NFL 2017-18: Watch athletes destroy their brains


Golden Baronet of the Realm
No one's gonna take him for anything more than vet minimum. Which means he's probably done.

Teams are dumb then. Given he already said he would stand for the anthem this year, once the circus dies down he'd be a far better option than what teams like the Jets are rolling out. If he's willing to take backup money it's even worse, as he's a better backup option than what most teams have around the league.

If Flacco's back thing doesn't get better I fully expect them to snatch him up.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Teams are dumb then. Given he already said he would stand for the anthem this year, once the circus dies down he'd be a far better option than what teams like the Jets are rolling out. If he's willing to take backup money it's even worse, as he's a better backup option than what most teams have around the league.

If Flacco's back thing doesn't get better I fully expect them to snatch him up.

The Bawlmer suburbs (ticket holders) would riot. Don't see Biscuit allowing a Kap signing off that alone.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The Bawlmer suburbs (ticket holders) would riot. Don't see Biscuit allowing a Kap signing off that alone.

Then again, Jim Harbaugh was one of Kaep's big never know. Those Bawlmer suburbs...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If the ratbirds can deal with Rayrays murdering they can deal with this.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ed is right though, everyone in the counties and some in the city are up in arms just from the media hyping up this non-story of a non-connection to the team. IDK if ownership is really taking that into consideration, but its the same "distraction" that every other team probably wants to avoid. Cognitive dissonance over Ray and little Ray notwithstanding.

Merrith, I agreed with you months ago but at this point rumors are swirling that Seattle found him underweight (apparently he's gone vegan?) and not seeming all that interested in football in the first place. Also sounds like he probably isn't even working out or practicing on his own, he's on vacation in Africa or was. Most players angling hard for a spot at camp are hitting the gym and doing light practice with whoever they can scrounge up. I really don't expect him to be signed, and I'm no longer sure he's that much better than other options out there on rosters or FA.

This all doesn't even take into consideration that maybe he just wasn't very good but had a dynamic system with a good roster around him briefly. Don't our SF fans here insist that once his run and gun style was figured out he became worthless and couldn't make any reads beyond his first to his hot route? IDK like most I've barely seen any Niners games the past couple years.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
As far as Flacco I think he starts the season. Might be more interesting how rusty he looks based on how much camp and preseason he will miss, and if this injury nags him going forward.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
This all doesn't even take into consideration that maybe he just wasn't very good but had a dynamic system with a good roster around him briefly. Don't our SF fans here insist that once his run and gun style was figured out he became worthless and couldn't make any reads beyond his first to his hot route? IDK like most I've barely seen any Niners games the past couple years.
This is pretty spot on, and really the consensus from everyone. He has a cannon arm, but has no touch and can't make reads for shit. As soon as there is the slightest bit of pressure in the pocket, he is skittish and off and running. He doesn't know how to stand tall in the pocket, go through his reads, and make consistently good throws.

If he was 100% dedicated to football, and was the gym rat he used to be, he would be good enough to start for some teams, and backup most teams.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Ed is right though, everyone in the counties and some in the city are up in arms just from the media hyping up this non-story of a non-connection to the team. IDK if ownership is really taking that into consideration, but its the same "distraction" that every other team probably wants to avoid. Cognitive dissonance over Ray and little Ray notwithstanding.

Merrith, I agreed with you months ago but at this point rumors are swirling that Seattle found him underweight (apparently he's gone vegan?) and not seeming all that interested in football in the first place. Also sounds like he probably isn't even working out or practicing on his own, he's on vacation in Africa or was. Most players angling hard for a spot at camp are hitting the gym and doing light practice with whoever they can scrounge up. I really don't expect him to be signed, and I'm no longer sure he's that much better than other options out there on rosters or FA.

This all doesn't even take into consideration that maybe he just wasn't very good but had a dynamic system with a good roster around him briefly. Don't our SF fans here insist that once his run and gun style was figured out he became worthless and couldn't make any reads beyond his first to his hot route? IDK like most I've barely seen any Niners games the past couple years.

If all that is true about him not caring much, than yeah I totally get it. Last I had paid attention he was sure someone would contact him during training camp (injuries, etc) and he'd be on a team somewhere. Then someone here posted he was willing to take backup money (the early rumor during/after free agency was he wanted starter money still) and instantly seemed crazy no one would want someone with his skillset as a backup.

