Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hi Brad,

Things I would like to see in this new adventure.

1. Grouping should make a large difference in the rate a character levels. Soling is fine but it should take a lot longer and have more risk.

2. Reputation of a player. I should not be allowed to change servers, change names, change factions, change sex, or change my class ever. If I am an asshole then I should pay for being an asshole. If I take somebodies loot or purposely kill them using game mechanics, then I should expect it to be more difficult to find players that want to play with me. These are the choices I make and they should have consequences. If I want to rectify the situation, then I should have to reroll and relevel a character.

3. It should take a long time to level out a character. I want to be proud to have reached the pinnacle of achievement, not think "Sweet what should my 5th character be?"

4. Bring back a death penalty that hurts. This mentality of " No risk so no worry" has gone to far in other games and just creates boredom in a short period of time.

5. I miss zones where I had to watch my back. Sand Giants and Griffins were legends in their own right, because if a person was not paying attention they were killed.

6. Items need to be memorable and usable for multiple levels. They also need to be tradable. This "No Drop" mentality is just stupid. I should know what items I can potentially get because the creature I am fighting is using it against me.

7. Bring back "Classes". I am tired of the "Everyone is everyone" kind of direction that games seem to be taking. I want to be good at the class I choose because I am interested in the class I have chosen. If I do not want to heal, I will not play a healer.

8. The only faction that should matter is the one I have started with and the ones I have created because I chose to burn down every Troll I saw. Faction should never inhibit my ability to group with a player.

9. 1st person view only. That is what added to the feeling of EQ. It was why sound was so important. In real life I do not walk around with some sort of orbiting platform that allows me to see what is around me. Why do this in a video game??

I am sure I can come up with a few more, but this is a good start. I hope this is a success for you, because as of now the market is pretty poor.


1. Epic Weapons (class)
2. Fixed roles
3. 3rd person View (First person has to many limitations imo....yes I played eq....)
4. AA
5. Granted I know 50+ raids were neat but imo, they were more just about cluster fucking a boss with little AI. The tech is there to make truly difficult and rewarding 15-30ish man raids. I think 15-20 people in a raid is ideal, it makes decisions matter from each and every person there. (Just IMO)
6. Let me get lost as fuck in a dungeon again. I think something that would be neat would/could be random traps laid by wandering mobs.
7. EF YOU SEE KAY Hearthstones.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The most fun I ever had with a class in any MMO to date is probably EQ bard. It felt so weird and experimental compared to most classes in MMOs afterwards, and was so interesting to play. I hated twisting after awhile, but pulling with lulls/FM, being able to switch out cool group buffs, and having a ton of utility was so fun. I hope to see neat classes like bard, disciple, and blood mage in addition to the usual suspects.
Monk and Bard were my two favorite EQ classes. I lived to pull, so monk was my main. So many good times trying to split challenging pulls. My feels are tingling.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
To those who suggest a low raid number cap, do you have any idea what to do with the poor guy who can't come along because the raid is full or is that just a thing we accept now and live with?


Please get rid of the idea of "end game" and make the game about the journey of your character.

All my best MMO experiences were the leveling/learning/growing of my characters, not the treadmill/gear grind/pissing contest of end game.

Take a LONG hard look at Asherons Call 1.

Good luck!


Elisha Dushku
To those who suggest a low raid number cap, do you have any idea what to do with the poor guy who can't come along because the raid is full or is that just a thing we accept now and live with?
40 or 42 minimum. More is better. But with 40 or 42, raid yokels (such as myself) can join in from time to time with you pros.


I would personally rather see no raid caps at all. If a guild wants to be lean and mean and do it harder they get rewarded with their members being geared up faster. Conversely if a guild wants to "zerg it" the loot will be spread out among more members. N items still dropped no matter how many are involved.

This would allow those players who cannot commit to a set schedule for raiding to still participate when they are able to login.

Let the "zerg shaming" from the community live on.


To those who suggest a low raid number cap, do you have any idea what to do with the poor guy who can't come along because the raid is full or is that just a thing we accept now and live with?
There are a lot of guilds whom house several raid groups. Lets g1 raids Monday Wednesday and Friday, damn you work those days? Its all good g2 raids Tuesday Thursday Sunday. What about a day you can fill in on the other groups raid? All good pop in and make switch.

Or just implement what WoW did and use flex scaling.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'm not aware of any examples, which raid bosses were zerged down when by a massive force, say 80+, of unskilled players while they were the current top content of the latest expansion. I know of one guild that zerged down Derakor the Vindicator with 108, but that one hardly counts as cutting edge content of velious.


Trakanon Raider
Holy fuck this game will suck if Brad listens to all the people that want to go back to 1999.
I do not necessarily agree with this... I think we have a lot of bad tastes in our mouth from 1999 not to mention our current taste has been mediocrity and mechanics that simply spoil the player. Sure, there's a lot that probably would not work mainstream from 1999 but I think people want a fair "port" from 1999 to 2014+. MMO's evolved somehow and in the beginning it felt good. Less stress, less time, and several conveniences. This gradually happened until we looked up one day and felt that we were no longer playing MMO's anymore. Companies kept following the track of more mechanics and conveniences and left the idea engraved into RPG's and MMORPG's. I think someone referenced AD&D and other games earlier. I think the idea was to attempt making casual gameplay acceptable and that's good. I don't think anyone wants to grind out 4-8 hours a night for a sliver of EXP or 1/8 of a piece of a key. However, when you play a RPG or a table top game, it takes time. You don't do it every night but on occasion you devote a night here and there and spend hours on end. I guess what i'm trying to say is people probably do not want 1999 but they want a different path taken than the one began in about 2004. It simply got out of hand. For a decade now we've seen the genre go down the tube and now people want at least an essence of what was even if it isn't exactly 1999.

That's my take at least....


There are a lot of guilds whom house several raid groups. Lets g1 raids Monday Wednesday and Friday, damn you work those days? Its all good g2 raids Tuesday Thursday Sunday. What about a day you can fill in on the other groups raid? All good pop in and make switch.

Or just implement what WoW did and use flex scaling.
You need raid level gear in order to raid, but if raids are limited to a small, select group, how are you supposed to gear up other members?

Lets drop the elitist part of raiding and just open raids up to everyone. This is still supposed to befunright?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
not sure if serious...
This is how I remember Kerafyrm being killed:
website_sl said:
On November 17, 2003, after a nearly 3-hour battle, Kerafyrm was defeated. He had between 100 million and 400 million hit points, likely around 250 million (most EverQuest bosses have 2 million at most), was immune to all spells except wizard's manaburn spell and Shadow Knight's Harm Touch, possessed two death touch abilities (abilities that automatically killed players), and attacked players for 6999 damage per swing. By using the cleric's epic weapon and other resurrection spells, the players were able to bring their dead characters back into the battle faster than Kerafyrm could kill them all.
Top 5 Most Memorable Events in MMORPG History -- MMOsite News Center --


Molten Core Raider

God, if we are jaded now, imagine how we will be like after another 3 years

Hard to get excited over something so far away