Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Brad was a significant part of Everquest team right ? was that it ? Or was it Vanguard where from a world/class design perspective its the best MMO i have played. Again, implementation is not his game, nor is business management but his style of games is what i like. Thats all i care about it.

Addiction is a disease of the mind, many have it i don't fault people for that.

If only the world was black and white.

Edited: Who the fuck thinks he is some Messiah ? Maybe thats what I am not getting here... to all the folks ripping brad to pieces daily its as if he was some fallen hero of yours or something... To me he's just a dood with some ideas I happen to like from the gaming slice of my life with some ability to get funding for project(s) and with the balls to fucking try.

I can support that.
First of all, people probably thinks it's disgusting you support a guy who fucks over the people really making the game while he's high on coke. Then he fucks over more people and you are like, "I dont give a shit! That shit happens so let's support more of it but from utter failures this time! Maybe that's the ticket!" No one is mad. Maybe incredulous. We just think it's incredibly stupid to support such an abject failure at the one thing he keeps coming back to. It's sad. And he's a con.

Second, he's the owner of this and was the founder of that last unworkable PoS. Just like you, he doesn't have the balls to admit the whole thing is on him. That's what leadership is. Taking credit and blame. I like his style of game means shit since his style also includes buggy shit that doesn't work. You want to gloss over that like it's not important. It was one of the primary reasons his last game failed. He can't make good games. He just has good ideas.

Balls to try? This guy isn't any good at anything else! He's not even good at this. It's either this or some Dollar Store manager. Guy already fucked up at everything else. If I had two options and one was milking retards out of their money and the other was Dollar General store manager, I might do the same thing. But, I sure as hell wouldn't brag about it. I'd let you and Convo do that for me.


Molten Core Raider
First of all, people probably thinks it's disgusting you support a guy who fucks over the people really making the game while he's high on coke. Then he fucks over more people and you are like, "I dont give a shit! That shit happens so let's support more of it but from utter failures this time! Maybe that's the ticket!" No one is mad. Maybe incredulous. We just think it's incredibly stupid to support such an abject failure at the one thing he keeps coming back to. It's sad. And he's a con.

Second, he's the owner of this and was the founder of that last unworkable PoS. Just like you, he doesn't have the balls to admit the whole thing is on him. That's what leadership is. Taking credit and blame. I like his style of game means shit since his style also includes buggy shit that doesn't work. You want to gloss over that like it's not important. It was one of the primary reasons his last game failed. He can't make good games. He just has good ideas.

Balls to try? This guy isn't any good at anything else! He's not even good at this. It's either this or some Dollar Store manager. Guy already fucked up at everything else. If I had two options and one was milking retards out of their money and the other was Dollar General store manager, I might do the same thing. But, I sure as hell wouldn't brag about it. I'd let you and Convo do that for me.
Again black and white fail. Sigil lost funding, they sold to SOE, SOE canned ppl. Who did Brad fuck over but himself when he fell into addiction.. ?

He didn't fuck over anyone but himself when he fell into addiction... there was a company of 100 ppl making a game when they lost the MS funding because MS pulled out.. This shit happens in the gaming industry weekly... there are COUNTLESS titles that never ship and funding gets pulled. Brad didn't do that himself, MS did and it is commonplace.

What the hell are you talking about all on him ? There is no logic to your post, its on him because the funding was lost ? MS pulled it, if not for Brad's relationship with Smed the WHOLE company would have been on the street. I think its more likely that the dood's dream got shut off by MS and he went into depression and medicated himself on drugs. Not good choices there of course.

I am not saying Brad is a great guy, i don't know him but what people are picking out here is commonplace in the business world.. There is naivety and black and white thinking on here and just plain ignorance. If you guys have fun with that more power to you, i come here to talk about games not obsess over some business owners life.

Did you ever start your own business ?

