Pacific Rim


Millie's Staff Member
this film has so many nitpicks and plotholes it basically tells you, shut up and enjoy giant fucking robots fighting sea monsters. its a great dumb fun movie. id say its along the lines of battleship as in stupid but you love it anyway.


Apparently if a sequel gets the green light GDT has a plan for it
holy shit....i'm a psyker!

now, i want Pacific Rim 2, where the aliens open multiple portals and send those "real destroyers" the stupid scientist mentioned, so we can fight with jaeger 2.0 that are a cybernetic mix of jaeger1.0 technology AND kaiju biology
nice! it means i'm not crazy because the voices i hear telling me to rape and slaughter are not an illusion but are just warpdemons trying to claw their way into my mind

oh wait.....


Trakanon Raider
A large enough nuke will sublimate the water.


Trump's Staff
From the GdT commentary I have to assume that the fighting will not be taking place on Earth in PR2.


Without going into a long winded rant, I would just like to state five things after seeing this last night:

1) The people who dogpiled on Prometheus for its plot flaws that are also praising this movie need to do some self reflection with regards to their fanboism.

2) You cannot try to be campy and serious in the same movie and expect it to work, especially in a end of the world sci-fi movie.

3) If you are going to ram a shit ton of backstory down my throat in the opening credits, the expectation is that the rest of the movie will be mostly mindless action, not really shitty plot with really REALLY shitty actors in the lead roles.

4) When I am looking forward to seeing more onscreen interaction between Charlie Day and Ron Perlman during other parts of the movie (including the fight scenes), there is a huge fucking problem.

5) If scientists doing technobabble is going to be part of your movie, hire a fucking technical consultant so that at least the simple things in the movie have some basis in reality. Knowing the difference between analog vs digital or not having nukes make giant air bubbles would be a good start.

While I do not regret seeing this in the theatre, it is clearly the worst movie I went to all year and I am in no way shocked that it tanked. My wife's first comment after the end was that she wished she had a fast forward button for about 3/4th of the movie. They should have just bought the rights to Big O and made that into a movie with descent actors.
No one with any sense went to see both movies for the same thing. One is about giant robots fist fighting monsters. The other is whatever the fuck they decided on that apparently wasn't prequel to one of the best suspense/horror and sci fi action movies ever made.

Pacific Rim is about giant robots punching monsters.

Prometheus was sold as being a sci fi quest for god or honestly I don't even know. It was sold as not sending a biologist across half the fucking galaxy to try and touch alien penis snakes and have scientists get lost in a cave when they can talk to someone with a 3d fucking map that shows their god damn position.

I'm a bit more forgiving of an eye roll or two in the movie that touts itself as robots fighting fucking monsters. It's also a bit eaiser to let it go when you eye roll in the middle of a scene wherea robot. is fighting. a monster.than when when someone with a map is wandering around lost in a cave where there's not arobot. fighting. a monsterto distract you.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I actually had no idea wtf that word meant so I googled it, and M-W's first example phrase made me do a double take:

"She sublimated her erotic feelings into a series of paintings."

Those English nerds are getting lonely out there.


Trakanon Raider
I actually had no idea wtf that word meant so I googled it, and M-W's first example phrase made me do a double take:

"She sublimated her erotic feelings into a series of paintings."

Those English nerds are getting lonely out there.
haha. I was just being a smart ass. Sublimating is ice going straight to vapor (happens with ice cubes in your freezer). Water can't sublimate, since it's liquid. Phazael was being all Mr. Science about the movie, so I figured I'd be a smart ass and point out his improper terminology.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Now imagine how much less brain hurt this movie would have inflicted if they had an intern check Wikipedia. I said sublimate when I meant vaporize, but then again n one was paying me to crank out a 100m dollar movie, so....


Millie's Staff Member
your brain only hurts if you go in thinking you would not be seeing giant fucking robots meleeing giant fucking space monsters. seriously when you watched the trailer did you say to yourself., "ahh finally a movie based on scientific fact!"?


anyone that likes evangelion should like this movie imo
except it has almost zero things in common with Evangelion appart the neural connection and orange/yellow liquid in their helmet (like the LCL in Eva)

it is a clear omage to shows like Mazinger Z and dozens of anime like it (rocket punch, head falling down to attack to the torso, shouting the type of attack/weapon for no reason etc etc). Even some of the ridiculous techchat was a remind to the stupid things you heard in those shows. Hell, you know why one of those super robots (i dont even remember from which show) was so powerful ? because it was made with Inox Steel....yes...fucking inox steel like the pots your mom had in the kitchen when you were a kid. Because it was a commonly new material in the ' fuck it lets do a robot with it


Musty Nester
Giant robots punching godzilla monsters.

