Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Idiots_sl said:
Hypocrite Marxist hurr durr
Oh fucking please. You people need to gain some fucking perspective. Just because I gave them another $15 doesn't make what I say invalid or untrue whatsoever. If I had stayed subbed this entire time, my words would still be just as correct. Does it make me a hypocrite? In some respects, yes, but it doesn't make my words less true. I haven't maintained a subscription since early Cataclysm, nor will I ever again. Spending a month to see if they've changed is wholly different than subbing for a year, and you fucking retards are making them equivalent just so you can claim my words have less value, which they do not - because they're all completely true: WoW is a piece of shit game that is designed utterly by marketing / maintaining and creating new revenue streams in game (hi2u $60 lvl90), NOT by any sense of game design in and of itself. I bet they spent more time deciding on that $60 pricepoint than designing a fucking raid dungeon.

If you want to fucking claim hypocrisy, look no further than the WoW development team.


<Gold Donor>
Jesus... this whole thing just comes across as so gross and desperate:

We still have a little over $375k that we can reach for within this last day on the Kickstarter, so let's all give it that extra push. Spreading the word through social networks, word of mouth and screaming from the rooftops will continue to get this project closer to completion. We've seen the passion in the community and if anyone can do it, we can.

For the final day we're also removing the caps off of the tiers - so if there's a tier you or your friends have been waiting for, now's the time! Also remember we have a whole load of addons to flesh out your Pantheon pledge.
What a fucking mess. At least this whole project finally showed to me that EverQuest's success was most likely not thanks to Brad, but more like it was successful despite his involvement. All without costing me anything but a bit of my time in this thread.

And that tweet praising the stock Unity environment textures from a few pages back as if they were created for Pantheon. Jesus fucking Christ... I guess Brad really thinks he is dealing with a bunch of idiots or something. Well, maybe a few hundred people will buy into his nonsense.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Also: "For the final day we're also removing the caps off of the tiers "

What's the going rate for 10 developers integrity and souls? About 42k each it seems, at this point I just hope they all get aids.


Molten Core Raider
Well fuck. Not that I wanted captain dipshit to get the false impression that he is a MMO god but I still wanted the game made. The idea of waiting for ever for EQN only go to play a game that lacks some of the very core things that I personally enjoy and has a bunch of concepts/tacted on shit that I hate or think adds zero value is not exactly putting a smile on meh face.

All hope is lost, abandon MMO ship
I just cancled FFXIV after a week of coming back and it was sad because it had some really great components but fucking sucked in so many other ways (for my tastes). I'll give them credit, the various Trials were pretty well done. I really can't believe my best option at this point is to go play EQ a decade later (I'd say VG but I can't play a game with a finite expiration date). I'd dive more into a MOBA but i just hate the control scheme having been a straight MMO hardcore guy my career and never touching a RTS or any game that required stupid clicking. They need a more MMO style feeling MOBA!

Oh well i guess I can read the Pantheon page for entertainment for a while.

PS..holy fuck some of you guys so god damn one sided you shouldn't be allowed out of your mom's basement. Christ sakes when you get out of high school you will realize you can be passionate/aggressive about things without loosing the ability to listen to and accept valid points from both sides of an argument. I'd swear from the blind rage and discontent one side of the isle has towards the other that some people are ex-slave owners and the posters happen to black descendants. (actually 50/50 shot Brad owned a slave, think I saw a coupon for buy $100,000 of opium get 1 young asian boy slave free)


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is the kind of worship that's going on. Calling it pathetic is being kind:

P99 - Nirrtix - Dayna Gilbert 1 minute ago

@MAtt Nirrtix I am not very active there as I have been active there. I do intend to try their BETA some, but I am sure I will like Pantheon more.Brad's PvE is so immersive that the excellent PvP of CAmelot Unchained will be on the backburner.I did enjoy DAoC. I guess at least my name will be in the credits for CU LOL


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Honestly, that sums up this Kickstarter. So badly done.
It helps ease the fact several tiers that had been 'all gone' for weeks were suddenly lingering with 1-5 slots open, lol. They didn't need to remove the caps, as far as I was noticing.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This is the kind of worship that's going on. Calling it pathetic is being kind:

P99 - Nirrtix - Dayna Gilbert 1 minute ago

@MAtt Nirrtix I am not very active there as I have been active there. I do intend to try their BETA some, but I am sure I will like Pantheon more.Brad's PvE is so immersive that the excellent PvP of CAmelot Unchained will be on the backburner.I did enjoy DAoC. I guess at least my name will be in the credits for CU LOL
It's hilarious that they are prioritizing Pantheon over any other game at this point. There is no game...

