

<Silver Donator>
I'm not in, but I've always been more of a support player. I was curious how they feel in the game and nobody has really streamed any of them.. well I found a few dudes but they seemed to be totally bad at FPS games so I didn't stick around. I'm very interested in that monk dude, but I'm also a huge fan of movement based gameplay so Jet Set Radio aka lucio is something I've really gotta try out.

Although many years of quake rockets and maining soldier in TF2 makes me want to play Pharrah, the thing is I feel like she's going to be the go-to for most people and/or become FOTM and be nerfed pretty quickly.
Pharrah's pretty good but really squishy and pretty exposed if people pay attention, especially since you can see rockets trajectory. Hook guy also ruins her if you can aim the hook(and since she kinda floats around when she's flying, it's not that hard).

On supports for a more detailed description from what I've seen so far:

Lucio, excels at attack on payload maps because your whole team tends to be grouped around the payload. The aoe heal isn't quite as good as targetted healing, but it's solid especially when you E. The speed buff on this type of map has limited uses besides coming back after you die. Ulti is great for when the defenders try to clear the payload all at once or if you need to push a bit more before reach the objective/end of the game. He's alright on other maps but like some maps people spread out a lot, or depending on their classes, and he's really kinda shitty if you don't have people in his area(quite big though).

Monk guy(Zetasomething?) is kinda an offensive support I feel. His heal is fire and forget and he does pretty good damage especially if you charge up and if you "curse" the target first. I think the curse also increases damage from other people though I haven't checked for sure, which makes him a prime choice when the team is stacking tanks since you can assist train the tanks down super quick with the debuff. Ulti is great when shit hits the fan, especially on capture maps when you finally get to the point after fighting so it's charged up and you pop it to negate respawning opponents' damage. Works well on most maps otherwise.

Electra is a defense map support. She's fairly awful if the enemy isn't coming to you, I guess with organized play I could see her kinda work on attack but probably not worth it. Her healing is shit(only a 6secs cd shield on single target though it lasts forever) but she can lay down mini turrets all over the walls in weird places and shit and those do like a short range laser that slows and do high damage. Put 2-3 in an area and anyone walking in will die almost instantly, however they can be cleared in one shot I think so need to put them away from each other and around corners and shit so people don't just shoot them down easily. Her ult is a teleporter so nothing out of the ordinary, but it's obviously insanely powerful considering most of the running back takes like 15secs which can be cut to 3-5secs with a well placed teleporter. Her damage is also pretty good if people get hit by the slow moving orbs you charge up or if they're dumb and fight you in close quarter since she has a tracking very short beam that does really high damage.

Finally Mercy is the average support you'd expect. She has pretty good mobility with the jump to someone else and can even follow Pharrah flying around and shit. Her beam heals quite a lot and the increasing damage mode is great when there's no target to heal around. Her actual combat weapon is clunky as shit though, mostly because you have to swap weapons to shoot so it has a delay and then you can't switch back quickly either. Her ult is OP as fuck used in the right conditions(like zerg down a point, everyone kinda explodes, rez everyone, you generally wipe the enemy team).

I really like Mercy and Electra depending on the maps, and Lucio feels broken on payload maps so I generally pick him. If you're more into killing people, monk guy is probably better though.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
read that, immediately got an email...

square enix telling me to go watch their live orchestra show for distant worlds.
I got an EVE Online e-mail. *shakes fist*

Been craving FPS, and this looks pretty fun.


A top tier Quake player (Stermy) was streaming day 1 and he was getting like <300 viewers. The masses care more about entertainment than skill.
wait really? I'm still in love with Stermy and his beautiful baby blues. Watching him play right now


I need to get back into CS:GO apparently cause I still doubt I'm getting in lmao. Got to LEM and then got sad at getting hacked in about 50% of games, but that was before the last giant ban wave.


