Pacific Rim


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
No fuck Origin stories! I want to see them at their peak, bring on the super fast teleport combos and huge fucking cannons that blast away half the water they are shot near all Mako cannon style.
Yeah I hear you. I am also wondering why do they have to be in the robot? Xbox controller anyone? And is the human form really best suited for a kick ass robot? Why do they not have cell phones? Even have a super time sensitive message that needs delivered right away, and they run back instead of just calling... There is a 1800s blacksmith bellows working the neural net machine... Ok I better stop this is a slippery slope that could result in a full brain implosion. ROBOTS!


Yes I agree this movie had pimp (not in the that's pimp manner of speaking, btw who the fuck still says that ) robot voices, robots humping legs, blurry action that is hard to follow, Shea LeBeouf, the Pyramids blowng up (somehow), and Micheal Bay pretending he cares. Oh wait it had none of those things.

The only two things the two movies had in common was bad acting, which people are thinking is intentional because it seemed forced bad in Pacific Rim, and a throwaway plot. Least in Pacific Rim the Monsters and Mechs were interesting, unique and different from eachother in noticable ways, detailed, made you feel a sense of scale, while in Transformers you couldn't tell what the fuck was happening and which Transformer was who 3/4 of the time.

People go to see these movies to be entertained, the Transformers posters should have just been Micheal Bay giving us all the finger while shitting on our childhood. This movie entertained me, Transformers pissed me off.
I think u lookin too much into it. Both are wild ass movies with giant robots fighting with some dumb ass story thrown in. I would prob take Transformers over this movie cuz it had jokes n the girl was much more sexy than this Chinese girl. Both good movies tho. I dunno why u couldn't tell what was in Transformers I think those movies are made for lil kids n shit haha


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
I think u lookin too much into it. Both are wild ass movies with giant robots fighting with some dumb ass story thrown in. I would prob take Transformers over this movie cuz it had jokes n the girl was much more sexy than this Chinese girl. Both good movies tho. I dunno why u couldn't tell what was in Transformers I think those movies are made for lil kids n shit haha
Reporting from Inglewood, California, I'm hazenphilly. Back to you Chet.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah I hear you. I am also wondering why do they have to be in the robot? Xbox controller anyone? And is the human form really best suited for a kick ass robot? Why do they not have cell phones? Even have a super time sensitive message that needs delivered right away, and they run back instead of just calling... There is a 1800s blacksmith bellows working the neural net machine... Ok I better stop this is a slippery slope that could result in a full brain implosion. ROBOTS!
Lets build a huge fucking wall that takes forever and is useless..........that would be way better than those putting a few of those sweet as plasma canons that rip monsters apart near cities on the coast.

Sorry had to get that off my chest. ROBOTS !!!!


Vyemm Raider
Lets build a huge fucking wall that takes forever and is useless..........that would be way better than those putting a few of those sweet as plasma canons that rip monsters apart near cities on the coast.

Sorry had to get that off my chest. ROBOTS !!!!
I think since the Jaegers were falling faster than they could build them, the politicians of the world decided to go with a wall plan even though they knew it wouldn't work. When the Jaegers started falling people began to lose hope, so the bureaucrats said "Hey, let's make a wall to make them think they're safe in order to prevent riots and discontent. By the time they realize it won't work we'll all be hiding in bunkers deep below the earth!" It makes sense to me since that's something politicians consistently do.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. I was chuckling at the wall. Somehow that was more implausible then the giant robots. that and the future umbrella that can withstand a helicopter.

Explanations for it.
1. Pilot errors, and pilot deaths. While I don't think its true "jeagers were dropping fast". There WERE mistakes. and pilots were rare. Pilots dropping was the problem. not Jeagers. The ability to drift was rare.
First gen pilots all died from cancer from piloting. Mako almost kills EVERYONE when she got in one the first time. Australian guy even says, "the program was aborted because of bad pilots like Surferdude."
So saving the world was in the hands of 20 pilots, basically. With a life span of 6 months. and an accident rate of 50%.

2. Corruption. and politics. yeah. this would also be likely a good answer. Kaiju death cults, underground markets, and just plain politics between countries. plenty of room for intrigue here.
as you say, build a wall to appease/misdirect the masses, while the rich/elite build an orbital platform or something.


