Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


That's exactly the problem. During the first three weeks I actually didn't mind so much that they didn't have a good Kickstarter page to start with since they were actively trying to improve it and were listening to feedback. What happened in the 4th week where they pretty much gave up on it and changed all focus to their private website was unacceptable. Changing to plan B when plan A is still in effect was by far the worst decision they made during this entire campaign. Having an improved website was needed but they should have waited until the kickstarter was over before revealing their pay-to-access plans.
I agree with you there , I get they need the few bucks they are getting now ,but the negatives of it appearing both as if they have given up on the KS combined with the negative fallout of charging for forum access makes them take a PR hit I don't think they were in a position to afford.

An even unsuccessful KS they went all in on till the last second, with zero publicly mentioned or shown private site would have been better in the long run. Let the KS end on Sat then say hey get with us Monday and we will start this thing up ourselves or whatever.

Honestly gong away , sucking it up for a few more months "pro bono" and coming back with a much ,much better looking and ran KS 2 would have been the best route I think.


Honestly gong away , sucking it up for a few more months "pro bono" and coming back with a much ,much better looking and ran KS 2 would have been the best route I think.
Yea he totally blew a good opportunity to work on the game for another 6 months to a year and come back with a kickass KS with everything he learned this month. Instead he filtered everyone to a web site where they can pay him for nothing. Smells like a money grab rather than a legitimate request for funds. I swear that dude has zero fucking patience.

Lost Ranger_sl

I have nothing against Brad, but he obviously still thinks him and his team are king shit and cannot fail.. thus the complete lazyness of the kickstart and the retarded screen shots (the ones that show a few trees) are somehow supposed to convince me to fund this game?
This has been the problem since the beginning. They thought they could show up and name drop EQ a few times and be golden. I guess they thought they would receive a standing ovation and the millions of dollars would just start pouring in. I am actually a little embarrassed for them because they have spent this entire KS trying to unfuck the situation that arrogance caused.

It looks like damage control is over for them now. They are going to focus on draining what they can off the gullible.


Molten Core Raider
Champ forums have little to zero substance and 90% circle jerkers. My favorite post is about the negativity surrounding Brad and yes...your guys claims that most of the people joining are naive, blinded fanboys are correct. Luckily I've been a 1%'er all my life so I'm paying $15 to try and temper their idoicy with realism.

On a side note, TOR was fucking horrible out the gates once you got higher up. Instances had bugs that prevented 99% of people from killing bosses and there was a plethora of bugs that should not have made release. I could have looked past that but the thing that killed me was the flat out lies and lack of support on pvp. The ironic thing was, it was the best PVP experience I've ever had, it was the first game I that I actually decided to not be a raider so I could focus on pvp and got pretty damn good at. I don't know why they failed SO bad on delivering cross server queues and more importantly actual ranked seasons but they killed off 90% of all pvp players because of their inability to deliver.

I just don't get how every single fucking MMO can make the same mistake and release too early. Finish your god damn end game content and fix critical bugs...why is this so hard. So many people quit because of this, it isn't rocket science. FFXIV anyone? While a very polished game look at the server issues they had. Fuck you had to wait for hours to log in on all servers, then you had to wait 1+ hour to get into the only 50+ instance in the game which again was just horrible planning.

Rift was a real solid release, other then that every MMO i've played in the last 15 years was released to early as far as I am concerned. I've played almost all of them to some degree; I guess I can't say that about GW2 since I hated so much about that game (just personal dislikes, not saying its a bad game) that I made it about 1 week before I deleted it.


Yea he totally blew a good opportunity to work on the game for another 6 months to a year and come back with a kickass KS with everything he learned this month. Instead he filtered everyone to a web site where they can pay him for nothing. Smells like a money grab rather than a legitimate request for funds. I swear that dude has zero fucking patience.
And it maybe an irrational thing but the forum sub shit really , REALLY irritates me.

First, it's not the money , I could twice a month take protein shake from home for lunch instead of eating out and pay the sub fee+ some. And I occasionally donate 25 here on RR because the entertainment value is well worth it to me. But it's my call on that one. (although if I could be a RR"Champion"then it might be worth the monthly fee )

Continuing the dead horse I know I've said many times , that if I went and donated 500 directly to them Saturday after the KS ends , unless I also sub 15/month I'm locked out of some part of the forums. That is just a stupid decision on their part. It currently reads like this on the private site:

Choose Plan:
Player (Free)
Allows basic access to the Portal. You can instant message with friends, post of friends walls, join a guild group, and read forums
Supporter ($5.00 monthly)
This plan allows participation in Forums, ThinkTank, Chat, Community Events, Guild/Group Creation, and ability to vote and comment.
Champion ($14.95 monthly)
Full Access to the Site. Champions are the heart of our community, and held is highest regard.

