Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


EQOA Refugee
So about the class system, sounds a lot like the rifts soul system. Being able to earn the abilities of various enemies etc? Any further details you wanna share, Brad and co?


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, that's the feeling I'm getting. We're not reaching a LOT of people. Frustrating! Thanks for reaching out guys -- I think word of mouth is a much larger part of this than I would have guessed. *smacks self* I figured most people read game news sites and the like and kept up on stuff. *smacks self again*
Well, anecdotally I can tell you that most of my friends, half of which were hardcore in EQ and we formed a 3 night a week raid guild in WoW, think the genre is just dead. They don't really keep up with any news on MMO's in general, and rather just wait until they see a tweet or a facebook, or board post telling them that X game is amazing.

From my marketing classes--I can tell you word of mouth is a funny thing. It's got the largest "trust" factor for individual market actors of any medium of advertisement. I believe the last few surveys showed that 90% of people will purchasestrictlyon recommendations from a friend, and will trust it above all other forms of advertising. The problem has always been that it used to have the least penetration of any form of advertising. So news sites and mass media reach a lot more people, but they are wholly less effective at getting them to actually research the product. (In fact, ironically, the proliferation of media had lowered the trust factor of media--there is such a deluge of advertisements now through all of our devices, that each one is less effective--Nielsan recently did a huge survey confirming that.)

That's why every new marketing/business major is taking classes on social media. You've got a tool with the reach of mass market apparatuses but the trust factor equivalent to word of mouth. It's insanely effective, but you need a strong base for it (Or a really good viral marketing campaign to plant hooks into the social media population).

Anyway, navigating the people who can anchor you in that social sphere? Is a really good choice of how to spend time if you're limited in information/time you can hand out.


Trakanon Raider
Brad, the concept art so far is awesome. I'm really impressed and looking forward to play in your world. Also I'm really excited to see some concept/early design of the first dungeon.

I'm trying to spread the word to the old Solusek Ro & Antonius Bayle EQ1 community. Even though we are having a hard time here in Spain (and rest of Europe), many old school people is willing to give some $$ to make this happen. I've contacted also several guilds from Silvermoon and Quel'Thalas from Wow.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wish I could get a better idea of the features of this game. A lot of them seem old school all right, which is good, but simply mentioning "Faction is in" is not good enough: there's incredably boring systems like in WoW and then there's EQ's system (and probably many MUDs too) which was cool. Will Pantheons system be even better? Distinct Classes? Need more specifics. Trinity, is it in or out, and how?
Death penalty, corpse runs, more specifics please. Travel, teleports, distance and scope of the world, specifics.

From the KS and Brads answers here on rerolled I get the feeling that this game is not even a concept yet, just some ideas with the intent of bringing some old school features back. Is there a design doc?

This from a guy who still loves and plays EQ, and thanks Brad for that.

Also, when I look at that wish-list that has been made at the first post in this thread, I can't help but think that about 95% of the features on there are actually (still) in modern-day EQ......... both old school features as well as new adaptations. I will admit right away that EQ is old and tired in graphics, top-heavy, Elitist and over-boxed but still.

Now if Brad could convince me that Pantheon will actually do it even better then modern EQ, with updated graphics, then I am game. But to be honest, I am sceptic that Pantheon will even have some of the features that still keep me playing old EQ, like the Faction-system, the Vendor-diving, the still distinct Classes (yes, still distinct, still only 3 classes that can track, 1 class that can do Alchemy, and I could name a hundred more distinctions). With the travel discussion I am already getting vibes that Class interdependency in Pantheon will not nearly be as strong as it still is in EQ (nowadays also leading to more boxing off course). As a side note, I also like how you can master almost all tradeskills in EQ, instead of having to pick 2. At the same time I like how a few classes have their own distinct tradeskill. So how will tradeskills be handled?

I have a strong feeling that Brad and co might *want* to implement this old-school goodness, but will end-up with watered down, "catering to to the common denominator" and gutted features somehow. His vague answer towards the deathpenalty did not help.

I also think that the pledge rewards are very meagre for their price, but that does not mean I could not still do a 45 dollar pledge if I can finally get an idea what this game will look like. I guess I have no faith.


Molten Core Raider
Just posted the kick starter page on my old everquest guilds Facebook page. Dragon Council represent Bertox lol

Also another way people can spread the word is throw up the kick starter and hash tag the game with what's popular. I see people doing it all the time. #nba or NFL. Manning. Fuck even justin beiber. Lol. People will see it.


Molten Core Raider
I think the problem is that there's really nothing for people to see quite yet. Reading the NeoGAF thread, they seem to know that the game is non-existent right now, and that $800k isn't enough to build an MMO, so they don't see a reason to donate. I honestly think at this point, you need more to show. People need to see that there's already a stuff built, or being built.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Kickstarter - From Everquest's Brad McQuaid - NeoGAF

You should probably post on GAF as well. It's the beating heart of the gaming industry, to be honest.