Lets build a huge fucking wall that takes forever and is useless..........that would be way better than those putting a few of those sweet as plasma canons that rip monsters apart near cities on the coast.

Sorry had to get that off my chest. ROBOTS !!!!
Or a ring of them right next to the hole where every single one of the monsters comes from. Maybe even a big fucking nuke that just sits there, waiting.

But then we wouldn't have an awesome movie with ROBOTS!!!!


Tranny Chaser
I think since the Jaegers were falling faster than they could build them, the politicians of the world decided to go with a wall plan even though they knew it wouldn't work. When the Jaegers started falling people began to lose hope, so the bureaucrats said "Hey, let's make a wall to make them think they're safe in order to prevent riots and discontent. By the time they realize it won't work we'll all be hiding in bunkers deep below the earth!" It makes sense to me since that's something politicians consistently do.
The problem is that we never see people losing hope. The movie goes out of its way to show the very opposite, that the people support the program.

I didn't think The Wall or the apparently inept politicians added anything. We've got monsters coming from another dimension, everything we tried before failed, this shit works and we don't have the resources left to try anything new but we are losing pilots and jaegers too fast so it's an assault on the portal or nothing. That's enough conflict without needing a throwaway scene with Generic Asshole Senator 01.


Vyemm Raider
I now want to see a movie where a punk kid saves the world with a cutting edge scifi military weapon and his Xbox controler.


Avatar of War Slayer
The problem is that we never see people losing hope. The movie goes out of its way to show the very opposite, that the people support the program.

I didn't think The Wall or the apparently inept politicians added anything. We've got monsters coming from another dimension, everything we tried before failed, this shit works and we don't have the resources left to try anything new but we are losing pilots and jaegers too fast so it's an assault on the portal or nothing. That's enough conflict without needing a throwaway scene with Generic Asshole Senator 01.
yeah, thats true enough.
The movie was more clear in calling the pilots and jeagers rock stars. The problems were more subtle. It might have made more sense to put a bit more on that. Having PR guys making them look like rock stars, while clearly underneath things are falling apart.
Don't need to go full EVA... cause fuck that show.. But yeah, we aren't given a real good clear reason why the Jeager program would be abandoned, when 5min earlier they just told us how the Jeagers saved the world when it took 6 days,100 million lives to stop a Kaiju previously.


Tranny Chaser
How about something like this -

The Kaiju attack and basically all the conventional military can do is lure them away from a population center and go with nukes. Fighting them with non-nuclear arms takes forever and spreads their hideous plague blood everywhere. Those options sucks so the entire world is looking for alternatives. Japan green lights a plan that involves gigantic fucking robots and holy shit it works and it works awesomely. Every country in the world now has their own EVA program and the pilots are mega stars bordering on deification. The entire world economy revolves around the different jaeger programs.

And then it stops working so well. We go from clean wins to ugly wins to near losses to crippling losses. There's all kinds of amazing military tech that has been advanced but if it isn't strapped on the arm or back of a jaegar there's no support. The last world leader who talked about maybe mounting a cannon on gigantic tank instead got assassinated. The military industrial complex is completely tuned around building jaegars. No one wants to do a retooling. The people don't want non-jaegar options so humanity doubles down and then doubles down again.

And now we are out of options. The attacks are coming with such frequency that full worldwide production can't keep up and hasn't been able to keep up for years. Rare earth minerals are running out. There's not enough titanium. Quality farmland is being dug up to find more iron to make more steel to build more jaegars. Hey, how about we build a dome of plasma cannons around the entrance and shoot anything the instant it pokes its head through? How about a series of orbital death cannons? How about we build a single 3000 foot cube of steel and drop it on the portal? Sorry, things are so dire right now there really is no other option but to keep building jaegars. Where were you five years ago with your orbital death cannon plan? Now the only option left is to try something that didn't really work in the past - attack the rift itself.

So you can have this narrative about how humanity is both able and unable to adapt. We needed a savior and once we were given one we couldn't let go even if it was our destruction. You can poke fun at how we worship celebrities and comment on the nature of fame and public support.

Beef Supreme_sl

How about something like this -

The Kaiju attack and basically all the conventional military can do is lure them away from a population center and go with nukes. Fighting them with non-nuclear arms takes forever and spreads their hideous plague blood everywhere. Those options sucks so the entire world is looking for alternatives. Japan green lights a plan that involves gigantic fucking robots and holy shit it works and it works awesomely. Every country in the world now has their own EVA program and the pilots are mega stars bordering on deification. The entire world economy revolves around the different jaeger programs.

