Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


FoH nuclear response team
Heaven forbid you negative assholes take a $45 dollar risk, I mean you'd have to skip going out to the movies like once? Hell 90% of you will give $60-$70 bucks to the pile of shit that is EA for some horrible game or premium service but not $45 here? Does not compute.


Trakanon Raider
Also, did Brad comment on how contributing multiple amounts will work? Say we give $45 then give more or even give each month? Will this or can this build?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I agree that people here should fund this game but you're creating a false dichotomy between WoW clones like TESO and Pantheon. Also if people believe this game, if funded, would produce a poor entry into the 'old school MMO' genre they should be afraid that it would poison the well for several years and make publishers believe that the community doesn't want an old school MMO. Finally, we don't have enough information to say this is what our community wants.
Also this is why ill pledge. If this game fails I want it to do so because it sucked rather then the community thinking there is no market for a hard core mmo.

Peoples spending habbits are always strange to me. Ill see people spend $500 bucks in the night at the bar then complain they don't want to take a $20 dollar cab home.


Heaven forbid you negative assholes take a $45 dollar risk, I mean you'd have to skip going out to the movies like once? Hell 90% of you will give $60-$70 bucks to the pile of shit that is EA for some horrible game or premium service but not $45 here? Does not compute.
I want to give more than 45 , I just want to see the KS not only funded , but WELL funded. Give me and others better tiers to give more money. It's a shitty KS atm overall and hope he will immediately fix it.

I agree with the earlier marathon remark , problem is the marathon runner just fell the fuck down on the starting line and appears to be sitting down taking a smoke break before getting back up.

And to the remark of they are just few guys sitting around they can't be on all the time. Yes the hell they can , some of us are on here posting from full time jobs , the Pantheon KS crew sure as hell should be somewhere posting shit all the time , answering questions , pushing it on gaming sites and forums. There's 4 or 5 of them. If they are serious and want it well funded they absolutely should not let one day go by without tons of posts , answers , shilling it etc.

I don't want it to 'barely" fund , I want it to do well , and want them to actually act like they are as excited for the possibility and want it bad also. As said before , Jacobs was pushing the shit constantly himself for his Camelot game , they should be also.

They want a few million dollars ? Fucking act like it and show it for a month. Not much to ask.


how do they make the responses to questions public? that's a big source of content for a ks campaign

I asked if there would be instancing and got a private reply:

Yes, we intend to have a mix of instancing and open world. We're adding instancing where it makes sense to do so, like when we need to tell a story through a zone progression. --Ben.


Heaven forbid you negative assholes take a $45 dollar risk, I mean you'd have to skip going out to the movies like once? Hell 90% of you will give $60-$70 bucks to the pile of shit that is EA for some horrible game or premium service but not $45 here? Does not compute.
Couldn't agree more. Masses beg for a game like this, then when the time comes they search for every excuse to not jump on board. People will piss money away on disposable garbage or shitty games then freak out and not contribute because the KS quality isn't top notch. I agree that the KS could be better, but what are you actually buying into anyway, the idea for the game or some shiny video with some cheap salesman trying to swindle you?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Heaven forbid you negative assholes take a $45 dollar risk, I mean you'd have to skip going out to the movies like once? Hell 90% of you will give $60-$70 bucks to the pile of shit that is EA for some horrible game or premium service but not $45 here? Does not compute.
It's not the amount that is probably putting people off or making them reluctant. Some people just don't like to blindly throw money at something you pretty much have only marketing speak for(and if we gave into that, every game would have been amazing for the past 15 years) and the reputation of the person running it.

People suggesting they should be working round the clock must not have read the full article...This game has no staff. It has a group of people who get together once a week in a garage and talk about a game they want to make (I'm not making this up, it's in the PC gamer article linked on KS).

How the hell are they planning to make a game with 800k? That would pay their salaries for *maybe* a year? How would they hire new people? When will they need more money and how do they plan to get it?

