
Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
What explains this game’s utterly soul-draining ranked games and community? How do you even fix this shit? I’ve never played a game with such an overwhelming amount of people whose only goal is to ruin the game for other people. I wonder if a scoreboard - showing kills, deaths, points capped, etc - would help to keep people honest and accountable for their performance.
It's like this for every moba/team game. So long as trolling retards aren't banned from competitive modes, they will ruin them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I feel like moira is hard to heal with, just takes so much power to get someone back to full health then forced to dps to bring it back again. Its same reason I dont play ana though cause I feel like dpsing on her more than healing so I see the same with moira, too tempted to dps instead of heal ;p
Not gonna lie, I do this too. It's real fun to chase down an opposing Mercy to finish her off so she can't res anyone, though typically that involves sacrificing yourself. >_> <_< Genjis thinking they can and will reflect Moira's primary attack always makes me gleeful.

I do think Moira needs a minor tweak on her heal side, but mostly in the meter's gains and losses. If you tap the button just to trigger the hot on the target(s) it's as if you did a full strength heal, when you didn't, to name one example.


Watcher of Overs
I think it is still rumor but from le reddit:

"Blizzard's new restrictions are

  • OWL players are prohibited from queuing with more than 1 owl player on stream
  • Custom/pick-up games A.K.A. "pro pugs" are banned
the only channel with more than 2 OWL players allowed to be on broadcast, while playing, is OWL"

There was a charity stream a few days ago that did a bunch of custom games with pros, but I think it was mostly non league players.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's better than barring everyone outright from streaming. I bet they would have done it, but people like Seagull wouldn't have joined OWL then. Seagull imho is taking a huge paycut by playing in OWL than streaming. Seagull routinely gets 14k+ viewers which would literally make him at least a million a year if he streamed fulltime. I know that's why Moonmoon won't play in OWL because he makes too much money streaming.


<Bronze Donator>
I mean the income potential is way higher for any streamer in any game if they can pull in the numbers. Shroud could never make as much playing any game competitively as he is making streaming PUBG right now. There just isn't that much money for the players in most esports compared to the streamers.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Well, my main account is sitting just a little under 2200SR, about 50SR lower than my season high. I can't seem to climb higher.

I did manage to climb with my alt account which went under 1600SR, it's now at 1950, so that was a nice climb. Shouldn't be too hard to get it back into Gold.

I did get Moira's golden weapon which was my 5th golden weapon after Zarya, Zenyetta, Winston and Mei.

Aside from 1 night I stopped after 2 games, the rest of my week was pretty good overall in terms of toxicity. Team comps were not always ideal but it felt like people didn't care and just played without being toxic which for some reason is an improvement to good team comps and toxicity. :)


Toe Sucker
I think it is still rumor but from le reddit:

"Blizzard's new restrictions are

  • OWL players are prohibited from queuing with more than 1 owl player on stream
  • Custom/pick-up games A.K.A. "pro pugs" are banned
the only channel with more than 2 OWL players allowed to be on broadcast, while playing, is OWL"

There was a charity stream a few days ago that did a bunch of custom games with pros, but I think it was mostly non league players.

Eh that's not that bad. It sounded like if they solo queued while streaming and got matched against another OWL player they had to turn off their stream which would be absolutely retarded lmao

I like Moira's playstyle, i don't think it really needs to be changed. Perhaps people are just expecting her to be an ana/mercy when she's actually a symmetra?


Golden Squire
Honestly this patch has been huge success in terms of comps, people will actually play more than one healer and its not always mercy, and there's way less 3-4 dps now. :thumbsup.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I’ve had the opposite experience. Moira being picked in every game by people who have never play support and who have no intention of healing. Mercy is still really good, and I find myself wishing she was being played more especially when the other team has a mercy. Res is huge when the other teams has no res, and popping valk is basically a guaranteed team fight win. However, she was “nerfed” so is not being played as much now. Still seeing 4 dps comps more often than 2-2-2 comps and it fails to win matches 90% of the time.


