Pacific Rim


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm glad I'm a pretty overall stupid, simple guy. I can enjoy almost anything. I'd hate to be as "intellectual" as a lot of people on this board.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Another thing I found amusing is this: Asian girl is something like five or six when Marshal rescues her as a generation one jaeger pilot, which would put her at age 11-12 when surferbro (presumably at least 25) lost his brother in the opening fight. This means when they reeled surferbro back into the program five years later, she is 17 at the absolute oldest and he is most likely at least 30. At least the got the pedo part of of Anime culture down.....


The actress is 32.

There is a wiki though:

Japan attack is 2016.

Brother die in 2020

The movie takes place in 2025

Amusingly, the hero is supposedly born in 1998 and the japanese girl in 2003.... we'll have to assume her memory was altered by the trauma as she did not look 13 in the Tokyo sequence...


Magical EMP immune analog devices
Pop quiz: The MiG-25 had analogue, valve-tube electronics used in its radar. Reason one was raw power, guess what the other one was?


If you said "ruggedisation against EMP from nuclear explosions" you'd be 100% correct.

Amusingly, the hero is supposedly born in 1998 and the japanese girl in 2003.... we'll have to assume her memory was altered by the trauma as she did not look 13 in the Tokyo sequence...
Yeah, it being her memory means we have to take it as subjective. She was terrified and had just lost her parents so she pictured herself as a little girl lost. Stacker Pentecost saved her from certain death (and then became her surrogate father), so she 'remembers' that halo of sunlight around him as he climbed out of the jaeger. And so on.

When PR isn't beingdeliberatelydumb and shonen, there's some clever touches.


Avatar of War Slayer
Pop quiz: The MiG-25 had analogue, valve-tube electronics used in its radar. Reason one was raw power, guess what the other one was?


If you said "ruggedisation against EMP from nuclear explosions" you'd be 100% correct.

Yeah, it being her memory means we have to take it as subjective. She was terrified and had just lost her parents so she pictured herself as a little girl lost. Stacker Pentecost saved her from certain death (and then became her surrogate father), so she 'remembers' that halo of sunlight around him as he climbed out of the jaeger. And so on.

When PR isn't beingdeliberatelydumb and shonen, there's some clever touches.
yeah, I would have said that too... but the shoe is a real physical object.. for a 6 yr old.


Trakanon Raider
i'm just shocked that someone that could write and direct something as beautiful and magical as "pan's labyrinth" could also write and direct this flaming pile of shit. it's the equivalent of da vinci doing a painting of dogs playing pool.


Millie's Staff Member
GDT does all kinds of stuff. certainly isnt the first time a film director went from blockbuster to art house movies or vice versa.


Trakanon Raider
GDT does all kinds of stuff. certainly isnt the first time a film director went from blockbuster to art house movies or vice versa.
true, but my point is more that if you want to make a campy, action flick then just make it a campy, action flick. trying to make it serious and campy at the same time never works. i would have liked the movie a thousand times more if it was just an 80's like action flick, instead of trying to do both and you wind up with a movie where the acting and the plot is as shitty as "avatar."
I was suggesting the opposite, actually. Cut out the bullshit plot scenes and cut the movie run time down to bring the ratio up to snuff. I don't think anyone would complain about a 90 minute movie if half of it is Mechagodzilla beatdown.

Edit: Scientifically plausible I can live without. Magical EMP immune analog devices and flopping fish in magical air bubbles created by underwater nuclear detonations, not so much.
You're issue was the fish?! Man, it must have made you livid when the robot punching into the building just so happened to barely touch the newton's cradle, I mean seriously, what are the chances of that!

Seriously though, I think you can live without scientifically plausible because you don't know what that actually entails, as evidenced by this thread.


true, but my point is more that if you want to make a campy, action flick then just make it a campy, action flick. trying to make it serious and campy at the same time never works. i would have liked the movie a thousand times more if it was just an 80's like action flick, instead of trying to do both and you wind up with a movie where the acting and the plot is as shitty as "avatar."
Psst: It's not trying to be a (western) campy action movie, it's trying to be a (Japanese) Kaiju movie, but even more than that it's live-action shonen anime. View it through that lens and it all makes perfect sense. Stoic lead piloting the main mech, hotblooded rival piloting the 'production' version, stern father-figure running the base, comedy gonk characters, the works.

Hell, Gipsy Danger is pretty much Mazinger Z painted blue - pilder/scrander head? Check. Rocket punch? Check. Breast motherfucking fire? Check.


Millie's Staff Member
true, but my point is more that if you want to make a campy, action flick then just make it a campy, action flick. trying to make it serious and campy at the same time never works. i would have liked the movie a thousand times more if it was just an 80's like action flick, instead of trying to do both and you wind up with a movie where the acting and the plot is as shitty as "avatar."
Have you not seen a godzilla film?


Tranny Chaser
i'm just shocked that someone that could write and direct something as beautiful and magical as "pan's labyrinth" could also write and direct this flaming pile of shit. it's the equivalent of da vinci doing a painting of dogs playing pool.
I honestly do not believe that you can make a movie that costs nearly 200 million dollars and not have it come out like this.


Millie's Staff Member
You are embarrassingly wrong here. Lots of great movies are serious in parts and also campy.
dude you are wrong. you cant have a great film thats both campy and serious. only B movies like star wars, T2, Aliens, LOTR trilogy, pirates trilogy, HP series and matrix trilogy can be made like that!


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Aliens wasn't really campy, just 80s macho vibe. The rest, well let's just say those movies have taken their share of criticism in this community over the years. Empire Strikes Back had virtually no campy scenes and is generally seen as the critically best star wars movie (I happen to agree), so that would stand out to me as one major exception. I think 5th Element is likely the best campy sci fi movie ever made, but that was almost pure camp.