Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Iannis has a point. This might be the first set of devs I've seen be proud of their fucking website for a game in "development".

STFU about your forums , your 101 class in how to not run a kickstarter , you garage meetings , your excuses of how hard it is to make a video that looks like it took 5 mins , and someone do actual work.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
If anyone is interested I am making a MMO with Big Flex. Just paypal me $50 a week and I promise I will get some shit done.

We're in development. IN DEVELOPMENT. Just let me dial up RayRay.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Iannis has a point. This might be the first set of devs I've seen be proud of their fucking website for a game in "development".

STFU about your forums , your 101 class in how to not run a kickstarter , you garage meetings , your excuses of how hard it is to make a video that looks like it took 5 mins , and someone do actual work.
Great post after a bunch of great posts on here. Do some fucking work and we'll judge based off said work. Do jack shit and get called for it every time.


Couldn't agree more about the management comment and I thought Brad mentioned them getting one? That's my question you can send off. Where's that manager he was talking about in the early days? I do think your Q&A is a huge waste of time though. Why all these videos, Q&A's etc at this stage of production? Get some damn work in with your $150,000. That may be chump change for final costs but it should be enough to get a really solid demo. Brad, shut your fucking pie-hole and get to work. Real fucking work where you get your hands dirty. You have a PR guy. Let him do his job and get something fucking done. Besides a website...fucking LOL.
Brad mentions rerolled about 9:40 in. lol

Watching this vid was pretty painful, .... Its very obvious Brad is not sober.

Wonder how long till "The Team" figures out they hitched their wagon to an addict on a downward spiral.

I am not a big fan of the guy, but it's pretty sad to watch anyone in this bad a shape. He should have started a KS to fund his Rehab.

INB4 Arrest / O.D. / Suicide


"You defended x once so you must be x" Troll harder, dumbass. I'm saying the petty rl attacks are tired and you didn't even do it in a clever way. It was like a family guy 'joke'
How about you fuck off and die?

Watching this vid was pretty painful, .... Its very obvious Brad is not sober.

their wagon to an addict on a downward spiral.

I am not a big fan of the guy, but it's pretty sad to watch anyone in this bad a shape. He should have started a KS to fund his Rehab.

INB4 Arrest / O.D. / Suicide
You better watch out before Brads white knight Sir Chakravartin bleeds all over you from his gaping vagina.


Potato del Grande
I've been in contact with the PR guy for Pantheon, Ben. We briefly discussed what has been going on over here at Rerolled. The reason they have gone silent is that they feel that they can no longer reach anything positive over here. They do in fact read this thread from time to time. Instead of burning time trying to convince haters, they want to spend time giving information to those that actually want it. Makes sense and I can't really blame them.

With that said, Ben has agreed to do a quasi interview with me. I will take questions from this thread or PM and I will try my best to get them answered. Obviously they aren't deep into development so many questions cannot be answered. If you're afraid of being flamed, just PM me the question instead of posting, I will keep your anonymity.

If this goes well, I can snag more as time goes on. Ben has had a pretty open dialog with me so far.
Not all this shit again. How about this, when BradCo has any shred of anything interesting, impressive or even credible, and they're willing to show it and not just talk about it, we'll still be here judging it based of the merits of what they're actually doing, not what they're promising or talking about doing.

In short, we aren't cock gobblers, and they want their cocks gobbled. It makes sense. But fuck them.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's negative here as a result of their work and effort, or lack thereof. The dev team must have short term memory loss, because for the first couple of weeks during the KS it was nothing but mostly sunshine and rainbows around here. Most were excited (too excited) and were eagerly looking forward to put was going to be put out. The difference between here and some other places (especially the KS board) is it takes more than blowing smoke up peoples asses before people start questioning and critiquing what's going on. There are only so many times you can say 'we're working hard' and the result (that people see) of that is a couple of paragraphs of 'lore' and the occasional art pic (which is really not even concept art) until people are like 'wtf is going on?'. It goes even beyond that. Every interview they have done, every twitch stream, etc., has been really limiting on actual content about the game. It more like generalizations. It becomes painfully obvious that they are making shit up as they go or at least that is the impression that it leaves.

Brad should know there are a lot of people on here that would play this type of game. But there is no game yet, there isn't even a proof of concept yet. It feels like the buildup to all this has simply been hype. He's the one the came on here and said 'can't wait to show you what we've been working on' He's the one that said 'got to wait for a PCGamer article because I don't want to spoil anything'. That is hype and it turns out it was false hype because what was 'revealed' was nothing. Only insane blind fanboys think that's no big deal.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It's negative here as a result of their work and effort, or lack thereof. The dev team must have short term memory loss, because for the first couple of weeks during the KS it was nothing but mostly sunshine and rainbows around here.

A few hours after the Kickstarter launched, when the honeymoon had just started and people were blindly pledging. The moment I had seen that video I went from a "Cool, Brad is giving it another go" to "umm, no".


Can I have my cookie now?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I don't blame the Pantheon guys for not posting here. This community is very jaded and has little patience for bullshit and PR talk. I think the overall tone here was very inviting and positive at the beginning. A lot of time had passed since Vanguard and even the haters were at least somewhat subtle. Then the Kickstarter "progressed" and the very short honeymoon was over. The sycophantic fanboys on the Kickstarter comments didn't help either.


Ancient MMO noob
First $15 monthly fee goes to... a goblin drawing! What can I say to thoseApprentice Developers? Money well spent?


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
One thing a Junkie scammer hates is someone calling out their grift game. This whole debacle is as entertaining as it is sad.

Couple points to remember for those still choking on Brad's VG era cock:

1) They fabricated a fake demo to suck more money out of MS, making any future engine demo extremely suspect.

2) At the Vegas "Fanguard" thing, they were extremely careful to NEVER let anyone touch the client machines and were always the ones playing it.

3) Brad was high as a fucking kite in Vegas, at a time when the money crisis had just started and he should have been giving the biggest shit about what was going on.

Any tech demo from them will be suspect at best, but as Iannis said, until they produce SOMETHING tangible, they deserve all of the heat they are getting. But at this point, pointing at this board and complaining might be what is helping them fleece the kool aid drinkers.


Legal Ephebophile
Wow ya Brad seems stoned out of his gourd in that video. Dude is not sober, at all. No way I'd give him even $1.


Before your lard-encrusted heart gives out...

I wish I could pull disabilities from being too fat so I could stay home and game.

Wow ya Brad seems stoned out of his gourd in that video. Dude is not sober, at all. No way I'd give him even $1.
yeah no shit the guy can't even LOOK at his fuckin webcam. He's probably going to pull a Hoffman anyday now.


Finally watched the video myself , mother of god , does no one else on the team have any balls to tell Brad to at least put on an act while on camera appear lucid and serious about the game.

I get the impression all the others know what's up and see this as a way to get whatever few bucks they can riding this until a real job comes along.