I just want to play his games, from what i have seen he has done nothing to warrant the evil response on here,, but considering the frequent naivety, juvenile jabbing, ignorance and black and white thinking, its obviously something that should be expected.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
He didn't fuck over anyone but himself when he fell into addiction...
Wrong. He fucked over everyone working for him at Sigil Games, and the entire support base from Microsoft of whom he lied to. He fucked over SOE and Smedley, and he fucked over his gaming fan base by outright lying about features non-existent in the game weeks before launch. He also fucked over his family and friends, and yes, fucked over himself. Seriously, you have been here a long time. How do you not remember all this? And why are you screaming at a wall with your hands over your ears in protest if you cannot remember?

This shit happens in the gaming industry weekly... there are COUNTLESS titles that never ship and funding gets pulled. Brad didn't do that himself, MS did and it is commonplace.
Wrong. He had 4 years of funding from Microsoft (And a lot of it) and mismanaging that inappropriately is one thing, but outright lying to the progress of his game to the publisher is NOT common place and MS had no choice but to pull the plug on the sinking ship. At the time, Microsoft was one of the best publishers to work for in the business allowing creativity and free roam of ideas as long as you stayed on schedule. They were hands off to the point it actually hurt Microsoft - and he not only blew that opportunity, he blew the opportunity for his employees and hundreds of thousands of gamers looking on while he blew smoke up EVERYONE'S asses.

I think its more likely that the dood's dream got shut off by MS and he went into depression and medicated himself on drugs.
Maybe I should educate you on what happened. During a milestone meeting the Sigil Team was showing what had been accomplished over 4 YEARS of development and using Microsoft's money to the publishing team. What they showed was roughly 90,000% more laughable than the launch of the game itself, and Microsoft took about 5 minutes to decide that in no way, shape, or form, was this guy capable of getting anything done, and also realized all those milestones previously/supposedly hit? WERE NOT. (They literally were laughing at everything they saw... Literally) It had nothing to do with anyone pulling poor Brad's dream away. He fooled people out of millions on the back end, and tried to do the same to his gaming community who were about to buy the retail box on the front end.

from what i have seen he has done nothing to warrant the evil response on here
You should have kept up over the last 7 years then. Your ignorant opinion isn't on us. Do your research before trying to paint a Randy Pitchford clone Little Bo Peep.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
It's been awhile since I've seen someone deepthroat Brad's cock so masterfully.

Save some room for your shabu-shabu


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
from what i have seen he has done nothing to warrant the evil response on here,, but considering the frequent naivety, juvenile jabbing, ignorance and black and white thinking, its obviously something that should be expected.



Yeah, I think there's a market for Pantheon, but I don't know how it could ever pay the bills. Then again, Mortal Online is still going and has employees.

Developers make anywhere from $80k-120k (and up) in my market. 20k subs at $15/month (being generous) = $300k. After Brad and other non-devs' salary, you don't have money for developers.

Edit: That's senior devs, fwiw. You can get guys out of college at 35-40k (I started at 35k), but if they're worth their salt, they go up quick in pay typically.
I think your math is off a bit there. 20k subs @ $15/month = 300k/month or 3.6M /yr Are you saying that a game developer could not maintain a released game for 3.6M a year??

3.6M would easily pay for a team of 10 to 12 and support staff/servers etc


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You also have to consider that many of the costs in running the game are included in the box. Sub fees are basically paying a team to work on content that you have to pay for anyway. A game if even a minor success will continue to generate box sales through the life of the product. As we have seen in the MMO space over the last 10 years, once you actually launch the game, you can change your financial model and still keep the game running and profitable.

IDGAF who the game is being made for or how they will promote it. If the game is fun people are going to play it.


Golden Squire
I think your math is off a bit there. 20k subs @ $15/month = 300k/month or 3.6M /yr Are you saying that a game developer could not maintain a released game for 3.6M a year??

3.6M would easily pay for a team of 10 to 12 and support staff/servers etc
Haha, wow, I'm fucking stupid and I'm surprised it took this long for someone to point out how stupid I am on this forum.

That's what I get for posting after 4 hours of sleep, heh.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
oh man this thread is going full retard again...probably more entertaining than this game will be. Well maybe it will be just as fun flaming it in game when we get to see how much it rocks!


