Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trump's Staff
Knowing these worlds exist in the ether, never to be explored, is fucking depressing. All that work...


Blackwing Lair Raider
I seriously think that got more replies than EQ:N posts do.
I think most people, at least here and at the SoE forums, prefer the more defined architecture of the original EQ and to some extent VG - there's no awkward angles and stylized shapes. I really like this photo... is this thing really going to happen though?

I feel like an abused spouse that has stockholm syndrome, I know I shouldn't go back but he says he's really sorry holding shiny gifts and I probably deserved it anyway.


Golden Squire
I think most people, at least here and at the SoE forums, prefer the more defined architecture of the original EQ and to some extent VG - there's no awkward angles and stylized shapes. I really like this photo... is this thing really going to happen though?

I feel like an abused spouse that has stockholm syndrome, I know I shouldn't go back but he says he's really sorry holding shiny gifts and I probably deserved it anyway.
I just quit caring one way or the other. It is extremely low effort and low risk to check in on this thread every few days, see if there's anything new. If it never happens, then I got some good laughs. If it does happen, then I can join in with everyone else about how shitty it is.


Molten Core Raider
Would look better if it had better grass, but overall I give it a thumbs up.

If this game happens I'm going to shit bricks.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well well. We might just get something to dick around with after all. Give us all you got Brad, you sleazeball you!


<Bronze Donator>
do you guys think it will launch with a F2P option? either limited-time free trial / trial up to a certain level / or totally F2P but with a cash shop?

i think what they should do will depend on how polished they make it before the public release. if its totally unpolished -- F2P w/ cash shop and cross your fingers and hope it doesn't flop. if its mostly polished but with work to do, do a free/limited trial. and if its totally polished, go straight to the subscription model.

i think it is quite likely, though, that they will underestimate their level of polish. they will probably release with a pure subscription model, and then paying customers will run into walls in-game (metaphorical but maybe figurative) where the devs say "uh yeah sorry we don't quite have that feature/area finished yet." and there will be a ton of backlash and the game will end up flopping as people cancel their subs.

free/limited trials and/or straight F2P help alleviate a lot of potential backlash if you're trying to sell a turd.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Won't be a cash shop. There will be free access up to a certain level then you need to buy. Not sure if that has changed.