

Watcher of Overs
London is two korean teams merged together. Apex champs gc busan and kongdoo panthera. Shanghai are the only chinese team.


Golden Knight of the Realm
i mean sports teams in general are usually really representative of the organisation's names who own them right?
Yes, for the most part.

Poor Soe has no cleavage to show in that outfit.

Soe is smoking but she needs better wardrobe. The leather jacket over a formal look was strange also.


Watcher of Overs
Had the same knocked into the wall thing today. And Libero got stuck on a doorframe during the game last night if you noticed.


<Bronze Donator>
Soe looks good cause shes the only remotely good looking chick in that whole room


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Why do they not penalize people for leaving games mid-match?

There is in QP. If you leave enough you'll get a 75% XP penalty for 10 matches. You can only leave at the hero select screen at the start of a match and not get penalized. I'm not sure if that extents to arcade.


Molten Core Raider
Does anyone else get annoyed on how much these pro players in OWL spray every few seconds? It is an annoying sound effect as well...


Golden Baronet of the Realm
London/NYE was really good again. I'm surprised London won since they lost to Houston yesterday.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
AKM is sooo good. It's hard to believe he was a FA before Stage 2. Talent scouting has a long way to go in this league.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
i mean sports teams in general are usually really representative of the organisation's names who own them right?

Soe is smoking but she needs better wardrobe. The leather jacket over a formal look was strange also.
Toronto Blue Jays are all Americans and Dominicans


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
So season 8 is over.

Personally my best season, reached mid 2800...career high by about 150SR, never fell off from Plat once I reached it. Finished season in mid 2700. Very happy.

My alt account didn't make it to Plat, missed it by about 50SR, finished around mid 2200. So the usual 300-400 below my main. This is mostly due because I play it to learn new heroes.

All in all though, I played less than usual. Mostly due to watching OWL a lot more than I ever expected. Watching OWL took directly from my game time in Overwatch, and not much from anything else.

Speaking of OWL, the worse thing to happen I think because of it was the rise of Widomaker in my games. I'd say close to 75%+ of my games had a widowmaker which wasn't the case before, she was rarely used. It's kinda funny seeing these Widowmaker flying in the air trying to pull off trick shot they see in OWL and missing 90% of their shots. Even in plat most of them can aim for shit, so it's depending on who has a widow it's like a 6v5, or 5v6, or 5v5. :)

My goal for season 9 will be to stay in Plat, and maybe hopefully reach Diamond. I'd be happy though if I just stay in Plat for the entire season. :)


Watcher of Overs
I've been playing alot, almost all mystery heroes. I'd like to say I'm improving but I don't really see a way to get win to loss ratio.

With nobody teaming up, the best way to win is to just suicide on a priority target and try to take them with you. Any character that auto aims is priority 1 (sym, torb, moi), with healers next. Orisa is a fairly high priority target as well. The rest take actual skill to play so aren't any threat really aside from the occasional lucky shot. Well maybe junkrat.

Win/Loss aside, Mystery is really about practice and learning heroes and fun. It really would be 10 times more fun if they would remove heroes that need a hard counter. Get a torb on the payload with any kind of shield and it's all over 9 times out of 10. People don't live long enough to build up ults.

That and take out hanamura / anubis / moon. I leave those maps when they come up, but I'll bet if you look at the stats 90% + of games defense wins. You have to have the right hero combination to take point 2, and have to hope the defending team has something terrible. People used to just suicide until they got a reaper or something decent, but you can't do that anymore.

BTW, I caught up on all the OWL games. The houston vs london game was awesome. All that counterpunch and hero switching was great, and lots of badass brawls and big plays.

I could almost skip the first game of the matches. Hanamura is just a terrible map and needs to be redone or ditched. All the assault maps are bad, it's just a bad mode, but at least Anubis has some good tactical attacks from the teams. The early stage 1 dallas vs seoul match had some awesome back and forth on Anubis.

It would hurt seoul to ditch assault. They are the kings of the cheesy stall tactics. Which are of course not fun at all to watch.
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Golden Squire
yeah pretty much agree on all of this. I give it a shot but I leave mystery heroes on payload defense if we lose the first fight for sure. You just never win. No idea why you can even play on those maps. You can win on control attack but pretty much only on first push when people have ults. You're never winning like Hanamura point 2 without ults and it can take forever + very careful play to build them up.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I agree that certain game mode don't work very well in Mystery Heroes. I'd probably play more if it was limited to Control Maps, as I think those are the most fun with Mystery Heroes.