Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Golden Knight of the Realm
Do you feel the money you spent on Vanguard was wasted or worthwhile?
I got more enjoyment out of Vanguard than I did WAR, DDO, GW2, LOTRO, Rift, SWTOR, etc and the list goes on of other games post EQ. The people posting here and funding this know that we enjoy the type of games Brad wants to make, you are a broken record with talking about the past. If you give us his style of game minus Vanguard's technical issues and no content post 40 it would instantly be better than the other so called mmo's that are single player games coming out these days. If you throw in other new ideas and things learned from other games this game has a chance of being something great. We get it, you don't like these type of games, bye.

I figure the quest giver NPC can be called Fedor.
Haha amazing.


Potato del Grande
With the level of commitment I'm seeing internally at this point, there's no doubt in my mind that they will not give up. Looking at the work done with no paychecks involved, from my viewpoint, I know these guys are in it for real. That's how I knew I was in the right place.
Maybe too personal, so feel free to not answer, but I assume guys generally still have day jobs and are working on their own time. I don't know if it even matters, but it at least could give perspective to would-be backers. I'm not sure if the better story is them burning the midnight oil after their day jobs trying to make their dream a reality, or taking the complete leap of faith without a safety net of a day job to fall back on, but either way, that level of 'personal' story may go a long way to provide some context and for people who have doubts about the commitment.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Mentoring always kind of bored me but I know something like that needs to be in... Not to put the solution on this game bc IMO the team has a lot of other features to work on but if we could come up with a unique skill set for just that system it might make it more appealing.. Basically a different way to play your class when acting as mentor.. Maybe you're typically a wizard but now you can be a tanking wizard since you're really the most powerful player in the zone.. Design a few special abilities for classes when they mentor.. Make it part of the game where you might have to pick up a few mentoring skillls.. Or you can just play your usual class..

There could also be skills based on the class you're mentoring.

Ok I'm reaching with all this lol but you get my point. Playing with your friend is already fun but the system can vastly improve..I'm sure someone has some good ideas to do so


Well, I wouldn't feel comfortable speaking for the other guys' personal lives, but I don't mind telling you that right now this project is my sole focus.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well, I wouldn't feel comfortable speaking for the other guys' personal lives, but I don't mind telling you that right now this project is my sole focus.
Hopefully this all works out for you dude. That's a big leap with a possible huge reward


What did I do this time.
Suggesting that only people registered before Dec 2012 should be posting in this thread, you evil bastard


Potato del Grande
Well, I wouldn't feel comfortable speaking for the other guys' personal lives, but I don't mind telling you that right now this project is my sole focus.
Fair enough, and thank you for sharing. I've known quite a few people who saved up and quit their jobs to focus on whatever dream they felt they needed to take a crack at. If nothing else, it's usually a good indicator they're going to put all their effort into something and not half-ass it or just give it lip service. :p

Knowing members of the team may basically be all-in without much of a safety net is motivating and reassuring and makes it easier for the general public to want to back a project. Not that the fact should be the emphasis or exploited or anything, but it helps to become a human interest story!


I have begun seeding various Aussie MB's regarding the kickstarter. Many of my old EQ mates gave up on MMO's or are bored off their tits in WoW, but I'm (hopefully) dragging them back.


Maybe too personal, so feel free to not answer, but I assume guys generally still have day jobs and are working on their own time. I don't know if it even matters, but it at least could give perspective to would-be backers. I'm not sure if the better story is them burning the midnight oil after their day jobs trying to make their dream a reality, or taking the complete leap of faith without a safety net of a day job to fall back on, but either way, that level of 'personal' story may go a long way to provide some context and for people who have doubts about the commitment.
I'm a fairly open book, so I don't have any trouble telling you all I'm all in right now. When I got laid off it was at about the worst possible time it could have been for me (no hard feelings though, I know it's just business and these things happen especially in our industry). I didn't, and don't, have much to fall back on so there's a ton riding on this for me and my wife - and thank god she's patient and understanding enough to let me focus on this. Coming into this project I've known most of the team professionally and personally, and those that I didn't already know I'm getting to know. I trust them and myself to get this done, one way or another but it also goes well beyond the need to earn a paycheck - I also firmly believe in the project, as this is the game I've been looking for and struggling to find on the market right now.


I'm a fairly open book, so I don't have any trouble telling you all I'm all in right now. When I got laid off it was at about the worst possible time it could have been for me (no hard feelings though, I know it's just business and these things happen especially in our industry). I didn't, and don't, have much to fall back on so there's a ton riding on this for me and my wife - and thank god she's patient and understanding enough to let me focus on this. Coming into this project I've known most of the team professionally and personally, and those that I didn't already know I'm getting to know. I trust them and myself to get this done, one way or another but it also goes well beyond the need to earn a paycheck - I also firmly believe in the project, as this is the game I've been looking for and struggling to find on the market right now.
I'm most certainly all-in. I know people think I'm wealthy, and I did make a lot of money from EQ, but that was a while back. I put a lot of personal money into Vanguard and the stock market. I'll leave it at that
If I could fund this game myself, I most certainly would without any hesitation.


