Nintendo Switch (previously NX)


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I dunno man. As I enjoy my OLED and 4K and the best experience and I hate doom as a game, Nintendo life of all places talks about frame drops and how it’s still so awesome on the go. No it’s not. I played the demo. Doom is meant to be played (if you like it) with hard metal as fuck music blasting in fantastic visuals on a 4K or PC. In 5.1. From your couch. Not, from a portable hand held at 720p30. Period.

Review: DOOM (Switch)

But hey, as people continue to blind themselves that big time great sounding and looking games are awesome on the go with tin speaker sound. All the power to them?
While switch owners are playing Skyrim on a 7” 720 screen at half the resolution and zero atmospheric intake, because it’s “on the go”, I’ll be realizing for the first time what it is like to play Skyrim in virtual reality IN the fucking game. With the same damn motion bow and arrow the switch will have.

You want on the go at the expense of over 1000000% of the experience and when you dock the fucker STILL not even half the experience with today’s tech? All the power to you buddy. Seriously I mean that. I am only NOW watching this ps pro play games on my new B7A 65. HDR? 4K? VR? All this is light years ahead of taking some little tablet on the go with haptic “HD” controllers.
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Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
I think it's about managing expectations. For me personally; Doom is a game that's supposed to played with a keyboard and mouse on a high end PC. Consoles are not a place that Doom should be played because they won't be able to keep a consistently high frame rate and the controls are important in a twitchy shooter. I understand that not everyone is as fortunate as I am to be able to afford a high end PC as well as other consoles.

Comparing Doom on the Switch, PS4 or Xbox One is a fruitless endeavour in my opinion because you're not going to actively choose to play it on a console if you have a PC that can play it.

That's probably where the reviews are coming from; in a vacuum does it run well? Does it play well for people who only have a Switch? If the answer is yes then that's fine. Calling out console power levels in comparison to each other is pretty pointless imo, because consoles live and die on exclusives. There's only one option if you truly want the best visuals and that's PC.

However, as someone who actually likes the Switch I would never EVER play Doom on it. Or any FPS to be honest. I don't think that's where the strengths of the Switch lie.
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Molten Core Raider
Switch can't handle Doom, even at 30 fps. Constant fps drops, texture/lod issues, ect..Good luck with Wolfenstein!

Yay third party games!
searched reviews briefly and everything i found searching through asbout 5 or 6 reviews and they all said it ran really well.


Molten Core Raider
DigitalFoundry says it's pretty much always 30fps in docked or handheld, though they use motion blur and dynamic resolution to keep it there. There are still some dips in some parts.

I won't be buying it, but I have it on PC and I generally don't replay games outside of a few exceptions. I'm not the target audience for it.

It's for people who don't have a PC/PS4 or just really like DOOM and want to play it on the go.


Molten Core Raider
searched reviews briefly and everything i found searching through asbout 5 or 6 reviews and they all said it ran really well.

It's Nintendo, so most reviews are going to gloss over performance problems and other issues. Many of them read like PR. The fact that IGN gave the Switch version a full point and a half higher score than the PC version says all you need to know about that shit.

Having said that I've seen multiple reviews that mention dropping framerates and apparantly Digital Foundry will be saying the same thing when they release their coverage.

These are all on Metacritic, so you can check yourself.

Hardcore Gamer:
A frame-rate which can get knocked back further when explosion of canisters, for example, send the performance even further to around the 20FPS mark for a brief second.

Nintendo Life:
What did cause some problems were the frame rate and the audio. DOOM is a beautiful game, but that beauty comes with a price tag. When enemies got a bit too dense on screen or when large numbers of particle effects were going on at once, the frame rate took a major hit, becoming noticeably choppy. If we had to guess, we'd say the frame rate can occasionally drop into the teens.

