Nintendo Switch (previously NX)


Molten Core Raider
That wouldn't make money, or not enough money. Even if they made a console with superior specs to Scorpio/Neo, 3rd parties wouldn't return unless it sold so many consoles it was too hard to ignore. Which means it would have to sell on it's own merits (innovative gimmicks, Nintendo first/second party software). If that fails, Nintendo just wasted a shit ton of cash on expensive consoles they had to sell at a loss in the first place because having better specs than Scorpio doesn't come cheap.

The big 3rd party publishers (EA, Ubisoft, etc) don't develop for Sony/MS because of the superior hardware - the develop for them because those two companies pour millions into marketing for those 3rd party's games and bend over backwards to please them. Nintendo just isn't going to do that.


Trakanon Raider
Honestly it doesn't have to be more powerful then Scopio/Neo (MS/Sony have that on lock down right now, no way for Nintendo to catch up)

I just simply want a console to play there games on, and the whole handheld shit everyone talking about with the NX just makes me shake my head and go WTF...


FPS noob
take with a grain of salt of course but tweets from someone who has been right about leaks from nintendo in the past

Emily Rogers ‏@ArcadeGirl64 5 min
This article about NX's detachable controllers supporting force feedback and motion controls has truth.

Emily Rogers ‏@ArcadeGirl64 3 min
NX prototype had a 6.2 inch 720p multi-touch touchscreen. Unknown if final product's screen size will be larger / smaller than prototype.

Emily Rogers ‏@ArcadeGirl64 3 min
Prototype for dock station has USB ports. I heard 2 usb ports, but I don't know if this number will change in the final product.

Wii U gamepad for comparison is also 6.2" but 854x480, vs 1280x720. So not exactly something you can tuck into a pocket. Still pretty embarrassing when considering 2016 phones, the Samsung 7 is 5.5" AMOLED 1440x2560 and the iPhone 6s is 5.5" 1920x1080


Trump's Staff
Yeah and the Note7 cost $799 or some shit whereas the NX will probably cost $300?


Molten Core Raider
Honestly it doesn't have to be more powerful then Scopio/Neo (MS/Sony have that on lock down right now, no way for Nintendo to catch up)

I just simply want a console to play there games on, and the whole handheld shit everyone talking about with the NX just makes me shake my head and go WTF...

If it connects to your TV via a dock, does it really matter if it's portable? That just seems like an added bonus to me.

I just hope it's not actually 6.2" and a more reasonable size. If it's Wii U pad big, I'm out.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
You realize actual manufacturing cost of a note 7 is probably around half if not more of its msrp.

Either Nintendo is god damn retarded at this point. They have a gold mine of ip that would generate significantly more money licensing it out than walling it all of behind their shitty hardware. I'd happily buy a Zelda game on pc, but I'll never buy a wii u or nx just to play it.
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Molten Core Raider
Nintendo make a ton off their hardware still, more than their software. If they went 3rd party, there would no longer be a reason for them to make their own hardware. Without that revenue, they would have to SEVERELY downsize staff.

That means less games, lower quality games, etc. They would basically end up like Sega today. Except Sega was forced 3rd party because they had no money - Nintendo is loaded still.


Trump's Staff
Oh the NX is gonna be a technologically out of date piece of shit?

I'm shocked.


Molten Core Raider
If the price is right I'm willing to pay for a console that would play the new Nintendo games. No other console manufacturer can pretty much sustain it's own console.

All I really want is Splatoon 2 with voice chat.


Molten Core Raider
Oh the NX is gonna be a technologically out of date piece of shit?

I'm shocked.

I mean, I don't know why people are shocked anymore. They gave up on the tech race over 13 years ago now. That ship has sailed.

So they're using hardware that will be weak for a console, which sucks if you like bleeding edge tech. It's pretty modern for a mobile chip, though, but when talking consoles it's pretty bad.. The benefit seems to be (if the rumors are correct) that this thing will be portable, AND will hook to your TV, AND will have the WHOLE of Nintendo's output on one device. You no longer have to buy two separate systems to get your Nintendo fix. It makes sense when you consider that handheld games have pretty much become console games. Really no reason to separate it any longer.


<Gold Donor>
The problem with the is that there is no multiplayer system like PSN or Xbox Live for their system. If the want to market this also as a console they need a better system then using a friend code. Consoles need a good multiplayer functionality to survive and attract 3rd party developers.


Molten Core Raider
What? The Wii U definitely didn't use friend codes, and the 3DS doesn't anymore either (I think it did when it first launched). Nintendo has a PSN/XBL type system in place, it's just not as feature rich and the account is tied to the console (which is dumb and hopefully changes for the NX). But it uses usernames just like the other two.


FPS noob
Shigeru Miyamoto showed up at Apple's conference today morning to announce Super Mario Run for iOS, a new mobile game coming Dec 2016 with a free demo and a buy option. No word on whether it'll come to android and other stuff. I think this is sort of the beginning of the end for Nintendo hardware, I am pretty sure the game will sell insanely well and the faction inside Nintendo that wants to develop mostly for other platforms will have all the evidence they need. Game looks beautiful



Trakanon Raider
I'd definitely buy that game! That does look really nice, which leads me to again question their decision to make a portable console instead of a better home console. If phone games can look that good, why spend the money on a new portable Nintendo?


Molten Core Raider
Because this is a runner game with a single tap control.

The games that push their handheld consoles wouldn't work on touch controls. These mobile games are just to get people into the Nintendo ecosystem - Pokemon Go already caused a big enough boost to 3DS hardware to make it the best selling console in July.


Molten Core Raider

Phone games will act as a way to keep Nintendo IPs in the mind of consumers. They'll probably even be able to advertise their games through stuff like Miitomo and SMR.


Trakanon Raider
Mobile consoles are dead. They are going the way of Blockbuster. Nintendo is fighting a winless battle. Too many people have smart phones now. I just don't see the market for a handheld console that you can also play on your TV, unless they can come in at around $150. I totally get that the Nintendo NX will have way better games and controls, but it just can't compete with the convenience of just using your phone, which can also do a thousand other things as well. If I want to play mobile games, I can use my phone. If I want to play games at home, I can use my computer or PS4, both of which are way, way more powerful than the NX will be.


Molten Core Raider
Until mobile phones add tactile controls in an ergonomic way and have Pokemon and Monster Hunter, handheld consoles will live on. The market may continue to shrink from the 60-70 million it's at now, but it's not going to die out completely anytime soon.