus. It's not terrible, but it's not great either. Beats WoW combat though.

Gonna pick another class since I'm not a fan of their "control mage" thing. I do hope they release with more classes though, atm it seems very light, and they don't even have an archer. I mean I can understand focusing on archetypes first(rogue tank mage cleric and 2H warrior) but archer fits right in there so it should definitely be added before release. Also wanna see what the F2P and the cash shop get you, maybe they talked about it already I'll check later for articles on the game.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Why does this game have animations and graphics from 2004? It literally looks worse than WoW.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Well I gave it a try, I am done with it.

It has ugly graphics, horrible animations, boring quest, and awful combat.

1.5 hours and I found zero redeemable qualities to this game.


It's basically Tera-ish combat with an "updated " LOTRO UI and graphics engine. If you liked LOTRO or DDO, you will have a better chance of enjoying the game. Feel free to add me,[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */I'll be on later tonight to give it more of a run.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Im in game now but looks like the website is down

Also, I found the ZEN shop ($ shop).

Shit is pricey and if you know anything about STO + lockboxes.....yea they have lockbox keys for sale. Get ready for that shit.


Game is still better then tortanic
No zoom feature is killing this for me


Im in game now but looks like the website is down

Also, I found the ZEN shop ($ shop).

Shit is pricey and if you know anything about STO + lockboxes.....yea they have lockbox keys for sale. Get ready for that shit.


Game is still better then tortanic
I really like the character creation. It's all I've really done. The graphics ingame don't bother me either. The only problem I'm having is the dodge seems to lag? I don't know if it's my ping or graphic lag or just how it's supposed to be.


Silver Squire
I take it that it's not possible to get into this weekend's beta anymore? I have been busy this week and missed all the key giveaways.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Well, I was able to play for all of 5 minutes before the server disconnected me, but I enjoyed what I played. haha


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea server down. I got a good 2 hours in.

I did the tutorial and one quest within the city and 2 dungeon instanced quests. I get a small DnD feel , although I am only lvl 6. Im reserving my judgement but so far I'm no opposed to playing it more.


<Silver Donator>
Server down apparently. How do you see your Paragon skills? Earlier when I checked I could see the Stormcaller skills but now I can't seem to do it anymore.


I like the fact that it has mouse look for combat yet I don't feel any reason to be twitchy with my speed. It's as if I'm playing EQ with a new combat mode.


Potato del Grande
Well I was going to commend them for having a beta up on time with no queues or lag but the server has taken a shit it seems. I don't really get the graphics complaints, they aren't terrible. Hard to form a solid opinion on combat when you're only 5 levels in, seems ok to me so far. The real strength of this came could be the foundry.

Will have to see how group play and higher level combat falls out before I go foretelling doom.