Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just some posts about why they are not showing the protype. You guys can visit the comment section for context..

you'd think, but unfortunately that's just not the case. Even with the screenshots we had up at Kickstarter launch and the brief clips in the video, there were a lot of metrics showing that too many people thought it the final product and got turned off. Any demo that is put out needs a high level of polish on the art for it to have a chance at being widely well received, and we're just not at that stage yet.
That doesn't mean there won't be a demo. There will be one - there has to be for any game, whether crowdfunded or otherwise.

Creator Visionary Realms, Inc. 41 minutes ago
The in game screenshots we had on the site and the in game footage we show in the video are from the prototype. In general a prototype is not for show it is just a proof of concept that is altered and built on until the concept is solid enough to enter production. In order for this to be fast prototypes are usually very light weight especially on art assets which makes them not pretty. As a matter of fact the less art the better because the potential for errors when building is reduced. When you are proofing something mechanically you don't need it to look pretty unless it is a prototype related to art or animations.
Haha I think its frikkin great! My problem is, I can't stand PVP. But UO was pure genius. I would pledge if the dude wasn't filthy rich to began with. Doesn't seem right to ask for donations when you can drop a cool $50 mil to cruise to space. I do hope the game succeeds though.
The filthy rich stay that way by doing smart shit like he is doing and he going to sell boxes at launch to those that don't pledge.
Also notice all of his devs are smileing cause they know they be paid so they can work happy look at brads devs on the other hand they look depressed as hell, like someone took there lunch money.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Just some posts about why they are not showing the protype. You guys can visit the comment section for context..

you'd think, but unfortunately that's just not the case. Even with the screenshots we had up at Kickstarter launch and the brief clips in the video, there were a lot of metrics showing that too many people thought it the final product and got turned off. Any demo that is put out needs a high level of polish on the art for it to have a chance at being widely well received, and we're just not at that stage yet.
That doesn't mean there won't be a demo. There will be one - there has to be for any game, whether crowdfunded or otherwise.

Creator Visionary Realms, Inc. 41 minutes ago
The in game screenshots we had on the site and the in game footage we show in the video are from the prototype. In general a prototype is not for show it is just a proof of concept that is altered and built on until the concept is solid enough to enter production. In order for this to be fast prototypes are usually very light weight especially on art assets which makes them not pretty. As a matter of fact the less art the better because the potential for errors when building is reduced. When you are proofing something mechanically you don't need it to look pretty unless it is a prototype related to art or animations.
Which is a fine excuse if your kickstarter was for funding a studio to make a game, and not promoting a game. Just rolls us right back to the "Are they liars or incompetent" debate.


So he could have stuck with Microsoft made his game somewhere between Vangaurd and Vanilla World of Warcraft and probably made a mint. Instead he went crying to Smed.
Seriously, somewhere between VG and vanilla WoW sounds pretty good. Especially considering where we're at now with NO good MMOs to play.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Which is a fine excuse if your kickstarter was for funding a studio to make a game, and not promoting a game. Just rolls us right back to the "Are they liars or incompetent" debate.
They were asked to show it to a trusted, knowledgeable, 3rd party who can verify the claims. It sounds like they are open to doing that. Another reason to do a 2nd Boogie interview.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Everyone should have realized Brad was full of shit when he was surprised by WoW's huge success and attributed it mainly to the Warcraft name. Also, EQ was never hard, it was only ever "new". It only seemed hard because 99% of us had never played a game like it before and didn't understand the basics of how to approach content. That should have been obvious during the first Progression server they released when people blew through the 1-50 leveling process and all the bosses in a fraction of the time it originally took. What you're wanting is impossible to recreate without creating a new genre with a new set of rules everyone has to learn all over again.


Everyone should have realized Brad was full of shit when he was surprised by WoW's huge success and attributed it mainly to the Warcraft name.
lol yea, Starcraft selling 10 million copies had nothing to do with the success of WOW. There was also this little game called Diablo that had a little something to do with it. But I'm sure Blizzards excellent reputation had nothing to do with the success of WOW. Thanks for setting us straight!


