Pacific Rim


Trakanon Raider
In Japan if you save a little girl she owes you one of her shoes. Giving it back is like saying your life debt is null and completed. Everyone knows this


Avatar of War Slayer
I understand that, but my question still stands.
I assumed you were joking.

Was it not clear he adopted her in the movie?
The reason he didn't want her to pilot, was she was his daughter.
the shoe was tied to the promise of letting her pilot one.

Mako's line at the end that was not translated to Stacker was, "I love you, Sensei" btw. "sensei aishitemasu"


Golden Baronet of the Realm
the moral of the story is it's confirmed we have better movie taste than americans
Hey, we let Red 2 and RIPD die on the floor. Turbo we kicked to the curb and... okay we'll concede the Grown Ups 2 bullshit was in bad taste, but we're getting there!


Gunnar Durden
If the first monster attacked San Francisco, why the hell are they called "kaiju" and not "monsters"? Likewise, if Germany didn't build a god damned thing why are the robots called "jaegers" and not "hunters" or whatever??? This has ruined the movie for me.
How exactly does a posi-trac rear-end on a Plymouth work? It just does.


Was it not clear he adopted her in the movie?
It was, but the question still stands.
The reason he didn't want her to pilot, was she was his daughter.
Understandably so, but the question still stands.
the shoe was tied to the promise of letting her pilot one.
Yeaaaaah... we kind of get that... but isn't that the most artificial, most strange, most bizarrely fetishistic way to link the traumatic event, the promise and the present together? Wasn't there twenty other ways to get the same signification, the same narrative function, without it being so odd? What's up with Stringer Heimdall keeping the red shoe? What went through the mind of the writers to think it was an acceptable solution? I understand it's not the most salient concern when it comes to Pacific Rim's plot (which probably is the inability to find as somewhat valid reason for the robot vs monster WWF match they were so eager to show), but it's probably one of the most mindboggling, because it was trivial to avoid.


Tranny Chaser
The problem I had most with the film -

I do not believe that Japan would ever mothball their Eva program. Ever. It took me right out of the film. The whole world may be building a wall but you know goddamn well that Japan is going to keep building mechs until the world ends.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Without going into a long winded rant, I would just like to state five things after seeing this last night:

1) The people who dogpiled on Prometheus for its plot flaws that are also praising this movie need to do some self reflection with regards to their fanboism.

2) You cannot try to be campy and serious in the same movie and expect it to work, especially in a end of the world sci-fi movie.

3) If you are going to ram a shit ton of backstory down my throat in the opening credits, the expectation is that the rest of the movie will be mostly mindless action, not really shitty plot with really REALLY shitty actors in the lead roles.

4) When I am looking forward to seeing more onscreen interaction between Charlie Day and Ron Perlman during other parts of the movie (including the fight scenes), there is a huge fucking problem.

5) If scientists doing technobabble is going to be part of your movie, hire a fucking technical consultant so that at least the simple things in the movie have some basis in reality. Knowing the difference between analog vs digital or not having nukes make giant air bubbles would be a good start.

While I do not regret seeing this in the theatre, it is clearly the worst movie I went to all year and I am in no way shocked that it tanked. My wife's first comment after the end was that she wished she had a fast forward button for about 3/4th of the movie. They should have just bought the rights to Big O and made that into a movie with descent actors.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Without going into a long winded rant, I would just like to state five things after seeing this last night:

1) The people who dogpiled on Prometheus for its plot flaws that are also praising this movie need to do some self reflection with regards to their fanboism.
I haven't seen it yet but I don't see how you can compare picking the plot of Prometheus apart to picking the plot of Pacific Rim apart.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Both movies are science fiction, both are major releases, and both attempted to be serious movies.....?


Molten Core Raider
Most predictions before the movie even released was that it would be pretty dumb. GIANT FUCKING ROBOTS THOUGH. That's all we cared about.

People actually thought Prometheus would be a good movie. There's a big difference.


Avatar of War Slayer
Without going into a long winded rant, I would just like to state five things after seeing this last night:

1) The people who dogpiled on Prometheus for its plot flaws that are also praising this movie need to do some self reflection with regards to their fanboism.

2) You cannot try to be campy and serious in the same movie and expect it to work, especially in a end of the world sci-fi movie.

3) If you are going to ram a shit ton of backstory down my throat in the opening credits, the expectation is that the rest of the movie will be mostly mindless action, not really shitty plot with really REALLY shitty actors in the lead roles.

4) When I am looking forward to seeing more onscreen interaction between Charlie Day and Ron Perlman during other parts of the movie (including the fight scenes), there is a huge fucking problem.

5) If scientists doing technobabble is going to be part of your movie, hire a fucking technical consultant so that at least the simple things in the movie have some basis in reality. Knowing the difference between analog vs digital or not having nukes make giant air bubbles would be a good start.

While I do not regret seeing this in the theatre, it is clearly the worst movie I went to all year and I am in no way shocked that it tanked. My wife's first comment after the end was that she wished she had a fast forward button for about 3/4th of the movie. They should have just bought the rights to Big O and made that into a movie with descent actors.
1. Prometheus had larger plot holes, that don't even work in the context of the movie. Pac rims plot holes may not work in OUR universe, but neither do giant robots.
2. Starwars.
3. Starwars. Should Pac rim, rammed its backstory into a retarded opening crawl?
4. Charlie day was hilarious.
5. Vacuum, not air bubble. what do YOU think happens to the water in an underwater blast? do you think the shockwave just ignores the water? what do you think happens to the AIR in a nuclear blast?

