Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, pots isn't a big deal and it sounds like similar to everything else which isn't a bad thing for his audience. I wouldn't believe pots to be a huge issue for a fan base but I've seen those fans in action. I almost pity Brad but he wanted them and he got them.


Genuine question , how do you pay that crew with the current funds for more than a month or two ? If he backtracked at all on paying for the "pro bono" work as soon as funds came in , they have less than that total by far already.

I know he keeps saying "big things on the horizon with investors" , but that was said during the failed KS too and never materialized.

I just keep thinking is everyone ignoring the elephant in the room that 150k is going to be burnt through instantly , and 500 or so paying 15/month isn't going to help any past that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Genuine question , how do you pay that crew with the current funds for more than a month or two ? If he backtracked at all on paying for the "pro bono" work as soon as funds came in , they have less than that total by far already.

I know he keeps saying "big things on the horizon with investors" , but that was said during the failed KS too and never materialized.

I just keep thinking is everyone ignoring the elephant in the room that 150k is going to be burnt through instantly , and 500 or so paying 15/month isn't going to help any past that.
It's a good question. I don't know where the money is coming from at this point or what their finance situation is looking like.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Genuine question , how do you pay that crew with the current funds for more than a month or two ?


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Our Team?s Unique Difference

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WarWizard 2
Wait a minute since when are message boards and shitty addon's considered MMO's? Also if they have someone on the team who helped develop/work on gear score I wouldn't brag about that fact to the hardcore EQ crowd he wants to appeal to.


Wait a minute since when are message boards and shitty addon's considered MMO's? Also if they have someone on the team who helped develop/work on gear score I wouldn't brag about that fact to the hardcore EQ crowd he wants to appeal to.
I'm thinking that's to fluff up the ego of the "Apprentice Developers." They're on the team now right? I don't know man. I just don't know.

I actually want to play an oldschool MMO, and a small, sad little part of me still hopes this gets made, but without a proper investor/publisher I just do not see how it's ever going to happen. The total amount raised hasn't increased in weeks.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's been 8 days since I last asked and they've raised around 3 grand since then. In a week... even on their slow kickstarter days they were passing that every day. This thing is vapor.
Most people that had anything of a passing interest in this has checked out and lets face it, there is nothing they have done since the end of the KS to bring any of those people back. At this point the only way they are going to get money from people is when they put out an alpha and even that is not a sure thing because if the alpha doesn't show any promise, it may discourage even the hardcore fanboys. I'm amazed there are angel investors (according to Brad) that are willing to throw thousands of dollars away on hopes, dreams and smoke because that is all this is. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that could make anyone believe that this not only is going to be a reality but a reality of the type of game they are looking for.


Trakanon Raider
At this point they just need to follow the standard protocol of business and develop a game and tell us when they get there. Their credibility is gone so posting their latest drawing of a dragon ins't going to hype me. Honestly, I think they should all close shop and go work for EQClassic. I would gladly pay them money if they could get Smed's consent and share part of the pie with him.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
It's been 8 days since I last asked and they've raised around 3 grand since then. In a week... even on their slow kickstarter days they were passing that every day. This thing is vapor.
Well, we saw what 6 months of "pro bono" work produced, so it'll be interesting to see what happens after 6 months of being "paid".



I bet if someone made this into an MMO it would probably do better than Brad's vaporware game. Maybe that big pencil could be an epic weapon. I'd play it.


Its been what, two months since the kickstarter ended? And still, not a single tangible thing has seen the light of day. Some more ideas and discussions on "when its finished the game will play like this". Rumors of Vu working on a zone, but I haven't seen how much progress has been made. He's already milked the blind for handouts and now that has dried up so where does he go from there? Wheres the progress? Some drawing of a dragon? An artist can produce that in a matter of a couple days but that is all he has shown in two months now. Vaporware. To bad, I had really high hopes for his return and the idea of Pantheon. But he hasn't changed a bit.