Am I missing something here? Do people often launch kickstarters asking for a fraction of their total cost with the plans of raising more money later? There is absolutely no mention of how they will even become a company with employees, let alone how they will launch a game.
And things like this. It just seems so disorganized atm business wise. It's literally every thread on these boards where people talk about what they want in a game.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Heaven forbid you negative assholes take a $45 dollar risk, I mean you'd have to skip going out to the movies like once? Hell 90% of you will give $60-$70 bucks to the pile of shit that is EA for some horrible game or premium service but not $45 here? Does not compute.
Many of us "negative assholes" have already forked over money, but are concerned that the kickstarter page and tiers are not good enough to reach a larger audience and be funded. We want it to succeed, so we're offering advice. generally speaking, people don't want to blindly throw money at something in hopes of it working out, the kickstarter page does very little to convince most people to back it, imo.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
exactly.. A bad KS isn't enough to turn me off from this game. I'm pretty supportive of the direction they want to take this game. Any MMO is a gamble.. You just need to decide if you went to get in on it or not. This case I'm putting up instead of shutting up since I've been asking for years for this to happen.
Exactly this. Im not giving money because of a kickstarter page, i'm giving money because this is my only hope of a decent hard mmo and if this fails you can be sure there won't be another guy in a long time to come around and build this type of game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
how do they make the responses to questions public? that's a big source of content for a ks campaign

I asked if there would be instancing and got a private reply:

Yes, we intend to have a mix of instancing and open world. We're adding instancing where it makes sense to do so, like when we need to tell a story through a zone progression. --Ben.
That particular question was answered in the Q&A #1 Video on the kickstarter. I'm sure they can't answer all of the questions, though.


some of these rewards could be reworked:

Pledge $85 or more

1 backer
Limited (999 left of 1000)

Warder's Pledge - All previous reward tiers PLUS: A unique cosmetic pet, the Astral Guide!

That particular question was answered in the Q&A #1 Video on the kickstarter. I'm sure they can't answer all of the questions, though.
uhm my point was that they ARE answering questions, but in PRIVATE. in other campaigns, the question/answer will show up on the kickstarter page for all to view. that's a source of content.


Exactly this. Im not giving money because of a kickstarter page, i'm giving money because this is my only hope of a decent hard mmo and if this fails you can be sure there won't be another guy in a long time to come around and build this type of game.
Exactly this is why McQuaid and Co need to get off their ass and fix the mediocre at best KS page. If the KS barely funds and the game fails exactly what you said will happen. That's why I'm miffed at the state of the KS and want them to get out there and push it and fix it. If it doesn't fund or like I said barely funds and a terrible game is made it's going to be pointed at that this type of game can't work.

I don't want a shitty KS to ruin those chances. So I'm definitely in the support the game crowd , I just know it needs far more support than those here.


Silver Knight of the Realm
What will save the MMO genre is focussing on a target audience that won't leave for the next new shiney thing that comes out becuase your game doesn't appeal directly to them. Focussed design has been very successful in the tabletop RPG world now for about 12 years. It's time for the MMO genre to take a look at what those guys have been doing and learn from it.
Yes i don't understand why every MMO has to be a 200 million dollar juggernaut. Lets have several small team, small budget games that cater to a more focused playerbase. Then if one of them is successful then maybe they can make a version that is more mass market. Just reverse the trend. I know several niche MMO's already exist, but most of them are not North American based. Also the free to play trend is ridiculous. I don't see why the console structure would not work for MMO's. Release a game that makes some money just with the box sales, then release several smaller DLC updates.

Really i think either it's all just a big cash crab, or it is beyond what a competent small studio could accomplish. Either way, its not that someone can't make the game we all crave, it is that they can't find a reason to make it. Everytime someone tries they get too ambitious. If they try to stay within certain parameters they don't get the funding and the game gets scrapped.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
The biggest problem is Brad left SOE 6 months ago and had this as his eventual goal. Did he not research KS at all since that was his funding source? Did he not see how other ones are made? Because his tiers are beyond awful. He has offered no other KS any money at all. Next point, knowing you are going to release a KS, why is a few hours at most of asset management displayed? No artwork, rehashed unity assets, no real answers. He's been wanting to do this for at least 6 months and this is all we have? As Tad mentioned, he doesn't manage his time well. Has he really learned anything? I don't think so and I'm glad I stuck at $45. I don't see it being funded because Jacobs did a far better job. He researched, pushed, and WANTED his game finished. Brad? Do you? Because this looks like you just made it in your garage a couple days ago.