I will admit the fish didn't make much sense. although I find that artistic license, much like the pendulum weight scene.
The force to move the water, would have been more then enough to move the fish. Or, if the fish was there simply because the water was evaporated around it. The heat would have killed the fish, and the force still would be there frankly.


Mr. Poopybutthole
5. Vacuum, not air bubble. what do YOU think happens to the water in an underwater blast? do you think the shockwave just ignores the water? what do you think happens to the AIR in a nuclear blast?
The thing to keep in mind for the duration of this video is that this bomb, relatively speaking, was a tiny one. Just 8 kilotons, or about half the yield of the "Little Boy" bomb that devastated Hiroshima. The Umbrella shot was small compared to most tactical and strategic bombs and warheads of today. The Cold War hasn't been over that long, but it amazes me at how quickly people forget the power of these bombs.
I'd watch a Tsar bomba explode underwater.
Crazy shit. I can hardly imagine what would happen if a large nuke was set off underwater.
5) If scientists doing technobabble is going to be part of your movie, hire a fucking technical consultant so that at least the simple things in the movie have some basis in reality. Knowing the difference between analog vs digital or not having nukes make giant air bubbles would be a good start.
Haha, take a moment and watch this video for me: nuke didn't make an air bubble, but explosions underwater do behave like that, the wind is hot gases from the explosion. "Simple things! Grounded in reality!" Funny stuff.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Without going into a long winded rant, I would just like to state five things after seeing this last night:

1) The people who dogpiled on Prometheus for its plot flaws that are also praising this movie need to do some self reflection with regards to their fanboism.

2) You cannot try to be campy and serious in the same movie and expect it to work, especially in a end of the world sci-fi movie.

3) If you are going to ram a shit ton of backstory down my throat in the opening credits, the expectation is that the rest of the movie will be mostly mindless action, not really shitty plot with really REALLY shitty actors in the lead roles.

4) When I am looking forward to seeing more onscreen interaction between Charlie Day and Ron Perlman during other parts of the movie (including the fight scenes), there is a huge fucking problem.

5) If scientists doing technobabble is going to be part of your movie, hire a fucking technical consultant so that at least the simple things in the movie have some basis in reality. Knowing the difference between analog vs digital or not having nukes make giant air bubbles would be a good start.

While I do not regret seeing this in the theatre, it is clearly the worst movie I went to all year and I am in no way shocked that it tanked. My wife's first comment after the end was that she wished she had a fast forward button for about 3/4th of the movie. They should have just bought the rights to Big O and made that into a movie with descent actors.
We get it, you hate fun things. No need to continue shitting up the thread.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I love fun things, I just can't shut off my brain to the degree this movie requires to embrace it as much as you guys have. Most of that is the fault of the movie. Had the opening verbal vomit in batman voice been all the plot in this movie, with the balance of it being giant robots punching the shit out of monsters, I would have enjoyed this movie much more. But, no, lets spend tons of time exploring the inner turmoil of Surferbro with the Christian Bale Batman voice as he courts emo Asian girl Mi Suki Suki for over half the film, when all I want to see are gigantic robots beating the fuck out of giant monsters. You can't have it both ways. If you are going to make me sit through the plot for over half the god damn movie, it better be good enough (and well acted enough) to warrant the time I am NOT spending shitting my pants watching giant robots beat the fuck out of big monsters. The pacing in this movie was really REALLY bad, and even the fanbois have been stating as much.

As for the nuke under water, no you do not create vacuum magically out of nothing. A large enough nuke will sublimate the water and you will have a giant scaling ball of water vapor that then bubbles up to the surface. Any fish, most of the fucking rocks, and oh yeah any living flesh or giant steel robots would likely be melted slag if they were not somehow magically torn to shreds by the concussive force of the bomb. But really, that is not the part of the movie I had the hardest time with, it just was the point where I finally could no longer suspend disbelief anymore and firmly accepted that this was a bad movie with a few good special effects and fight scenes. Though the wall idea was almost the last straw....

Anyhow, I realize that disagreeing with the herd means "I R teh hatorz", but really I have a pretty high threshold for shitty science fiction entertaining me and this movie barely failed that test. They tried to play it way too serious and wasted far too much potential action time on horribly acted plot that absolutely no one, fans included, gave a shit about. Charlie Day and Ron Perlman are the only things that kept me from walking out of this movie, honestly. It would have been a vastly better movie if they had cornballed it up and/or spent the lion share of the time doing robot battle scenes. The long stretches of agonizingly bad dialog gave me way to much time to think about the flaws when my brain should have been on sensory overload from ZMOG Giant FUCKING ROBOTS! If I am angry, it is because this movie had so much wasted potential and probably torpedoed any chances of us getting a third Hellboy movie.


Tranny Chaser
Both films are pretty dumb and certainly didn't like either film but I actively hated most of the cast of Prometheus while in Pacific Rim the only people I wanted to see die a horrible death were the comic relief scientists. Pacific Rim was also not another in a long series of godawful films of a franchise that started out amazing. Pacific Rim wasn't also trying to be all deep and symbolic with its big faith message and all of that other new age garbage spouted by some of the worst "scientists" anyone could have hired.

But I don't really have any interest in ever seeing either again.