Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


All labs matter!
We've released an official statement on our forums and on social media: Our heartfelt thanks for the outpouring of support as we reflect and share how Brad's creative passion has changed our lives. We stand together, committed to honoring his legacy and fulfilling his vision for Pantheon.

With the family's blessing, we carry on.

Thanks for posting. I think we all appreciate it.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
While I recognize you weren't asking me, I'm going to answer anyway..
Immediate and persistent "best effort" public access. That's what it would take for me and mine. The project Gorgon model. Yes, it's in development. Yes, it's not done. But what's done? You can play. The devs might wipe everything, or anything, at any time, but will do their best not to do that. That's pretty much what PG has done, and they've been in Early Access with a subscription since April 2018, and players seem generally happy with that model. Yes, there are paying customers that will pay to play test your game, indefinitely.

VR has had a playable game since 2016. From that point until now, the "progress" has been extremely minor, mechanics-wise. We understand content takes time, but until then, use your paying customers to refine your existing gameplay mechanics.
Unless they did something like that? No $$$ will ever leave my wallet until launch. Sorry, once bitten, twice shy. Project Farthall has been 1.5+ years of silence. Screw that. You want to abuse the good faith of your pledgers? You get nothing.

This is exactly what I would need. Any donations I would provide would be to a GoFundMe/KS, etc to help his family. Help them survive losing the 'breadwinner(?)' not dump money in some phantasmal iteration of a game. Just dumping money into a project that honestly looks like it's in neutral is not my idea of supporting the once successful version of Brad McQuaid.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I looked at Project Gorgon, it apparently has enough content for people to pour a thousand hours in so... maybe it is something cool.


Trakanon Raider
Unless a design was fully fleshed out it would be hard deliver the game Brad was trying to make. I have a pretty good idea of it, as he asked me more than once to be design lead, but I couldn't give up my current gig to come work on his passion project without a REAL paycheck. And there's no way he could match what I make right now..

Honestly, it would probably be best to just open release what they'd completed so far so people could really see what he was trying to accomplish, but let it rest.
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Trakanon Raider
Unless a design was fully fleshed out it would be hard deliver the game Brad was trying to make. I have a pretty good idea of it, as he asked me more than once to be design lead, but I couldn't give up my current gig to come work on his passion project without a REAL paycheck. And there's no way he could match what I make right now..

Honestly, it would probably be best to just open release what they'd completed so far so people could really see what he was trying to accomplish, but let it rest.

Well shit... This makes me less then optimistic, about Pantheon's future...


Trakanon Raider
To be clear, I don't speak for the team in any way.. They may have fully designed the game, and they may intend to continue. I'd support their efforts if they do!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
To be clear, I don't speak for the team in any way.. They may have fully designed the game, and they may intend to continue. I'd support their efforts if they do!

Appreciate that disclaimer. There are definitely some inaccuracies in your last post. thanks for being upfront.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There's nothing inaccurate though..

Sure there is. This game has always been designed by a team of individuals. What you're saying is just casting a shadow on that process. Losing Brad is horrible but it wont change the direction of the game. The company is setup so not one person can impact it and Brad made sure of that. What people see is and has always been a team effort and will continue to be. As for your lead design offer, I cant imagine that offer came anytime recent with how well Chris Perkins has done so maybe that was just way back before things started improving. Either way, appreciate the support.
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Tranny Chaser
Sure there is. This game has always been designed by a team of individuals. What you're saying is just casting a shadow on that process. Losing Brad is horrible but it wont change the direction of the game. The company is setup so not one person can impact it and Brad made sure of that. What people see is and has always been a team effort and will continue to be. As for your lead design offer, I cant imagine that offer came anytime recent with how well Chris Perkins has done so maybe that was just way back before things started improving. Either way, appreciate the support.
So are you guys going to make a crowd funding for Brad's family or not? People want to donate to the family of the man that made an impact on all of our lives. Or was the coke snorting a team effort too?
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
What killed me is that the first thing he should have tried is pulling it behind him, with the lid pointing away from the wind.

I don't have kids, so I can't imagine what it would be like to see your kids do dumb stuff repeatedly and you're just standing there thinking "WTF? Is this really my child?"
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
What killed me is that the first thing he should have tried is pulling it behind him, with the lid pointing away from the wind.

I don't have kids, so I can't imagine what it would be like to see your kids do dumb stuff repeatedly and you're just standing there thinking "WTF? Is this really my child?"

Thats actually one of the joys of being a parent. Constant entertainment.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
No idea how to do Facebook, hopefully this link works.

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Avatar of War Slayer
4 and 6 both are some of the best because they split the characters and let them shine.

Into Darkness COULD have been GREAT...but.. JJ'ed it up
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