I enjoy reading your commentary Ut. The screenshot 2 posts below, in my eyes, supports what you have to say. It's hard to turn a blind eye to his track record. This notion of game development 2.0 funded by charity kind of makes me sick. People who own million dollar homes and exotic cars have no business asking for handouts.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Shab talking about COUNTLESS examples but doesn't have any... EPIC BLACK and WHITE FAIL. Shab explaining away Brad's addiction when he has no clue about when it happened or how. Shab poo poo-ing people getting the pink slip yet probably has no clue how it went down. Ut just served your ass a platter of knowledge. Read up, learn something before you look the fool. All of that for the titillating chance of some of Brad's man juice...pathetic.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
The only real complaint I have about Brad from the VG days was that he would occasionally pop onto FOH and talk about these nebulous fantasy ideas of his. We were already hearing rumors that things were going south and debating that back and forth constantly, bud Brad wouldn't even respond to direct questions. To be fair to him, no one in his position is going to go onto any forum and voluntarily field questions and honestly answer"Yeah, shit's going sideways right now", but the alternative was him coming onto FOH fully knowing shit was going south and trying to blow rainbows and unicorns up everyone's collective asshole.

In retrospect, Curt pulled off a much better Baghdad Bob than Brad ever did, though. But that whole fiasco was why I avoided VG wholesale...Brad didn't even bother to deny shit, he would just disappear. When the fail cascade happened later and I realized Brad probably knew what had been going on all that time, I just wrote Vanguard off completely.


Potato del Grande
I can't say I've ever actually been mad on this forum. It's a gaming forum.. I don't take it as serious as some of you.I'm just trying to respond to him in a reasonable manner. I can shit post and throw mud with the best of them but it's getting kind of lame in here. Maybe you should take a break too, champ.
Is that why you respond to any criticism of Pantheon in a shockingly similar manner to the way Tanoomba responds about criticism of SJWs or Sarkeesian?


Somehow the games industry needs to get back to more of a "Show me, don't tell me" model. Don't tell me how great your game will be, show me. Build it. Make it. Make it fun.

It's a lot like competitive sports.. Usually the person who tells you how great they are, isn't. When you're actually great at something, people know.


Silver Knight of the Realm
There is no logic to your post, its on him because the funding was lost ? MS pulled it...
Yes, it is on him.

Brad is con-man whose trail of slime from his previous bait and switch scheme is well documented:
Ex-Sigil: Initially they stayed fairly hands-off, but as things got further along they wanted to see results of their money. Can you elaborate on that a bit?

Ex-Sigil: We gave demos to high-level Microsoft people frequently. These demos were often just dog and pony shows where content was created specifically for the demo. There was no intention that this content ever be used in game. When you spend 30+ million on a project, you want to see results. They became more and more suspect as time went on, and more and more people got involved. Though, they were mostly just oversight. They never sent anyone down here to actually work on the project.
The more things change, the more they stay the same:

Ex-Sigil: Management told us they were shopping things around and were entertaining outside investors to complete the project. But actually leaving Microsoft as a publisher was never discussed until they told us it was happening and we were co-publishing with SOE.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Which is why any videos, websites, gameplay, etc coming out of them today cant really be taken for granted either, tbh.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Somehow the games industry needs to get back to more of a "Show me, don't tell me" model. Don't tell me how great your game will be, show me. Build it. Make it. Make it fun.

It's a lot like competitive sports.. Usually the person who tells you how great they are, isn't. When you're actually great at something, people know.
Pretty much for the most part(Though even screenshots and videos don't do much for me anymore). Why I do not give money until I play a game myself these days. Which thankfully is pretty easy to do.


Somehow the games industry needs to get back to more of a "Show me, don't tell me" model. Don't tell me how great your game will be, show me. Build it. Make it. Make it fun.

It's a lot like competitive sports.. Usually the person who tells you how great they are, isn't. When you're actually great at something, people know.
Not that you were on the team, but your post is so relevant to EQN. Maybe that's why you guys are operating in stealth mode now?