So if someone gives you 500 up front they are just "ok" but someone who gives you 15/month only they are "held in the highest regard" ?

Great way to start off the site fellas , great way.
How long do they wait before they get there act together, and have 2nd kickstarter this time not half ass filed?
As others have said simple checklist of stuff would have gotten them there 800k and then some but they fucked this up so much by just assuming droping all there names would get this done alone without doing any real work.


I agree with you there , I get they need the few bucks they are getting now ,but the negatives of it appearing both as if they have given up on the KS combined with the negative fallout of charging for forum access makes them take a PR hit I don't think they were in a position to afford.

An even unsuccessful KS they went all in on till the last second, with zero publicly mentioned or shown private site would have been better in the long run. Let the KS end on Sat then say hey get with us Monday and we will start this thing up ourselves or whatever.

Honestly gong away , sucking it up for a few more months "pro bono" and coming back with a much ,much better looking and ran KS 2 would have been the best route I think.
I've been emailing them, posting in their "free section" of their forums, etc. about these very points for almost two weeks now. It's now too late for them to give the appearance they put all of their effort into the current kickstarter; at this point they would be much better served by trying again with a much better organized and presented kickstarter where they have better communication and stick with it until the very end.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Yea he totally blew a good opportunity to work on the game for another 6 months to a year and come back with a kickass KS with everything he learned this month.
They've already been "working" on the project for 4 months. Since September, remember? Another 6 and we might haveanotherscreenshot from Unity! Oh, joy!


Molten Core Raider
Maybe they should just make a really high quality porn site with a Pantheon forum. Can't be that hard to do and 15/mo is a bargain !


I just went through their whole membership list; of the 341 members, 75 of them had gold names indicating that they are champion level subscribers. So they already made $1125 on their website less than a week after launch, before the kickstarter is finished and before they even have all of the details about how they will fund through their website. Looks like they could end up getting $2-3k per month this way; again not bad for a website that really doesn't deserve it.

Thundercougarfalconbird, That would be cool if that was their actual plan but everything they have currently posted up till now indicates otherwise. See update 49:Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen by Visionary Realms, Inc. Kickstarter


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
For me, the lack of art was a big let down. Still is a let down.
What do you mean? We got two cities from a project years ago, and two characters that they couldn't even say "this is the -insert- race" because honestly they were probably for another project as well. Well, the female character art looks like she may be slightly orc, so perhaps they've so far ahead of things they're releasing concept art for a future Pantheon expansion!

Oh, and we got class/race header logos that were sometimes pretty cool, but not exactly time-consuming efforts I'd imagine.

If they'd only had the person on their staff who was going to be the director of the art department!


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
So how many are in the, no way this ever sees the day of light column!? I'd like history to be clear!
My guess is we end up with some sad sort of situation where they struggle to get a game half-made for years and years, but somehow the devs manage to keep suckering money out of people. Like Darkfall with it's 10 year development cycle that never really managed to put itself out of being obsolete the second anything was 'finished' on it. But, a lot of promises and fanboy hope, and the feeling of being in too deep to admit failure, will keep the game limping along for for a long time yet. It'll never be worth playing, even if there's a miracle investor. Hell, especially if someone actually gives real money to Brad ever again will the game never been worth playing. This, right now, is the best fun that will ever come of this project.

Put it on the board!


My guess is we end up with some sad sort of situation where they struggle to get a game half-made for years and years, but somehow the devs manage to keep suckering money out of people. Like Darkfall with it's 10 year development cycle that never really managed to put itself out of being obsolete the second anything was 'finished' on it. But, a lot of promises and fanboy hope, and the feeling of being in too deep to admit failure, will keep the game limping along for for a long time yet. It'll never be worth playing, even if there's a miracle investor. Hell, especially if someone actually gives real money to Brad ever again will the game never been worth playing. This, right now, is the best fun that will ever come of this project.

Put it on the board!
I'm personally more optimistic that they will eventually release a game of some sort; mostly because they are using Unity which makes it stupid easy for a talented zone designer like Vu to churn out content. However the game they do initially release will probably be on the smaller end with plans to expand it once they start getting money from software sales+subscriptions.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
To be fair the subsciption for the website thing was suggested by several people in the kickstarter comments before they decided to go that route. Just looking at the members list on the website and it becomes clear that they already have dozens of people subscribing to their champion level access. I can't fault Visionary Realms for taking money from people that are literally asking for their money to be taken. Honestly it's probably one of the smartest moves the team has made during this whole campaign.

