Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Latest screenshots are beautiful and impressive. The graphical style reminds me a lot of Vanguard. Really looking good. I mean, wow! So stunning. Nice visuals? Very beautiful? I want to go to there! And I like seeing those atmospherics as well... clouds add a lot of drama. Landscapes I can't wait to get lost in, hurr I mean explore. Yeah, explore is the word! Vu really is a master. This is the shit they should have been posting since the beginning! It looks so good I'm ready to log in!
Sarcasm done well?


Vyemm Raider
Just pointing out the screenshots are absolutely beautiful and reminds me a lot of Vanguard's graphics, which I loved. I just so excited to be a part of this future game as it comes to life!
Haha! So comical. At this point if I were Brad I'd go drop a massive shit and then snap a photo of it just to see what all the idiots would say.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
In fact: Had he launched with a sloppy, generic, Unity demo, his name, and a fleshed out design document--as well as a working knowledge of how to use social marketing? He'd have easily blown away his funding quota, I think. The fact that he didn't even have these laughably basic things, and still raised 400k, is fucking astounding to me. It really speaks of the HUGE opportunity he probably missed here--all because he expected this to function like the good old boys club of his younger years. The fact that he believes he can be a CEO with that kind of poor due diligence in some basic research and market organization? Is shocking.
-------all this is so spot on and what makes this so sad as well cause he would have hit his goals and then some.

So well said, great post.[/QUOTE]

This KS had me in tears with the VO work on the orc. But is still a better KS than this one was.
Dungeon Wars (Canceled) by Cellbloc Studios Kickstarter


Potato del Grande
Debase said:
To be honest, I don't think they really intended for people to jump right into the sub when the alpha/beta forums were first released without the impetus to do so.
Ben responds:

You are correct. And while we'll still honor those early subs, and are appreciative of them, we haven't finished the website yet, nor the part that actually EXPLAINS the subs.
At what point are they going to learn to not release incomplete shit? Yes, in general, feel free to explain shit you're releasing instead of just shitting it out and being like 'oh, what, what is going on here, oh goodness, let us explain!"

Let me guess, they're also not forum experts?


Potato del Grande
From the man whose last two titles were the shadows of luclin and vanguard..
This project is far from over. If you know the slightest bit about the Classic EQ/Verant era community, then you know we are not a group of people to be taken lightly when it comes to gaming.

Believe me when I say this community is just barely learning of Pantheon...


Is it just me or does it look like the sanctum itself has no textures?
This will turn it around for Pantheon? Seriously though, I dunno why they bothered. I do hope someone is dumb enough to fund them though. I want to play it, but at this point its like stating I want to win the lottery. And my state doesn't even offer lottery so theres that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Nobody taking the troll bait...

Am I the only one that loves to see shit like this dropping in a game??

Notable Treasures
The Militicon (Tome of Myraxys)

The Militicon is an ancient book of martial spells created by the Dark Lords of Myraxys. The spells contained within are meant to give an advantage through the use of death magic. The creation of undead armies and flesh eating mists are just a couple of examples of the horrors that can be spawned from the Militicon.

The Helm of Dekanos

The Helm of Dekanos is the war helm of one of an infamous commander of the corrupted Celestial Army. It has the power to create 10-20 duplicates of the wearer to be used as minions in battle.


Potato del Grande
It would be cool if they did cool things with it and they weren't just trinket items. How to balance creating 10-20 duplicates of your character to be used as minions? Nerbait if it's any good, fun but pointless trinket if it's not, etc.

The only way, and the cool way, would be to make shit more random. Sometimes you spawn an army of yourself that could save the day. Sometimes just one of you that doesn't have much impact. Sometimes 5 of you and they're kos and your group is pissed. Would at least make it interesting.


Ben responds:

At what point are they going to learn to not release incomplete shit? Yes, in general, feel free to explain shit you're releasing instead of just shitting it out and being like 'oh, what, what is going on here, oh goodness, let us explain!"

Let me guess, they're also not forum experts?
I was wondering when someone was going to point out the same thought I was having.

How the fuck are they having so many problems keeping a forum up ?

Speaks volumes to the future of brad running this company and getting shit done on time and correctly.

(we all know damn well they are going to barely have the money to pay the current payroll and power bills , there's no fucking way they have the money to hire an actual CEO , so Brad's post about how he could be a CEO again was just to warn us ahead of time the CCO title was bullshit , they will have no real CEO , he's running this train)


Potato del Grande
First thing a good CEO would do is close the project down. So, really, it's a catch-22 and I understand Brad's position on the issue.


Got something right about marriage
I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be fine and dandy with VG2.0 for my $250.
It's a sad state that people are that starved for a good MMO these days. By the way I'm not trying to sway people from donating I don't care what you do with your money. I think everyone here knows how terrible a leader Brad is. It's just very disconcerting to hear him boldly state that he thinks he can definitely be a CEO and is perfectly qualified. The guy is completely out of touch. When the project was first announced I had some hopes that he had taken some time, swallowed a healthy dose of reality and come back with the proper mindset. He hasn't. I'd be very surprised if this game gets made and even more surprised if it's any good at all.

Even if it does get made it's going to be a mish mash of bullshit and hype. Now that he is realizing this KS has a very small chance of funding he's switching gears and trying to appeal to a broader audience. He's already forsaken his original plan for a niche game and he's hanging everyone who's donated to the KS based on his original statements out to dry.