<Bronze Donator>
damn 5 golden weapons, only got two lol. I just cant play comp after losing 30-40 minutes due to idiots I have to stop and do something else. If I'm on a streak sure but soon as its two losses in a row, log off.

and yeah agree, when i see my team have a moira and like a zenyatta im scared, like wut no we need mercy not zen you know that moira aint gonna carry like a mercy can and if other team has a res its gg when i'm hit scanning a pharah and he gets ressed again.


Lord Nagafen Raider
More like keep the zen and lose the Moira. Mercy/zen is a far stronger healing combo imo, unless the opposing team is really good at diving the zen.


<Bronze Donator>
true but love moira for those pesky tracer/genji/pharahs! otherwise its my problem as hit scan, which i hate until im mcree then its flashbang fan the hammer time. had a genji yell at me in comp for doing that, i was like you mean i cant use all the abilities mcree has to defeat u? stop.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Moira feels like ana, if rating is < diamond pretty sure they are gonna do fuck all healing and I'd rather have an afk mercy left clicking on my team or even a proper dps.

In a game today some moira used R to follow me around in a circle and try to kill me when our team capped their point.

She could have 1. healed her team. 2. Killed our stacked group. 3. Stalled point, but she choose literally the most useless option imaginable.

And all I could think afterwards was if I was on her team she'd probably somehow be blaming the DPS.

Ranked is horrible unless you six man it honestly


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I find myself being forced into a tank or mercy 90% of games because people are retarded and wont fucking pick either role. All the moria cunts think they are dps. It really is awful.

Sometimes I hope that the person who designed the match maker gets ass cancer.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I almost never have to deal with bad Moira, since I am the one playing her.

Maybe I'm the type of Moira you guys complain about though, and my team hates me. :)
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 1 user


Toe Sucker
I'm with you bro.

>queue up
>insta lock Moira
>all golds
>lone wolf holding the payload
>chuck an E
>Laser beam some kids
>maniacal laugh IRL as i deplete the enemy team
>lose anyway
>"Fuck you MNoira You FAgiT plAy MerCy yoU Idiot Fagit"
>Let out a soft sigh and do it all over again

Tis truly a struggle as a Moira picker
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 1 user


Golden Knight of the Realm
Medals don't mean shit though. I'm not telling you who to play or that you aren't good on moira

But consider this, if a team had no healers and some roadhog or soldier was gold medals for damage and healing etc, would the overall team composition be improved if he swapped to mercy ? absolutely.

Medals are just a metric to compare your numbers with your team members, they don't relate all that much to actually winning the game. Like maybe you did do a ton of damage and got picks like you said, but perhaps the team needed more sustain or maybe if you picked soldier your ultimate would wipe even more people and free up a slot for a more suitable healer in this particular suituation, or whatever.

Or maybe your team were just awful and scapegoating. Thats the problem with this shitty game, there are no useful metrics to assess performance and everyone just blames everyone else any way.


<Bronze Donator>
I always look at it like this: I got to my ranking by playing reaper, mcree or soldier. I know I'm good at it and I feel like if I go heals or orisa (cause i havent played any other tank) that I'm going to be letting the team down by not playing what got me to where I'm at or if one of our dps actually sucks or cant kill pharah. I know its conceited and all, but if I am off my game, I generally will switch from like mcree/soldier to reaper or vice versa and if that doesnt work then after the first round to healer. Other people I see, they just dont switch, and its like why not change things up its not working clearly there could be someone better at the job.. to me dps carries.

I tried the whole just be a mercy or lucio but great healing doesnt always carry, I mean I've had good games but that depends on my dps protecting me from flankers in order for me to heal.

Maybe I need to practice some roadhog or more zarya, I always feel bad not being proficient in a tank besides orisa (whos a joke to play imo)

I wouldnt count medals unless you're getting like 40+ eliminations.