Nintendo Switch (previously NX)


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Thought this was a Switch Pro for a minute and checked in with my friends at Gamestop. Not available for preorder yet, considering they usually make preorders available very close to an announcement.

Then I found out it isn't a Switch Pro at all and doesn't really improve anything except portable mode. Super underwhelming. Passing on this.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Welp, at least I know if I buy a regular switch now I’m not missing anything. What a disappointment.
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<Silver Donator>
The only positive I see is MAYBE the normal switch will get a 50$ price drop, I was holding out for a more powerful Switch(not like a PS5 power obviously, just a bit better) so that's a big disappointment especially since I don't care about the handheld mode much at all. I still want to buy a Switch eventually cause there's a bunch of games I want to play on it, but if they're not updating hardware I wonder how long until PCs just run the games better via emulation anyway. I think currently it's still shaky but in a couple years it'll probably run fine?


Potato del Grande
Oh no. I wanted a new switch model so I was forced to buy it to play games requiring the new hardware, this sucks.
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Potato del Grande
Oh no. I wanted a new switch model so I was forced to buy it to play games requiring the new hardware, this sucks.
you are an idiot GIF
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Trakanon Raider
Que: 3DS+ bullshit they released, for the WHOLE 3 FUCKING GAMES THAT USE THE ACTUAL FEATURES OF IT..

I think they learned there lesson with that one I don't think you'll see a "switch" that will do beyond 720p/1080p(If you're fucking lucky)

I Understand Japan is there main market and portability is massive over there, but if they don't pull there head out of there ass I wonder how much longer they can keep going.


Potato del Grande
Yeah if only a console manufacturer could release and support multiple power level products during the same generation, oh I dunno, like every other one does.

What kind of bullshit logic is that?

Just let us play the same fucking games higher rez and better frame rates.
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Trakanon Raider
Yeah if only a console manufacturer could release and support multiple power level products during the same generation, oh I dunno, like every other one does.

What kind of bullshit logic is that?

Just let us play the same fucking games higher rez and better frame rates.

This is a new feature for any consoles PS4/XBox were the first ones too get this because of using x86 arch FINALY.

I don't think we'll ever see it from nintendo though *shrug* either speak with you're wallet or enjoy being stuck in the early 2000's or earlier...(as far as graphics go anyway)


FPS noob
For better or worse Nintendo is a company that thinks primarily of its domestic market, which is very different from the rest of the world. The switch ludicrously dominates the console market, like 90% of hardware and software is switch (or 3DS). Many people play it in just handheld mode, never TV. The mobile game market over there is much larger than the console market too I think. Its weird because foreign sales are probably like 80% of their revenue now but its Japan first at Nintendo.

All these things warp how things are delivered, Nintendo cares way more about not making a customer feel like they are getting screwed over by new hardware, etc. But releasing a new model with a slightly better screen, that has the same power as what you got... well, thats sorta like a new phone model for Westerners nowadays I guess.

To me its really bizarre they still won't release one with built in bluetooth for wireless audio. Even the damn vita had that.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
99% of my Switch usage has been in docked mode, but it is still limited by the hardware so the switch port of any game is always considered the neutered version by default.

I did not expect that to change until Nintendo moves on to another generation (which they have no incentive to do right now) so this non-announcement is par for the course.


Potato del Grande
To me its really bizarre they still won't release one with built in bluetooth for wireless audio. Even the damn vita had that.

Yeah, I absolutely hate that I can't use my bluetooth buds when I do try to use this thing in hand held mode. My use case for hand held is almost entirely in bed (hehehehe) and I just can't ever get comfortable playing anything that's not like Fire Emblem in that situation.