And then it stops working so well. We go from clean wins to ugly wins to near losses to crippling losses. There's all kinds of amazing military tech that has been advanced but if it isn't strapped on the arm or back of a jaegar there's no support.The last world leader who talked about maybe mounting a cannon on gigantic tank instead got assassinated. The military industrial complex is completely tuned around building jaegars. No one wants to do a retooling. The people don't want non-jaegar options so humanity doubles down and then doubles down again.

And now we are out of options. The attacks are coming with such frequency that full worldwide production can't keep up and hasn't been able to keep up for years. Rare earth minerals are running out. There's not enough titanium. Quality farmland is being dug up to find more iron to make more steel to build more jaegars. Hey, how about we build a dome of plasma cannons around the entrance and shoot anything the instant it pokes its head through? How about a series of orbital death cannons? How about we build a single 3000 foot cube of steel and drop it on the portal? Sorry, things are so dire right now there really is no other option but to keep building jaegars. Where were you five years ago with your orbital death cannon plan? Now the only option left is to try something that didn't really work in the past - attack the rift itself.

So you can have this narrative about how humanity is both able and unable to adapt. We needed a savior and once we were given one we couldn't let go even if it was our destruction. You can poke fun at how we worship celebrities and comment on the nature of fame and public support.
This works for me.

Bolded part actually would explain a great deal towards why they ended up "stuck" with Jaegers.


Avatar of War Slayer
Kaiju deathblood seemed like a plot point they totally forgot about as well.
talked about it early... but by the end of the movie. cutting up Kaiju's for parts, drifting with them, getting eaten... blood didn't seem to be doing anything.


Buzzfeed Editor
But yeah, we aren't given a real good clear reason why the Jeager program would be abandoned, when 5min earlier they just told us how the Jeagers saved the world when it took 6 days,100 million lives to stop a Kaiju previously.
This is from the Wiki, no idea if the info was in the movie.

Essentially Jaeger's worked great...However, as the "war" progressed, the speed at which Kaiju came continued to double. First it was 26 weeks, then 13 weeks, then 7 ect ect. Until they were coming every few days, then every few hours and eventually two at a time. Essentially, the Jaeger's couldn't deal with this increase (Production, Pilots, not sure). Just a few years ago, there were 20 Jaegers in operation...By the time of the movie, there are only 4 left. In the year the movie is in alone, 8 Jaeger's were destroyed.

Essentially the reason they switched to the wall was because the Jaeger's couldn't keep up with the increased rate of Kaiju.


Trump's Staff
Kaiju deathblood seemed like a plot point they totally forgot about as well.
talked about it early... but by the end of the movie. cutting up Kaiju's for parts, drifting with them, getting eaten... blood didn't seem to be doing anything.
From the wiki:

In the early stages of the war, HAZMAT teams were dispatched immediately after the Kaiju threat was eliminated. But, as the war progressed, and more Kaiju began to attack, the Kaiju's bodies began to be left where they fell, and the "Kaiju Blue" was left to run. However in many cases black market dealers in Kaiju parts swooped in after a Kaiju had fallen andneutralized the "Kaiju Blue" to allow them to harvest various body parts. One such case is the body of the kaiju Reckoner. After it was defeated at Hong Kong in 2016, its carcass was left to rot. Nine years later however, a shanty town sprung up around its bones, with the inhabitants even carving a worship hall into its skull.

The Ancient_sl

I think since the Jaegers were falling faster than they could build them, the politicians of the world decided to go with a wall plan even though they knew it wouldn't work. When the Jaegers started falling people began to lose hope, so the bureaucrats said "Hey, let's make a wall to make them think they're safe in order to prevent riots and discontent. By the time they realize it won't work we'll all be hiding in bunkers deep below the earth!" It makes sense to me since that's something politicians consistently do.
You really really really had to turn your brain off on the "Wall of Life"

A wall covering miles and miles and miles of pacific coastline
gee I dunno, some sort of wall centered directly around the rift

A wall covering all the pacific coastline that the monsters could just...go around?

A wall made of what appeared to be just a bunch of steel and concrete...

Jaegers decommissioned before the thing is even finished?

Jesus why even bother with that subplot. Holy shit.