As for the system talk...that may have been true previously, but he was far superior to Gabbert last year in virtually every statistic. He has his flaws for sure, but he was throwing to a bunch of nobodies and still managed 16 TD's to only 4 picks.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I swear I just saw something that the Jets signed Kaep, but now I can't find anything about it.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Dude is a headcase. I want a team to sign him just for the drama, he will never be a great QB. He was a gimmick that cost the 49'ers a good coach and a good QB


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Kaep Isnt a bad QB. His stats last year were actually respectable, and then when you consider he had literally the worse roster in the league around him he deserves even more respect. Not only that bu the defense was absolutely atrocious and couldnt maintain leads.

He has a career 72 TD to 30 INT ratio passing. Almost 3k yards rushing with a 12.1 YPC. His major problem is throwing accuracy and touch on the ball. When he can gather himself and has time he can catch fire and become a fantastic passer he just struggles when under pressure. He has pocket elusiveness but its better he has time because he isnt good at going through reads.\\

He is better than Brian Hoyer and Ryan Fitzpatrick etc, theres no fucking reason this guy doesnt have a job as a backup.


El Presidente
I seem to remember seeing something about him not willing to be a backup. I'm sure he'd have a job if he was willing to be a backup and get paid like one.


Vyemm Raider
but at this point rumors are swirling that Seattle found him underweight (apparently he's gone vegan?) and not seeming all that interested in football in the first place.

If this is true this is a valid reason he doesn't have a job. Especially the 2nd part where he isn't that interested in football.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I swear I just saw something that the Jets signed Kaep, but now I can't find anything about it.

Someone sent me that. Pretty sure fake, as the Jets owner has been very outspoken against Kaep and his protest. Willing to roll out complete dogshit at QB rather than signing him (helps the tank job as well).


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
This is pretty spot on, and really the consensus from everyone. He has a cannon arm, but has no touch and can't make reads for shit. As soon as there is the slightest bit of pressure in the pocket, he is skittish and off and running. He doesn't know how to stand tall in the pocket, go through his reads, and make consistently good throws.

If he was 100% dedicated to football, and was the gym rat he used to be, he would be good enough to start for some teams, and backup most teams.

Kaep Isnt a bad QB. His stats last year were actually respectable, and then when you consider he had literally the worse roster in the league around him he deserves even more respect. Not only that bu the defense was absolutely atrocious and couldnt maintain leads.

He has a career 72 TD to 30 INT ratio passing. Almost 3k yards rushing with a 12.1 YPC. His major problem is throwing accuracy and touch on the ball. When he can gather himself and has time he can catch fire and become a fantastic passer he just struggles when under pressure. He has pocket elusiveness but its better he has time because he isnt good at going through reads.\\

He is better than Brian Hoyer and Ryan Fitzpatrick etc, theres no fucking reason this guy doesnt have a job as a backup.

Ameraves just gave you the reason he's not playing. Sure, he a solid QB that should be starting somewhere IF he was interested in playing. He isn't. He has his own website. He's been spouting his shit on twitter and everywhere else non-stop. He's told people that he's not going to beg and his value is obvious. Instead of practicing and getting into football shape, he's out saving the world one black person at a time. Guy has an issue with humility, preparation, effort, and mentality. If he wanted to play the game, he'd be doing what thousands of other players are. Working on his craft. He isn't. Even Harbaugh mentioned his desire in a post. It's so damn obvious if you don't throw that awesome race card in the mix like the media loves to do. You are a mindless follower. Eat up that ESPN shtick.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Didn't they say they were trying to cut down on the number of commercial breaks this year? I think they are going to have longer breaks, but less of them? Either way, I am ready!

I am pretty confident the 49ers are going to be better this year simply because they have better coaches in place. Of course they are still devoid of talent in some areas, so I don't expect a lot of wins. If the defense can stay healthy (Bowman, Foster, and all of the DB's) I think they will make a huge jump from last year. Hopefully they don't improve too much though, because we still need lots of high draft picks!

I really think the expectations for this year's team are entirely too high among most 49er fans. I think 4-5 wins is realistic/best-case and I think 7 is our absolute ceiling.

The defense has the potential to get really good over the next few years as there is a long of really young, potentially all-pro talent. Unfortunately, we have fucking Hoyer throwing the ball and Garcon is our only receiver worth a shit. Plus, it sounds like Hyde is doing poorly enough that there are rumors he may even be a surprise cut from the team.

The building blocks for the team are starting to come into place, but barring a fluke QB draft pick panning out or us landing Cousins, I still think we're a ways from contention. Fortunately, our division appears to be on a huge downward spiral, so a random division title might be in the cards within the next 1-2 seasons.


Potato del Grande
Don't see the Seachickens getting much worse unless the Sherman thing blows up in their face and they have to move him. I think the Rams are on the way up as well, that obviously is going to depend a lot on Goff.

The Cards have always been a Carson Palmer injury/retirement away from irrelevance.
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