Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


You can't blame her for not wanting to be ganged up on by a bunch of fucking goons who lose their shit at the whiff of a lady invading their territory.

Whether or not Zoeii was a he or a she really shouldn't matter. What we got was a disgusting display of behavior that would have turned anyone off from posting here.
My wife posts in this thread and shes never once felt the need to inform the community she has a vagina. The very fact Zoeii kept on and on and on telling anyone and everyone she had a vagina time after time lets me know right off the bat, "she" is sporting frank and beans.
Continued from the KTAM Interview:

-We will know how many races there will be by next Friday, and maybe even what they are.
-Even though there won't be grindy collection quests, there will still be plenty of quests to keep you busy if you like doing that sort of thing.
-For those who didn't know, Vhalen's previous work was on the Defiance MMORPG.
-There are some areas of the world where certain races will be discriminated against and perhaps KOS if the dev team decides to include that mechanic.
-Vhalen asked the hosts about in-game maps, they had several ideas such as heavy books that take up inventory slots to a characters having cartography skill.
-No matter what, there will not be dots on a radar or other automatic visual cues to help you do a quest.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Continued from the KTAM Interview:

-We will know how many races there will be by next Friday, and maybe even what they are.
-Even though there won't be grindy collection quests, there will still be plenty of quests to keep you busy if you like doing that sort of thing.
-For those who didn't know, Vhalen's previous work was on the Defiance MMORPG.
-There are some areas of the world where certain races will be discriminated against and perhaps KOS if the dev team decides to include that mechanic.
-Vhalen asked the hosts about in-game maps, they had several ideas such as heavy books that take up inventory slots to a characters having cartography skill.
-No matter what, there will not be dots on a radar or other automatic visual cues to help you do a quest.
Glad you're writing this down so they can copy/paste it into thier ever growing, design on the fly doc!

Heavy books? I wonder if the mini game of bag space and encumbrance will return?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I agree.. Ideally group content should vary in challenge and fluctuate which classes shine at any particular encounter. Well played classes should ideally overcome any challenge, but it should vary on difficulty because of group makeup. I want the design to make a group think and get creative not sit and wait for
A certain class.
Except designers are lazy and don't know how to accomplish this. Remember the "bring the player, not the class!" drum that Blizzard kept beating? It all turns out to be a bunch of lip service in the end.


(sorry trying to catch up...some of us have work/school/kids lol)
Can someone explain why cross-server play is a horrible idea? I don't really know what that means, but it's not "Oh hey, you play Pantheon too?? What server?? Oh too bad. that's not my server. Oh well."
It doesn't allow you to play with other players, regardless of server?
Why is that bad?? (genuinely asking bc I don't know)
I don't get it either. Servers are hardcore instances of the worst kind. I always found it odd that many instance opponents fully accept hardcore global instances that limit all interaction.


Any legit questions you have that haven't been asked already or maybe need clearing up, PM me if you'd like. No guarantees, but some might get asked.


More from KTAM Interview:

-Several devs are playing on Project1999 now.
-The dev team is excited people want to help in pre-alpha testing and get their voices heard.
-They are going to stream Vu working on dungeon design on Twitch TV.
-MMO Buff will have a show out tomorrow.
Is that what it sounds like? They are actually going to SHOW us them working on the game? I sure as shit hope so. I guess they are listening.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Except designers are lazy and don't know how to accomplish this. Remember the "bring the player, not the class!" drum that Blizzard kept beating? It all turns out to be a bunch of lip service in the end.
I agree. It's a serious issue but If they are going to say this is a challenging game.. They need to figure it out.. I don't want the perfect group throughout a dungeon. Maybe the perfect group for an encounter or 2? but not the whole time. Difficulty should constantly be changing for a group because the dungeon should be playing to strengths and weakness of all classes. If that makes sense? I'm rambling on..


<Gold Donor>
I think its good that they are at least getting on P99 to check it out. Its been a long time, you know.
More from KTAM:

-There may be some things not included in the open Beta to keep it fun and secret for the playerbase. But there won't be much of that since they do actually need to test it all.
-Vhalen wants to include some Easter Eggs for us, but not over-doing it like in WoW.
-Most adventuring sounds like it will take place in a dungeon, even if it's a dungeon within an outdoor zone (I guess like Crushbone)
-Some zones will have the power of a pantheon over it controlling weather and other items in the zone. Other zones will not.
-There will be GM events for Christmas and Halloween. Or at least, they are planning to do them.
-We will have an in-game journal, and they may let us start working on them even prior to the game launch- putting in our own personalizations and such.
-We should be able to name our own mounts and pets.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, now I know you're full of shit. The only modding I've done was when someone repeatedly shit on EQNL in a thread I created for people to say "I'm in alpha, let's play." The thread shitting posts got moved into a separate "hey let's shit on Landmark thread."

People can feel however they want, but if you're hellbent on going off topic I'll step in.
We should have a beer together and end the night in hugs and tears about our common fights.


I think its good that they are at least getting on P99 to check it out. Its been a long time, you know.
You have a good point there. Seriously. I run my own EQ emu that only my wife and I (and however many bots I can make) play on and there is so much shit I forgot about playing. So many details. I actually think its a great idea to go back and remember what it was everyone loved so much. It has been awhile.


<Gold Donor>
Aint nothing wrong with getting high and designing games. It lets the creative juices flow. Ask any musician....

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Requiring CC for every group encounter in the game is lazy, uninspired design. In theory you would want the roles and skillsets to be so unique that if you can't find CC you can find a class that offers another mechanic that makes grouping possible.

You can make challenging content without requiring a specific class archetype as long as your classes are well designed and allow for player creativity. There should always be more than one way to do something.
You are right there, generally you could do that pretty well in EQ (done groups without healer or tank plenty, though obviously not with CC beig one myself). I want people to have options but not simply say "ok CC off for this and that and these zones". hence the request to have both enough CC classes and give other classes diminished options. I've done ghetto LDON when it was current with an ENC/SK/WIZ trio and being able to do that is great fun and I hope they make classes that have a broad ability set for such unorthodox groups.

I guess what I wanted to express is that they do need to consider CC classes for all content, and not just say "this content is not for you". If they design something to not need CC they need to have answers to the question "wtf is the enc going to do throughout this dungeon, we have nothing but charm/CC-immune dragonkin everywhere." Other casters face similar issues on a raid level (mana bitch through twitch or rods) but at least they kept their group/solo tools and can usually dps. CC/charm in EQ was often dealt with in a very binary on/off way, which was frustrating whenever it was set to off. That's many many raids and alot of grouping in velious and beyond, before they switched it to OP at some points in PoP and GoD to make up for that.

I do have to wonder if the sentiment would be the same if they said a healer or tank is nice to have but not required. The EQ trinity was tank/healer/cc - since WoW it has been tank/healer/dps. But in both cases you have your trinity that is required for challenging content and that IS what most people clamour for, a back to the roots. If they go with tank/healer/dps that's fine with me if the enc can do suitable dps to count as one (or tank/heal
). Obviously easy way would be giving the CC classes decent nuking or melee capability but not so much that they turn into wizards/rangers with mez.


My wife posts in this thread and shes never once felt the need to inform the community she has a vagina. The very fact Zoeii kept on and on and on telling anyone and everyone she had a vagina time after time lets me know right off the bat, "she" is sporting frank and beans.
Actually, you guys kept and continue to bring it up.

I've been gone for several days but a friend of mine keeps telling me that you guys just can't seem to stop talking about me...AND the fact that I am female.

Get over it guys. Quit bringing it up if it hurts your butt.

I moved on, and not once brought you guys up and the fact that you are cavemen.