I also see that you're going to do instancing as well. That makes me a bit nervous. I suppose we'll see.
Most everyone is helping out with the KS, either directly or indirectly. Some of the work being done could be considered both (Vu is putting together our first dungeon, and we're going to show you some pics of it next week (mainly showing the layout -- it's not ready for real screenshots); Tony is working on more lore for the site and class descriptions; James is making some concept art for an interview, but we will use that art later as well; stuff like that)
That's really great to hear. Visuals matter. Don't forget Monday is a holiday in the U.S., so if you plan to do a big reveal, you might consider waiting until Tuesday. I think more people will be at their computers then.
Just posted the kick starter page on my old everquest guilds Facebook page. Dragon Council represent Bertox lol
Awesome! I played on Bertoxx. I had good experiences with the folks from DC. I was in Iksarian Broods up until I quit, and you guys helped me get flagged for the elemental planes by letting my join one of your raids in the Plane of Tactics. Thanks!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Trying to keep the Gaf thread on topic and positive since there are definitely still the occasional posters who either didn't read or are just stirring up shit, Not the best at figuring out how to upsell stuff per se but just keeping it bumped will get views at least I guess.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Kickstarter - From Everquest's Brad McQuaid - NeoGAF
If you've got an account the forum moves FAST. Probably not quite as important to an MMO as places like Reddit, but still one of the biggest gaming forums on the internet so it can't hurt.

Assuming it's obvious, but hit up old guildies and friends on facebook or whatever. The Pjpantheon forums have already reconnected me with someone I haven't talked to since probably 2002 so it's definitely working once people know it's there


I wouldn't mind seeing low level raids, nothing fancy, just like two group raids, in low level dungeons. Imagine something like the gnoll commander from blackburrow requiring a two group raid. Good way to foster community at low levels.
Just working my way through some older posts. I like this idea. My lowbie guild used to raid Runnyeye. I'd like something like that in Pantheon.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I think designed downtime means medding from good encounters and planning on how to tackle certain areas/mobs. That's what I got when I read between the lines.

Nobody wants EQ downtime. I hope not anyway.. But some of my favorite down times were after a fight that taxed all our resources and we almost wiped. That equal good downtime
Downtime in EQ often depended on pacing anyway. Pacing was sometimes dictated by the dungeon (moving ahead of respawns in Charasis) but more often then not the group could set their own speed. And the most fun groups were those that didnt really have much downtime.

I would prefer a dungeon design that doesnt make you hurry to the end boss asap so the you get your token and drop group, but I'm fine with fighting most of the time. So downtime is less important then giving a group incentive to stay together for longer stretches if they want to (I think even WoW is coming around to that with changing their LFD bonus reward in the next expansion).


<Bronze Donator>
Seeing some of the devs (Ben) post on the Massively comment sections, that will definitely go a long way. Especially grabbing some people from the casual crowds.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
For me

Quests should be epic and grand feeling. Some should absolutely require grouping. These should be well written, have awesome rewards and be multi step and even multi zone works in progress. Appropriate loot on the way. Don't be a loot jew but also don't dole it out like +1 candy. Upgrades should be tangible not tiny / incremental / predictable.

As for leveling, I much prefer making the world interesting and letting us go out there and explore. I felt GW2 had a good idea with events although their system was retarded in many ways it was a good departure from straight up grinding ! and ?. Their issue was there were only a handful of events worth doing and everyone just did those. 90% of that world was empty and not worth bothering with which was such a waste.
Copying the outdoor world concept of GW2 would make me very happy. It's very good at the core, just needs a few changes because GW2 had a very accessible core concept which Pantheon does not. If you assume GW2 combat it would also have to be made alot harder, but Pantheon will be different in that regard anyway.

So with the GW2 map as the foundation I would say remove *all* waypoints except one per city (meaningful travel, which would be extra useful because you get sucked into events), slow the event repetition WAY down (a whole zone shouldnt flip back and forth within an hour) and put in less friendly hold-outs (tent camps with merchants everywhere? Not really needed), and you'd have an interesting outdoor world that encourages and rewards exploration and that has uncommon-to-rare events taking place to make the world seem more alive without getting into monotonous repetition. XP in GW2 was already boosted the longer something was alive so that's good for exploring, same with hidden chests.


Downtime in EQ often depended on pacing anyway. Pacing was sometimes dictated by the dungeon (moving ahead of respawns in Charasis) but more often then not the group could set their own speed. And the most fun groups were those that didnt really have much downtime.

I would prefer a dungeon design that doesnt make you hurry to the end boss asap so the you get your token and drop group, but I'm fine with fighting most of the time. So downtime is less important then giving a group incentive to stay together for longer stretches if they want to (I think even WoW is coming around to that with changing their LFD bonus reward in the next expansion).
I agree, and I think VR agrees as well. Btw, I to loved the adventure of trying to stay ahead of respawns in Howling Stones. It was a good dungeon to hit every now and then since it had decent loot and was frequently empty.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
That's really great to hear. Visuals matter. Don't forget Monday is a holiday in the U.S., so if you plan to do a big reveal, you might consider waiting until Tuesday. I think more people will be at their computers then.
That is not really a holiday. Kids may have school off? If anything more people would be at their computer because they had to take the day off with their kid.