I would also be ready to swear that the thirty frames we mentioned earlier are not so solid, especially in the wide spaces with a host of enemies

“So the game isn’t so crisp,” I justified, “The graphics are pretty good in Doom, so surely this was necessary to keep the frame rate steady.” Surprise, the framerate isn’t as steady as I’d hoped. At certain points (even within the first mission) I found things slowing down with framerate dips, which I imagine stems from the Switch’s CPU struggling to keep up with the game’s demands. The port already runs at 30 FPS, half of what the other versions do, but it still manages to dip in high-action scenes. While not entirely frequent, they are almost always noticeable.

Visually, it looks as if someone has smeared vaseline all over the screen when docked. This would not necessarily be a problem if it wasn’t for the fact that there are games for the Nintendo Switch that are significantly busier and manage to look much better. Slowdown is also a frequent occurrence when things get very busy, and when I say that, what I mean is more than a couple of demons on screen at the same time.
  • 1Worf
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It would be a lot better in here if people stopped sugar coating the obvious flaws of this fucking thing. Good post Rafterman Rafterman


Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
There's always going to be people who sugar coat reviews, and there's always going to be people who are more harsh to counter it out. I mean Knack 2 Review - A Knack For Improvement (PS4) is an 8.5 review for Knack 2, which was an absolutely abysmal game. The Order 1886 Review - Interactive 19th Century Cinema (PS4) - PlayStation LifeStyle Here's another review for the order 1886 that gives it an 8.0.

It's about finding the middle ground and knowing which reviews to trust for which product. I'm not going to Nintendo everything for an unbiased review on Nintendo products.

I do find it pretty funny that FPS is a huge thing for people now, when just at the beginning of this generation hardcore PS4 and Xbox One fans claimed that FPS is irrelevant. It's funny how it's a massive deal now, even though that's what PC gamers have been saying for years.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Review sites are dumb. So 1997. This forum and Youtube is all the review information you need.
  • 1Solidarity
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Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
Review sites are dumb. So 1997. This forum and Youtube is all the review information you need.

Agree with that. I look at reddit review threads to get an overall idea of how it's performing but in general I just trust the people who I trust.


Molten Core Raider
DigitalFoundry says it's pretty much always 30fps in docked or handheld, though they use motion blur and dynamic resolution to keep it there. There are still some dips in some parts.

That's interesting considering Digital Foundry isn't even dropping their Doom analysis until tomorrow.

In fact, they've actually been saying the exact opposite in a thread over on ReReEra.

This was a week ago:
I think it's shaping up to be an impressive port but keep in mind that the early preview was a little rough. It didn't hold a solid 30fps and appeared to drop to a very low resolution. Hoping the final is improved.

This was this week when someone asked why people didn't give Sony shit for Crash being 30 fps:

Well, keep in mind that Crash Remastered actually runs at a stable 30fps.

Which clear as day means Doom Switch doesn't.

When people were talking about why only 3-4 reviewers talking about performance issues:

Not to spoil anything but, think about often do reviews mention frame-rate issues these days? It's not that common, I feel. So when that many regular reviews mention frame-rate issues, well, I think you can imagine where this is going.

Again, clearly stating that the game has framerate issues.

And even if you look past the frame drops, and how bad it looks, which surprisingly most reviews admit, it apparantly plays like shit in portable mode anyway, which would be the only reason to buy it in the first place. There are lots of complaints about the right joycon, small text, unseeable enemies, etc.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I think switch fans need to realize something. There is a stark difference appearing in this new take a console with you and also play at home device. And that’s unless the power is there, some of these games should not be ported. That’s number one. But even on a larger scale, some games are NOT meant to be played portable on a tablet style console. Because as a result of both the port and the actual gaming experience of the game the way it is intended to be played, we are seeing some games that just frankly should not be given a green light from Nintendo. Case in point, this game. And most definitely what will be a shitty version of Wolfenstein as well.

As to the point if “well this is what they have”, I don’t feel that should detract from said game’s experience. If people haven’t played a doom game before, and all my opinions aside on the game itself, they will play this muddied low frame version and a bad portable port and of they ever get a console it was designed for, or a PC, they will see the doom name again and head for the hills.

The switch console game/title needs direct development for it to be a successful game. Not some hap hazard x86 port unless it’s an indie title which seem to translate well.