Dahkoht, I was under the impression that Kickstarter sends out emails when a campaign has 48 hours left; which tends to lead people that had pledged but not closely followed it to come back and reexamine their pledge and try and convince more friends to pledge. I've look at the kicktraq for many kickstarters and I actually can't find a single one that didn't get at least a 10% boost in the final 48 hours.
Yeah, rabid, ignorant fans/customers suggest stupid shit all the time. It's the job of the professionals to, umm, be professional and not just throw shit up without any thought just because a few idiots said it was a good idea.

And the smart way to do it is at least pretend you're still all-in for the KS, not to disappear and then have basically given up all efforts. They pretend they're all in focused on the KS, pretend they're just not sure if they'll keep going after the KS, and then after it funds, then you start nickel and diming the idiots. You don't basically say the KS wasn't even going to be that great anyhow with the tax rates so fuck this, we won't cancel it, just ignore it and you can now give us money on the forums that weren't even intended to charge people yet, oooops, we're not paypal experts!

We'll see what kind of boost this gets at the end. My guess is the people who were willing to go balls deep have either already pulled out or have already hit their ceiling and the final boost will be minimal. This project has had shit momentum and it would take a miracle at this point. If it is somehow funded, I'll almost be happy because the drama will continue in high form, with the fanboys declaring victory, setting up a bigger disappointment later.


Yeah, rabid, ignorant fans/customers suggest stupid shit all the time. It's the job of the professionals to, umm, be professional and not just throw shit up without any thought just because a few idiots said it was a good idea.

And the smart way to do it is at least pretend you're still all-in for the KS, not to disappear and then have basically given up all efforts. They pretend they're all in focused on the KS, pretend they're just not sure if they'll keep going after the KS, and then after it funds, then you start nickel and diming the idiots. You don't basically say the KS wasn't even going to be that great anyhow with the tax rates so fuck this, we won't cancel it, just ignore it and you can now give us money on the forums that weren't even intended to charge people yet, oooops, we're not paypal experts!

We'll see what kind of boost this gets at the end. My guess is the people who were willing to go balls deep have either already pulled out or have already hit their ceiling and the final boost will be minimal. This project has had shit momentum and it would take a miracle at this point. If it is somehow funded, I'll almost be happy because the drama will continue in high form, with the fanboys declaring victory, setting up a bigger disappointment later.
I totally agree with that abandoning the kickstarter halfway through was the biggest mistake the team made on this whole project. I actually didn't mind the mistakes with the initial page because for the first three weeks there were at least working on improving it and responding to feedback. If they had kept their focus on their kickstarter page instead of redirecting it to their own personal website they probably could have kept the momentum going from the Boogie interview to having this much closer to being funded now.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
So if someone gives you 500 up front they are just "ok" but someone who gives you 15/month only they are "held in the highest regard" ?

Great way to start off the site fellas , great way.
They already answered this Dahkoht, they said on the Kickstarter they were adding the tiers from kickstarter to their website so you can still put down $500 and get a Gargantuan Shit Donkey Mount, and Batman BackPack, they said the best part was since they wouldn't be bound by those pesky rules of Kickstarter they would be free to add and remove from the tiers as they pleased, isn't that great?

So they still have plans for that $500 dollars of yours. They have to honestly think that not only are the fans going to pay to sub to the forum but also that they are going to buy in back at whatever level they had on the Kickstarter.

P.S. Update #1

Also an update about your favorite game that brought you the words Group and Quest and put them together, that's right GroupQuest. In update one we are going big on the lore and introducing our first character. That's right it's the GRIM MAN, he's a dark and brooding guy who likes darkness and brooding, but he likes grouping more.

Touched by the darkness that once consumed the universe, the Grim Man is a formidable champion of evil whose battle prowess and unholy might instills fear within the bravest of warriors. Having trained in the dark arts recorded within the forbidden martial Tome of Blackness, these knights have exchanged their souls for the powers of the void to be used in their evil endeavors within the world of Grouparia.

What is a Grim Man?

The Grim Man is a leader highly skilled in combat who takes charge on the front line. They?re seen wearing dark plate armor and thrive in the use of two-handed great swords, long swords, shields, and axes. Though there have been cases where they have used other types of weaponry such as maces, spears or lances. The Grim Man have the ability to blend in the shadows, manipulate them to attack their foes or even summon sentries of shadow to protect and fight for them.

Grim Man have also been known to practice in the arts of necromancy. They use these dark magics to instill fear, inflict pain and raise the dead to serve them. They are notorious for siphoning energies and life forces from their enemies causing great weaknesses while strengthening themselves, though there have been cases where they apply disease to their victims.

Grim Man adhere to the law of their grim gods. They are not chaotic but keep discord in check. Though the Grim Man code stays in line with delivering unholy judgment regardless of the hero essence they are bound with. It is wise to avoid the touch of the Grim Mans hand as it may lead to a hateful curse, agonizing pain or death. Grim Mans are formidable as they continue to expand fear and darkness across Grouparia in the name of their lords.