This is not a movie you are intended to think about. But it is kinda weird that it wasn't comprised entirely of mecha-godzilla fight scenes. If there's a flaw it's not in the science, it's in the shallowness of the characters.

I don't think anyone going into a movie like this expects shakespeare or anything resembling technological integrity. It's just kinda weird that we didn't get a few stand-out charismatic actors with Bruce Campbell lines though.

But I thought it was pretty decent for what it was.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Dude inox steel is totally awesome. I'll probably pass the pots and pans I got from my mother to my grandchildren along with all my Corell dishes.That shit is robot worthy. Im a-ok with that.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
your brain only hurts if you go in thinking you would not be seeing giant fucking robots meleeing giant fucking space monsters. seriously when you watched the trailer did you say to yourself., "ahh finally a movie based on scientific fact!"?
You are absolutely right.

The problem is that there was a ton of "plot plot shut" up shit and nowhere near enough giant robots punching Godzilla. Clip all that useless shit out, especially Mexican/Egyptian Orville Redenbacher (his accent kept changing?) and the romance between the 30 year old washout and underage emo Me Love You Long Time girl. Then the movie hits the mark. A brainless movie needs to be at least 50% action and spectacle, in my view. Anything less, and your boring the audience and they start thinking about the flaws. One major fight in the daylight would not of hurt, either.

As it stood, Despicable Me 2 had better pacing, plot, acting, dialog, and was probably more scientifically plausible.....


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
You are absolutely right.

The problem is that there was a ton of "plot plot shut" up shit and nowhere near enough giant robots punching Godzilla. Clip all that useless shit out, especially Mexican/Egyptian Orville Redenbacher (his accent kept changing?) and the romance between the 30 year old washout and underage emo Me Love You Long Time girl. Then the movie hits the mark. A brainless movie needs to be at least 50% action and spectacle, in my view. Anything less, and your boring the audience and they start thinking about the flaws. One major fight in the daylight would not of hurt, either.

As it stood, Despicable Me 2 had better pacing, plot, acting, dialog, and was probably more scientifically plausible.....
I think you have an unrealistic view of how much money it costs make a movie that is 50% pure, badass, expensive as shit CGI. Why do you think Transformers was such a piece of shit visually? They knew that movie was going to make a fuckton of money but they still couldn't justify spending as much as it would cost to make it just robots vs robots.


Millie's Staff Member
You are absolutely right.

The problem is that there was a ton of "plot plot shut" up shit and nowhere near enough giant robots punching Godzilla. Clip all that useless shit out, especially Mexican/Egyptian Orville Redenbacher (his accent kept changing?) and the romance between the 30 year old washout and underage emo Me Love You Long Time girl. Then the movie hits the mark. A brainless movie needs to be at least 50% action and spectacle, in my view. Anything less, and your boring the audience and they start thinking about the flaws. One major fight in the daylight would not of hurt, either.

As it stood, Despicable Me 2 had better pacing, plot, acting, dialog, and was probably more scientifically plausible.....
name one giant monster/robot movie that is scientifically plausible? please dont say cloverfield because that movie is so off they couldnt even get its nyc geography right.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I was suggesting the opposite, actually. Cut out the bullshit plot scenes and cut the movie run time down to bring the ratio up to snuff. I don't think anyone would complain about a 90 minute movie if half of it is Mechagodzilla beatdown.

Edit: Scientifically plausible I can live without. Magical EMP immune analog devices and flopping fish in magical air bubbles created by underwater nuclear detonations, not so much.


Millie's Staff Member
I was suggesting the opposite, actually. Cut out the bullshit plot scenes and cut the movie run time down to bring the ratio up to snuff. I don't think anyone would complain about a 90 minute movie if half of it is Mechagodzilla beatdown.

Edit: Scientifically plausible I can live without. Magical EMP immune analog devices and flopping fish in magical air bubbles created by underwater nuclear detonations, not so much.
GDT fucked up by not having ron perlman play the lead because he is a motherfucking badass. but it wouldnt work in the context of this movie because ya know he is old and shit. the actor they did choose was simply horrible. i hate his acting in sons of anarchy and he doesnt improve here. but again, it doesnt matter because giants robots v giant monsters