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
First, lets be honest; how many times did this happen? Now, in 1999 you might have been on a dial up, so this kind of thing was more common for you. But I was lucky enough to be in college in 2000 and on a T1 line, so Irarelydied without something being my fault (I can count them on one hand, literally). You're taking the absolute worst case scenario and trying to trump it as the norm.
Quite a few. While I admit that it wasn't necessarily the "norm", I didn't have the luxury of a T1 line, so it occurred often. Like I said, not often enough to be the "norm", but certainly often enough to be a glaring example of tedium under the guise of difficulty.

Also, if you were not bound in Freeport while going to befallen?Yes, that IS absolutely poor strategic planning on your part--part of having layered consequence is you can make sure players, you know, prepare to limit losses?
On this we agree, which is why I used Unrest as the dungeon and GFay/Kaladim as the nearest bindpoint. Even if I bound as closely as possible, it was still a pretty enduring trek back to my corpse.

rather it was a set risk per the dungeon and the only way to mediate it was to become tactically better in the fight. It was an an anemic attempt to extract the few good parts from EQ's CRs.)
And how can this not also be said of EQ's CRs? You said it yourself, CRs were much easier in Uguk than the crypt of Sebilis. How was it not a "set risk per the dungeon"?

You seem to be under this assumption thatallconsequences in EQ could be mediated. I just showed you a fairly frequent example of when they couldn't. You even set yourself up with another, by acknowledging that clerics were the only class with res.

Lithose_sl said:
BUT some of the mechanics of the CR? Certainly did have an intrinsic feel to them. You set your camp up in a bad area, your punishment got harder--you wanted to farm in a place that had higher rewards because no one went there? Your risk grew. These are all some small, and in my opinion, kind of cool "adaptable" punishments--they directly correlate to the players risk. And I think that's really missing in the modern MMO where the player doesn't get a choice about his risk; it's all binary. If I run naked up to Garrosh and spit on him--despite being in the "scariest" place in that expansion? My punishment for not even preparing with gear or a team of players, is the EXACT same as someone in a noobie dungeon.
The issue is, you seem to think that this was all some sort of grand design, laid forth by the developers. The vast, vast majority of that "layered difficulty" you covet was nearly entirely the result of accidents/unintended emergent gameplay. I just don't think it's possible for that to be recreated(at least, not purposely), without a massive undertaking that would likely dwarf the cost of SWTOR. You're cherry picking all these examples of "layered difficulty" and shouting..."SEE! INTELLIGENT DESIGN!". Not much different than a religious person pointing to a banana, saying that it fits "perfectly" in the hand of a human, and correlating that with "intelligent design!".

Lithose_sl said:
Garrosh is no more "risky" to face down than the Defias bortherhood was almost a decade ago. Does that feel like it has some fidelity to the world? Meh. There's something to be said about making consequence feel genuinely different as you get into the more rewarding parts of the game.
This is your most blatant "clouded by nostalgia" statement yet. You're under the assumption that "the big bad" always got exponentially riskier. Did you play EQ? Because facing down Trakanon at the end of Kunark was no more "difficult" or "risky" than facing down Vox at the end of launch. Hell, EQ only ever gotlessrisky as time went on, more tools to deal with CR tedium became more readily available, more players at level cap, etc. Not much different than WoW.

LadyVex_sl said:
The whole thing feels like that one friend who did drugs, claimed he was clean, asks you for a dubious pay day loan, then he just vanishes. Every once in awhile he'll call, ask you if anyone has been asking about him and if they do, to tell them "he's doing good, he's got some things planned, big things, it's gonna be big." You'll get in touch with him, ask him if he wants to hang, but he's always got something cooking that he needs to tend to.
Wow, you've described Brad pretty well. You even got the "drug addict" part right.

Mkopec_sl said:
If they keep the team small, why not? Its only when it gets bloated out of control when it starts to fall apart. But a small team of like 20 peeps? I have no doubts. But one thing they need is the engineering. That shit has to be nailed.
Because you can't undertake a massive project like an MMO with such a small team? Even a "small", in-house, kickstarter game like Kingdome Come: Deliverance has a team of 35.

which means other assholes will be lazy or their incompetence rewarded
So, just like EQ then? Sounds like EQN is really hitting it out of the ballpark on recreating the EQ experience.

The holy trinity was needed to make games playable
No, it was needed so that little Timmy could feel like he mattered, while he sat in the back casting mod rods, because he sucked ass at anything else.