I take no pleasure in Pantheon failing, but I can't say the complete and utter disconnect from reality the fanboys are showing isn't very entertaining.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Meanwhile, the $55 pledge still has a cap..... that's not exactly 'all' of them, but I suppose it doesn't count as perhaps that's one they bungled and people haven't paid enough attention to notice.

How many people are going to be left at the 425 tier that gets you the same thing as the 375. I'm sure those people will love it and be ready to donate that money on the private site!


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
They seem eerily confident and present, to me. I wouldn't be surprised if a last minute pledge sends it over the mark. There has been talk they found someone from Brad's tweet. If it funds at the last second, how many people are going to be pissed because they just let their pledges ride out what seemed like a doomed KS.

Removing tiers means the 'angel' investor could at least get in, maybe multiple times, at the 10k mark to make things look less shady. And hey, flying the team out to meet with themselves would save them money on overhead. It's convenient when you win a trip to your own job!

What's the over/under on the 17 people backed at 425 now that the 375 tier is open? I'm guessing at least 13 of them never come back to update their pledge.


Oh fucking please. You people need to gain some fucking perspective. Just because I gave them another $15 doesn't make what I say invalid or untrue whatsoever. If I had stayed subbed this entire time, my words would still be just as correct. Does it make me a hypocrite? In some respects, yes, but it doesn't make my words less true. I haven't maintained a subscription since early Cataclysm, nor will I ever again. Spending a month to see if they've changed is wholly different than subbing for a year, and you fucking retards are making them equivalent just so you can claim my words have less value, which they do not - because they're all completely true: WoW is a piece of shit game that is designed utterly by marketing / maintaining and creating new revenue streams in game (hi2u $60 lvl90), NOT by any sense of game design in and of itself. I bet they spent more time deciding on that $60 pricepoint than designing a fucking raid dungeon.

If you want to fucking claim hypocrisy, look no further than the WoW development team.
Developers making a game to attract as many users as possible to make more money -hypocrites

Dumar paying for and playing a game that he has numerous times blamed for the downfall of a game genre - not a hypocrite.

Dumar, not everyone has their entire life to dedicate to games (game a game) , and enjoy playing playing and progressing. Sorry not everyone is hardcore gamer like you.

This doesn't mean that I like WoW. I hate it. I'd rather see a game with slow progression andany things to do besides max level then raid, but I guess that is what single player games are for right now.


There have to be a few EQ players that hit it big during the tech bubble in the late 90's. Stock options or CIOs of large companies to who $100k is chump change.


<Gold Donor>
Well im still in for $45 and if it funds, so be it. But im definitely not going over to the website and donating until they show more, hopefully an alpha if this ever happens.

Still ill let the mods put a big penis for my avatar if this KS funds. (not gonna happen)


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Brad was in the right place at the right time with the right friends, thus was EQ made. Anything of actual worth in the game past the initial beta was entirely someone else's doing, especially the raid zones. Smed kept the business end up and running and made sure shit shipped (his main redeeming feature). He stopped even logging in to EQ about a week into Kunark, as anyone acquainted with him could tell you. Then he pill popped his way through two completely fabricated tech demos to MS, with a MS funded vegas party tossed in for good measure, before presiding over arguably the worst MMO release in history. The only charitable thing that could be said about his involvement with VG, is that he was so busy with his own shit that he probably had no direct involvement in that disaster after MS dumped them, instead letting a few unqualified sycophants steer the ship. EVERY aspect of this KS has been shady and unprofessional to unbelievable degrees. I want to believe the best of people, too, but come on. At some point even the most optimistic people pulling for this have to accept that this is likely just Brad shaking the money tree while he still can. This is the gaming world equivalent of a washed up celeb hitting the county fair out of desperation for more cash.

I might be a Brad hater, but if I am its entirely because of what he has done, both to the talent that has trusted him over the years and to the industry as a whole. How different had things might have been if actual efficient effort had been put into VG proving that a quality niche MMO was a sustainable model, instead of everyone trying to be WoW now? The guy has fucked up spectacularly and its mostly his own fault, so he may as well own up to it. I mean, seriously cracking about his drug abuse might be a cheap shot, but everything that has happened under his watch with this MMO startup makes a lot more sense if you look at it under the assumption that a junky is running the show. People with those sorts of issues never prioritize things right and NEVER take outside advice.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
If you aren't a brad hater you are stupid. There's a sucker born every minute and it's you. It is as simple as that. I completely understand people backing his project because I read these forums and know that the posters here who follow anything that might turn out to be eqish are the most out of touch people in the entire gaming industry. dead wrong on brad, dead wrong on games

Carl for president 2016.
Try following along. Most of RR is against Brad, especially now. Even at the beginning, it was probably close to half.