Orange Is the New Black


<Prior Amod>

former husband looks a bit on the effeminate side. should have seen this coming 2 years ago, 2 years later, finds out husband is gay, plot twist.


Musty Nester
The old double beard.

Someone told me this didn't get picked up for a third season. I find that unlikely and think I got told wrong. But then again I dunno. Netflix isn't made of that hbo money.


Molten Core Raider
I just marathon-ed this. Liked it a lot.

Things that need to happen.

Someone other than Piper needs to get furlough.
Hopefully Red when she heals up. Her husband is killed by the mob he was hiding shit for and Red gets Furlough to go to the funeral. Piper is in the shoe when this happens and is unable to tell Red what happened to her store. When Red gets out she finds out the reason her husband was killed was that her sons tried to save her store and got in with the wrong people. She sees that they were trying to help and ended up going down the same road she did and forgives them

Morello and Nicky get in to a relationship and Morello goes all crazy like she did with Christopher and Nicky ends things with her at the end of the season. Season ends with Morello committing suicide and Nicky using again
Red isn't around to stop nicky from using because she is on furlough dealing with her sons

When Alex gets back to prison she still has feelings for Nicky and this causes problems with Piper to minor effect. She is jealous of Morello and Nicky and helps cause Morello's slow fall in to psychosis. I think Alex needs to interact with more than just piper.


<Bronze Donator>
Didn't see anyone else post anything but Season 3 is out for early viewing? no idea what that means but it's up on netflix


<Bronze Donator>
"Well i've seen you suck a cock for a bag of ranch doritos"
"totally different. That was a cock. AND i love the ranch flavor"


Buzzfeed Editor
I've been watching this a bit, it is good. Larry is 100% out which I am sure some people like, idk, I didn't mind Larry. I like him better than Piper anyway.

I don't understand how they can make this show and not realize that the story grinds to a halt every time Piper and Donna are on screen. Donna is awful. Her interactions with Piper make Piper a more annoying version of Piper. Write those two characters out and the show would be vastly improved. Which is fucked up, as a show runner when your show is great except for the two leads, that is a problem. Unless Piper wants to start getting naked all the time, then I will be ok with it. But Donna is still awful.

Everything else is great though. At least through episode 6 or 7 or so.


<Prior Amod>
Everything else is great though. At least through episode 6 or 7 or so.
yea cuz that's when piper and donna invade the show and get more airtime.

what i couldn't stand is the corporate entity, sure we all hate companies and corporations. But when you got a great prison cast acting all real, it really ruins the pace when you introduce obvious retard corporate sterotypes onscreen.

I mean, you get like a strong background story like Chang's, and then then next scene is a bunch of doofus hollywood corp guys sitting at a table being retards.


Musty Nester
I did laugh when Donna started calling Piper her fuckpig.

It was a long walk for a short drink, but it did make me laugh.


<Gold Donor>
Donna's complete inability to be able to act has lead me to go back and scrutinize That 70's Show and I have decided that it must have been some Madoff level criminal deal making that allowed such a remarkably untalented cast to get a foothold in the entertainment industry. The only one that is slightly bearable is Topher Grace but only when he's playing Topher Grace. If we could all collectively pool our money and somehow build a working wayback machine we could probably go back and intervene before whatever unholy pact was made to crap life into those six actor's careers and then maybe, just maybe, we'd be able to have a complete season of Orange is the New Black where the pacing didn't slam into the side of a fucking mountain when the writers have to take a break from all of the interesting characters and quickly catch up Piper's story which invariably necessitates Prepon screen time.


Musty Nester
Topher had that short lived movie career. Kutcher, well obviously. I've never even seen Hyde in anything else. Doesn't he own a nightclub with Fez or something?

They were the smart ones. They took their money and bought some land!

Kunis is about the most successful on her own merits out of the entire bunch, I guess. Nationally. I'm sure that Topher and the rest do all the regional theater that they want to. She got lots of work voice acting. Which actually says something about her, considering how damn pretty she honestly is. She could have slid into pretty-girl romcom roles so easily. I would imagine that it was a conscious choice her and her agent made to avoid that.