The reason you and others get so up in arms over the prospect of individual skill mattering, is because it means that you can't be carried through content anymore. You're clamoring for "skill should matter!", a "return to consequences for poor play!", but when a game comes along that attempts to facilitate that? "WTF! This is just going to end up being dumbed down! We don't need this homogenization in our games! We played the trinity and we liked it!". So, either you don't really care about player skill mattering like you say you do, or you're nervous that it means you'll no longer be able to leech off of the work of the trinity. You're also likely of the ilk who denounce the use of DPS/Healing meters; it makes it obvious to others when you play poorly.


They were asked to show it to a trusted, knowledgeable, 3rd party who can verify the claims. It sounds like they are open to doing that. Another reason to do a 2nd Boogie interview.
If they want my money they can show it to me. If boogie has any sense he would say no to this only cause if he says its amazing and it not hes fucked in fact what ever he says he comes off bad from it. Were all big boys and can look past the art and see if its good or not. the issue they have is if its not good. The whole bad art will turn people away thing has gone and passed. They need to try and get the people who think they are lying and this is all text based ideas.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If they want my money they can show it to me. If boogie has any sense he would say no to this only cause if he says its amazing and it not hes fucked in fact what ever he says he comes off bad from it. Were all big boys and can look past the art and see if its good or not. the issue they have is if its not good. The whole bad art will turn people away thing has gone and passed. They need to try and get the people who think they are lying and this is all text based ideas.
You have read the comments on various sites right? There were a lot of people who's first impression was, "the graphics are terrible." heh.. I want to see it too, but I understand why they are reluctant to show it. I really don't know what the better option is. It would mainly look to grab the fence people. It wont matter for a lot of other people. The needle will just continue to move for them.. The real bottom line is there is a lack of trust with Brad.. He can't reach those people until the game is released.


You have read the comments on various sites right? There were a lot of people who's first impression was the graphics were terrible.. heh.. I want to see it too, but I understand why they are reluctant to show it.
Yeah but i just think that ship has sailed. They really have not much to lose at this stage IMO.

Lost Ranger_sl

Did the first boogie interview even do anything? Looking at the charts it doesn't look like it. Slightly higher gain the day of the interview I guess? I'm not sure why people were begging for boogie to endorse this. Doesn't seem like he has nearly as much pull as people thought.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did the first boogie interview even do anything? Looking at the charts it doesn't look like it. Slightly higher gain the day of the interview I guess? I'm not sure why people were begging for boogie to endorse this. Doesn't seem like he has nearly as much pull as people thought.
They did a ton of work for about 40k.. I don't know if it would do anything more but he's the only outlet at this point with a large enough audience to possibly help.. Weird part is, I went to check the views on that video and the stats were disabled heh.

He put up a video today that had 68k views for reference..
They need to work few months on website, forums, get all the social media links with twitter and rest then relaunch a way better kickstarter with twitter posts forums, daily questions and answers they would have much better shot, Brad needs to do lots of media interviews etc.


Did the first boogie interview even do anything? Looking at the charts it doesn't look like it. Slightly higher gain the day of the interview I guess? I'm not sure why people were begging for boogie to endorse this. Doesn't seem like he has nearly as much pull as people thought.
Isn't that the funny fat dude who makes youtube videos? ;p

His sole purpose is comedic relief. Why would he make a good endorsement for any game that's actually trying to be serious? If anything, I would take the game less seriously now.


Did the first boogie interview even do anything? Looking at the charts it doesn't look like it. Slightly higher gain the day of the interview I guess? I'm not sure why people were begging for boogie to endorse this. Doesn't seem like he has nearly as much pull as people thought.
Also i thought Brad was going to fly out to boogie or fly him to them. would have made a better video series of it but maybe the team and brad are poorer than i thought. That week of silence from Brad was the big killer of this KS. It so easy to seem active on the go online with twitter and mobile phones im not sure what was really going on that week.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Isn't that the funny fat dude who makes youtube videos? ;p

His sole purpose is comedic relief. Why would he make a good endorsement for any game that's actually trying to be serious? If anything, I would take the game less seriously now.
I'm curious what kind of money he makes from doing that shit..