Molten Core Raider
I started playing CSGO a few weeks ago. Last year I think I placed somewhere in Silver and proudly faught my way up to gn1. I came back recently, won a single comp match, and was placed GNM. Fast forward 30 wins and I'm MGE on the verge of a promotion (can tell via who I'm playing against). I think Valve clamed down pretty hard on hacking -- out of the 80 or so competitive games I've played in the last few weeks I've only ran into one guy who was super fishy. After watching some global elite smurfing videos, I'm pretty convinced that anyone at my tier of play wouldn't be able to accurately recognize an aimbot, anyway.


DMG and Eagle tend start to be the sweet spots for smurfs and hackers. There's a lot less hackers than smurfs imo, which is still obnoxious but less of a problem.

Anyways, a friend of mine who is totally garbage at games got in OW. Kind of salty hahaha


Molten Core Raider
I don't really care about smurfing; it's good to be reminded that other people are leagues better than you. If it happened every single game I'd probably get bored, but the occasional guy womping the match doesn't bother me and usually I learn a few tricks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider



Blackwing Lair Raider
No prob, just making sure. Someone else called her Electra (maybe it was you), and I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy.
I think symetra is more of a engineer than a pure healer. She has some heals but her main stuff is going to be positioning and defending her portal that people can use to quickly get to the front lines.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Been pretty funny to watch the popular hearthstone streamers play this. Just getting rekt


Lord Nagafen Raider
I clicked on a random streamer like 2 pages down the list and sure enough, was a better person than the top 10 streamers and more competent than any except the FPS pros. I'm sure every game is filled with that sort of thing though.


Trakanon Raider
Datamined info? If so, even more excited.

Two strings point towards guilds!

Guild Officer
It looks like Overwatch has several unlockable items.

Unlock Spray
Unlock Skin Theme
Unlock Play of the Game
Unlock Portrait Frame
Unlock Master Weapon.
Unlock ?ero Trophy
Unlock Avatar Portrait
Unlock List.
Unlocked by default
Hero Customization
So yeah, those progression unlocks? It looks like you can customize your hero somewhere in hero lobbies with them.

Customize Locked Item
Customize Play of the Game Animation
Customize Skin Theme
Customize Skin
Customize Spray Item
Customize Preview Item
Like most of Blizzard's other titles, it looks like achievements will be no stranger to Overwatch thanks to the following string:

"Completed achievement %s!" [%s is used in string replacements, the achievement name would go here]

It should be noted that we don't have good identification at the moment of what exactly is an achievement, so the following list of achievements may not be achievements at all and just used for internal tracking.

Multi-Hero Leveling
Level 5 with 10 heroes
Level 10 with 10 hero?s
Level 10 with 20 heroes.
Level 20 with 2 heroes
Level 20 with 5 heroes
Level 20 with 15 heroes
Level 20 with 30 heroes
Hero Leveling
Reaper - Level 20
Roc?etqueen - Level 20 [Good chance this is Pharah]
Tracer - Level 20
Widowmaker - Level 20.
Player Leveling
Player Level - 10
Player Level - 20
Player Level - 30
Player Level - 40
Player Level - 50
Player Level - 75
Player Level - 100
Map Descriptions
Not all maps have descriptions. The first three maps that were publicly announced with Overwatch have descriptions, with Hanamura having two, while the other four do not.

Hanamura (Attack): Since its founding generations ago, the Shimada ninja clan has made their home in the quiet village of Hanamura. From behind its ancient walls, the family's power grows through weapons trading, smuggling, and assassination.
Hanamura (Defend):With its restaurants, shops, and prime cherry blossom viewing, Hanamura is a popular tourist destination, but the sleepy town hides a dark secret known only to a select few.
King's Row: Beneath the glamour of the ritzy King's Row neighborhood, omnics dream of a day they will have the same rights as humans.
Temple of Anubis: The ancient Temple of Anubis houses a secret vital to the security of the region, protected by Helix Security Systems.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I clicked on a random streamer like 2 pages down the list and sure enough, was a better person than the top 10 streamers and more competent than any except the FPS pros. I'm sure every game is filled with that sort of thing though.
Just be sure to avoid all the TSM guys. I <3 TSM in League (due to skill) but they all suck at Overwatch and have 0 personality lol.


Trakanon Raider
Sweet got into the beta. Gonna give it a run after taking the kids trick or treating.