New World


Blackwing Lair Raider
But it's already in beta????
They could have released the game awhile ago, imo. The game is already really well polished. My build just says " Test Build - Confidential ". It no longer says Alpha.
Edit.. But it does still say Alpha for the server.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The game is already really well polished.

I understand your opinion but as of current patch, it's very far from reality. Most animations are clunky, especially the ranged / magic ones, and some of them are so out of place, like the life staff drain life one, your character looks like it's trying to hook up a rabid snake on a Christmas tree. The melee skills feel very rigid too, there's no impact on most attacks, it's like your character hits ghosts.

About ranged combat, depending of whether your character is moving or not, shooting arrows with the bow feels like they're either floating in the air or being violently pulled in by a black hole. And every last of the testable mobs are just melee, which means if you hit them from distance, they just run at you and die, and sometimes get stuck in decor before running and dying. This AI behavior is an insult, even to animals.

And about core systems, the game seems pretty proud to have both block and dodge mechanics. Problem is, dodge feels like a huge lackluster because it's not an invulnerability frame. In New World, you're gonna end up dodging and still get damage most of the time because in a client / server environment there's always latency on some end. Even GW2 figured that, ten years ago now. Wanna accomplish the perfect dodge? Do it when there's no players around you.

Weapon skills don't really give much choice either, some of them are designed for sieges or group healing only. And their cooldowns are persistent, they still run whatever weapon you equip, which makes the whole "weapon swap" choice as interesting as checking your microwave to see if your plate is hot or not.

These are just examples but they're major issues. You can ignore them and love the game of course, but you can't state the game is really well polished, that's just not true. The graphics are decent, UI is okay and there's obviously competent people in their art team, but the combat gameplay is very, very bad and there's a lot of concern about the absence of endgame PvP or PvE two months from launch. It's kind of hard applying polish to a non-existent thing.
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Vyemm Raider
Isn't this the game that Hartsman started working on after leaving Trion?

Nevermind, it's Smedley... makes more sense.
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I've been in the last 3 alphas, this version has hooked me more than the last (79 hours so far.) It's different and enjoyable but still has a way to go.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I understand your opinion but as of current patch, it's very far from reality. Most animations are clunky, especially the ranged / magic ones, and some of them are so out of place, like the life staff drain life one, your character looks like it's trying to hook up a rabid snake on a Christmas tree. The melee skills feel very rigid too, there's no impact on most attacks, it's like your character hits ghosts.

About ranged combat, depending of whether your character is moving or not, shooting arrows with the bow feels like they're either floating in the air or being violently pulled in by a black hole. And every last of the testable mobs are just melee, which means if you hit them from distance, they just run at you and die, and sometimes get stuck in decor before running and dying. This AI behavior is an insult, even to animals.

And about core systems, the game seems pretty proud to have both block and dodge mechanics. Problem is, dodge feels like a huge lackluster because it's not an invulnerability frame. In New World, you're gonna end up dodging and still get damage most of the time because in a client / server environment there's always latency on some end. Even GW2 figured that, ten years ago now. Wanna accomplish the perfect dodge? Do it when there's no players around you.

Weapon skills don't really give much choice either, some of them are designed for sieges or group healing only. And their cooldowns are persistent, they still run whatever weapon you equip, which makes the whole "weapon swap" choice as interesting as checking your microwave to see if your plate is hot or not.

These are just examples but they're major issues. You can ignore them and love the game of course, but you can't state the game is really well polished, that's just not true. The graphics are decent, UI is okay and there's obviously competent people in their art team, but the combat gameplay is very, very bad and there's a lot of concern about the absence of endgame PvP or PvE two months from launch. It's kind of hard applying polish to a non-existent thing.
Maybe I just don't care enough to have noticed any of that. It plays fine, I haven't ran into any bugs, and it has never crashed. I'm not(anymore) an endgame type of person, someone who spends years playing the same game, or power gamer who rushes everything as soon as possible. I still think it is very polished for a modern mmo.


Vyemm Raider
I still think it is very polished for a modern mmo.

"Polished" and "functional" are not remotely the same thing. In fact, they might as well be opposite sides of the spectrum.
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<Silver Donator>
That looked fairly decent, although not sure how many people that was and if it was instanced. Didn't look laggy at least.


On the verandah
Looks a lot like GW2. Wishy-washy pastel graphical effects, really limited skillsets w/weapon swaps (why, on PC?) and looooong arsed cooldowns. Hard to comment usefully about the combat (and I've not played it), but none of it looked or sounded particularly crisp, punchy or impactful. Whatever it was, that video didn't impress at all.
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Looks a lot like GW2. Wishy-washy pastel graphical effects, really limited skillsets w/weapon swaps (why, on PC?) and looooong arsed cooldowns. Hard to comment usefully about the combat (and I've not played it), but none of it looked or sounded particularly crisp, punchy or impactful. Whatever it was, that video didn't impress at all.

Complete opposite reaction. Looks like i'm getting my pre-order money worth. Why weapon swaps on PC? Because having 3 skill bars of hotkeys is not fun game play. 2004 called and they want their gameplay back, lol.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Now I'm not too much into PvP, but what I get from the video is game looks visually nice, seems to run well, time to kill looks pretty good, no one shot, but not insane sustain.

That said, I do enjoy small hotbars like GW2 or ESO, I'll play something like WoW or FF14 but I prefer the smaller hotbars personally.

I figure I'll get a month out of the game before I move, if I get more I'll consider it a bonus. :)
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Looks a lot like GW2. Wishy-washy pastel graphical effects, really limited skillsets w/weapon swaps (why, on PC?) and looooong arsed cooldowns. Hard to comment usefully about the combat (and I've not played it), but none of it looked or sounded particularly crisp, punchy or impactful. Whatever it was, that video didn't impress at all.

Pretty much. It's trying to be a better WvW. Makes sense since I believe a lot of ex-GW devs are making this game.
The combat feels fine for what it is, HOWEVER, it does suffer from that "MMO" combat feel... it's not as smooth as your typical FPS/fighter game. The Animations lock you out of movement/control. I like games that allow total freedom. MMO's seem to always have this issue.

I believe the battles above are NOT instanced, but I could be wrong.

When I watch the video all I imagine is how time consuming the game looks to be. And since the combat is so zergy, doesn't look to be very skill intensive. Very reminiscent of WvWvW. The strategy/skill is going to be on the leaders of the zerg. Great for people that just want to W-key their way to victory while relying on only a few people to direct the crowds, not great for people that prefer a little more individual skill/strategy.

I'm wondering how this game will compare with something like Atlas. I don't know what killed Atlas but it seemed to have a bit more substance imo.