I was even fired up to hear of rocket league on the go with this, until I realized there would be no way in hell I would be able to play competitively with the portable control set up.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Just so people know I’m not really talking about reviews and such. I was talking about directly in this thread. I’ll admit the switch can be a cool idea albeit horribly implemented. Some others need to admit this Console doesn’t shit flowers.


A greasy jar
Just so people know I’m not really talking about reviews and such. I was talking about directly in this thread. I’ll admit the switch can be a cool idea albeit horribly implemented. Some others need to admit this Console doesn’t shit flowers.
we get it, go back to circle jerking ps4 and Xbox 1. The switch isn't for you.
  • 1Salty
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
we get it, go back to circle jerking ps4 and Xbox 1. The switch isn't for you.

Oh hey. The direct person I’m talking too. Do you ya e ANYTHING disparaging to say about the switch? You always have an excuse for this that or the other. Be real man. Jesus.


A greasy jar
Oh hey. The direct person I’m talking too. Do you ya e ANYTHING disparaging to say about the switch? You always have an excuse for this that or the other. Be real man. Jesus.
I enjoy the switch. I don't care if graphics aren't the best, I have a PC for that.

You add nothing to this thread. All you want to do is trash the system. Nintendo will not talk to you as they don't care about your opinion so what is your point. You already haven't bought it what else will you accomplish?

You won't change peoples minds, don't think anyone has been changed due to your ramblings. Please speak up if Ut changed how you thought on the switch?
  • 1Salty
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Potato del Grande
Stop talking about people and start talking about the system. If he bothers you ignore him or report him and move on.

Who really expected the Switch to be the platform of choice for most multi-plats? You buy a Nintendo console to play their exclusives, that's basically been the case forever now. Does anyone really give a shit how Doom performs on it?

That doesn't excuse them for doing stupid shit with their online service though.
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Molten Core Raider
it doesnt excuse them, but at this point it is what it is. Dont like it move on. If you are ok with it, then get one. Its really fucking simple.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I enjoy the switch. I don't care if graphics aren't the best, I have a PC for that.

You add nothing to this thread. All you want to do is trash the system. Nintendo will not talk to you as they don't care about your opinion so what is your point. You already haven't bought it what else will you accomplish?

You won't change peoples minds, don't think anyone has been changed due to your ramblings. Please speak up if Ut changed how you thought on the switch?

This isn’t a thread to blow sunshine up your ass. Or anyone else’s. We talk about the good and the bad. Don’t like hearing about the bad? Go find a safe space where anyone who says anything disparaging and isn’t talking about both points gets their ass verbally handed to them by the mob. People still come here and make purchasing decisions. Doom should have never been launched on this thing. We are discussing it. We aren’t blowing Reggie as they came out with the worst online system ever. We doscusss it. Mario sounds likes it great. We discuss it. Wolfenstein willl be a fucking mess. We will discuss it. Everyone hopes xenoblade 2 isn’t pure shit and is good like the Wii Xenoblade we all played. We will discuss it.


A greasy jar
This isn’t a thread to blow sunshine up your ass. Or anyone else’s. We talk about the good and the bad. Don’t like hearing about the bad? Go find a safe space where anyone who says anything disparaging and isn’t talking about both points gets their ass verbally handed to them by the mob. People still come here and make purchasing decisions. Doom should have never been launched on this thing. We are discussing it. We aren’t blowing Reggie as they came out with the worst online system ever. We doscusss it. Mario sounds likes it great. We discuss it. Wolfenstein willl be a fucking mess. We will discuss it. Everyone hopes xenoblade 2 isn’t pure shit and is good like the Wii Xenoblade we all played. We will discuss it.
Same as you are saying reasons why I shouldn't like it, I telling you that your opinion sucks. You said same shit for the whole thread, you are a broken record. You can hate the switch all you want, but come up with new material.

you need the same :emoji_fork_knife_plate::emoji_poop::emoji_coffin::emoji_gay_pride_flag: as tanoomba
  • 1Worf
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