Found a cool summary of the game. I wordsmithed it a bit.

"Pantheon is a harsh and difficult high fantasy MMORPG with old-school sandbox elements, plenty of lore and exploration, a focus on grouping, and clearly differentiated classes-but peppered with modern improvements, like a more action/reaction-based combat system."


Elisha Dushku
Found a cool summary of the game. I wordsmithed it a bit.

"Pantheon is a harsh and difficult high fantasy MMORPG with old-school sandbox elements, plenty of lore and exploration, a focus on grouping, and clearly differentiated classes-but peppered with modern improvements, like a more action/reaction-based combat system."
I think a lot of people (and that includes myself) can't get a handle about the action/reaction aspect of the combat description without thinking twitch. Going to need to see it in action - I would almost have just left it at "modern improvements" until you could show a demo ;-)

I will bet an additional $50 to the kickstarter that the action/reaction question (what does this mean exactly?) will come up a lot!


I'm a fairly open book, so I don't have any trouble telling you all I'm all in right now. When I got laid off it was at about the worst possible time it could have been for me (no hard feelings though, I know it's just business and these things happen especially in our industry). I didn't, and don't, have much to fall back on so there's a ton riding on this for me and my wife - and thank god she's patient and understanding enough to let me focus on this. Coming into this project I've known most of the team professionally and personally, and those that I didn't already know I'm getting to know. I trust them and myself to get this done, one way or another but it also goes well beyond the need to earn a paycheck - I also firmly believe in the project, as this is the game I've been looking for and struggling to find on the market right now.
if its any consolation ceythos, vg has been nothing but lag spikes and chunk crashes since you left =/


I would be especially cautious about how you handle mounts. To me, they're one of the worst things WoW ever did. Really consider the implications of putting not just accessible mounts in, but mounts period. I've talked about this before and recently, but they remove a key aspect of player power and a key reason to interact if there is a SoW-equivalent buff in the game. I would even go so far as to say that while yes, EC tunnel was built upon trade and /ooc, it was also built around newbies interacting with high level players, and that interaction was built around the SoW buff primarily.

Mounts also eliminate much of the danger in the world, which is HUGE, absolutely huge. When you can outrun sand giants and spectre trains by clicking your mount, it cheapens the impact the world can have on your character - and thus your attachment to it. And eventually, the overworld would likely become a big silent place full of players doing their own thing, in a group or solo. It will become full of people running around on mounts, not talking because there's no reason to: there's no train inc to docks, there's no Sgt. Slate to tunnel, there's no gryphon spotted at orc camp2. None of that matters because everyone can outrun them.

Please don't make that world.


Elisha Dushku
I'm a fairly open book, so I don't have any trouble telling you all I'm all in right now. When I got laid off it was at about the worst possible time it could have been for me (no hard feelings though, I know it's just business and these things happen especially in our industry). I didn't, and don't, have much to fall back on so there's a ton riding on this for me and my wife - and thank god she's patient and understanding enough to let me focus on this. Coming into this project I've known most of the team professionally and personally, and those that I didn't already know I'm getting to know. I trust them and myself to get this done, one way or another but it also goes well beyond the need to earn a paycheck - I also firmly believe in the project, as this is the game I've been looking for and struggling to find on the market right now.
Eh, I think you'll hit you'll get funded - but Brad, you and everyone else will have to work your unpaid asses off for the next 36 days everywhere.

Then of course comes the hard part...


I would be especially cautious about how you handle mounts. To me, they're one of the worst things WoW ever did. Really consider the implications of putting not just accessible mounts in your game, but mounts period. I've talked about this before and recently, but they remove a key aspect of player power and a key reason to interact if there is a SoW-equivalent buff in the game. I would even go so far as to say that while yes, EC tunnel was built upon trade and /ooc, it was also built around newbies interacting with high level players, and that interaction was built around the SoW buff primarily.

Mounts also eliminate much of the danger in the world, which is HUGE, absolutely huge. When you can outrun sand giants and spectre trains by clicking your mount, it cheapens the impact the world can have on your character - and thus your attachment in it. And eventually, the overworld would likely become a big silent place full of players doing their own thing, in a group or solo. It will become full of people running around on mounts, not talking because there's no reason to: there's no train inc to docks, there's no Sgt. Slate to tunnel, there's no gryphon spotted at orc camp2. None of that matters because everyone can outrun them.

Please don't make that world.
+1 Dumar - FUCK MOUNTS.

Gimme back SoW /shouts any day of the week.