Pacific Rim


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You're both wrong. It's Demolition Man.

Total Recall rides the line pretty hard too, but most of that is in hindsight. That movie was considered serious when it first came out.


Tranny Chaser
It really, really helps that a bunch of those films are rated R. You get to throw in some boobs and a bit of the ol' ultra violence to properly balance the silliness in a way that PG and PG-13 films cannot.


Hell, Gipsy Danger is pretty much Mazinger Z painted blue - pilder/scrander head? Check. Rocket punch? Check. Breast motherfucking fire? Check.
holy shit....i did not connect the reactor fire burst with Mazinger breast heatray.....thanks dude. This movie it's even more an homage to the father of super robot genre than i thought

we just missed Boss Robot and Venus tit-missiles



...close enough.


As every 20th Century Boys reader can tell you, a giant robot is not old school unless it has a remote control like Tetsujin #28 (aka Gigantor).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
chuk... did you just refer to the LOTR trilogy as b-movie camp? wat.

i think you overplayed your troll card. you were fine with aliens and t2 but you showed your hand with that one...


Silver Baronet of the Realm
there's a difference between comic relief and camp. and wtf was so campy about treebeard. dude was awesome. HIS FEET ROOTED INTO THE GROUND WHEN HE WALKED. baller.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I would say dwarf tossing jokes and Legolas Fred Flintstone Brontocrane sliding off the giant mammoth would be obvious camp moments, though there were many others.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
well, maybe it's relative, but to me, camp is bruce campbell. legolas sliding down the stairs on a shield or an elephant's trunk wasn't camp. that was just a directorial choice to demonstrate his "elven grace." to me, camp is for humor and since i didn't see him doing those things for humor, i don't see it as camp.

and with the dwarf tossing moments... i mean i definately can see how you would see that as camp, after that definition... but at the same time that definition just seems... overly encompassing. i mean with that definition, what the difference between comic relief and camp? well, i can tell you that when i see it, i know it. but that's not really all that beneficial.

to me, comic relief is comedy used to relieve the tension of a serious moment, but doesn't otherwise detract from the scene. camp is comedy used to relieve the tension of a serious moment by letting the audience know that actors/directors/writers/whatever are not taking the material too seriously.

and after reading that, maybe i'm even too strict in that by assuming that camp = comedy... but either way, i don't see ANYTHING in LOTR as camp. however, the hobbit? pssh... yes. campy.


Millie's Staff Member
Peter jackson who directed dead alive and the frighteners before he did the lotr trilogy is not what I would call a serious director. Look im not putting the lotr trilogy down. I loved them actually, but yeah dude there is a large portion of silliness and camp in those films, which is why those films are classics.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
sam raimi was the executive producer for hercules, xena, and the evil dead series. those were all EXTREMELY campy. he also was the executive producer for spartacus, which is anything but. i mean i get what you're saying and i'm not trying to change your mind, if that is what you ACTUALLY think. i mean seriously, what do i care? it's just that your argument for WHY it's camp doesn't make any sense to me. bruce campbell is king of camp... but his character in burn notice isn't campy.

if you want to say that lotr is campy because it had some over the top silly moments, that's fine. i don't agree with you, but again, that's fine.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
back on topic... took the wife and in-laws to see this again earlier this week... while not QUITE as enjoyable the second time around... i'd still rate the movie as an absolute must-see for anyone enjoying fun, simple popcorn action movies. the ONLY scene that just... bothers me is when raliegh and mako are talking in his bunk for the first time. she's talking to him about what she thinks of him and how he's too headstrong or whatever... the dialogue isn't all that great but it's fine... even the deliveries are fine. there's a lot to be desired but again, robots vs monsters. there's about 20 seconds of screen time where i get just... so irritated that i want to look away and forget what i'm looking at. that 20 seconds or so of raliegh talking to mako with his head tilted 60 degrees just... omg.


Trakanon Raider
i agree with joot. there's a big difference between comic relief and a movie being campy. i wouldn't consider any of the LOTR to be campy, even though they had scenes that i don't think should have been put in the movies (like some of the legolas scenes or the dwarf toss). mary and pippen provided comic relief, but where also serious in a lot of scenes (like when trying to fight to save boromir). i'll give you someone like C3PO in star wars, who is total camp, but i will counter that i think the star wars movies would have been even better if he wasn't even in them (or lucas didn't make him the only gay robot in movie history).


Millie's Staff Member
at what point does comic relief become camp? because i could spend hours talking about all the comedic moments in LOTR and these characters are not always comic relief types.


Avatar of War Slayer
Its a fine line at times. others not so much.

I'd say Lotr does step over a few times.
Dwarf tossing.
Tricking Treebeard into going south.
Wormtongue in his entirety.

Pac Rim is inherently more campy, with the entire premise of giant robots and homaging anime. The very backbone of the movie is campy.
Rocket elbow, and such, are clearly in the camp field.
Charlie day and the other guy, as well as Hannibal Chau.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
The main dude doing the Bale Batman voice all movie was either total camp or horrifically bad acting. I can't decide which.


Vyemm Raider
I dont like how they give the monsters code names. I mean it sounds so dumb to have a monster areound for all of 5 min yet we have a code name already for him?