Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


I seriously am curious how much money their website takes to run.

You can set up something really cheap... $5 for the server per month. Most CMS software is free, but if you want you can pay a small fee for forum software... which can cost maybe $100 a year. Total: $160 a _year_.

They keep throwing around "donations can keep coming in for the website" and it always makes me boggle.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
You all jelly of Brad.

He kickstarted the "hookers and blow" program with great succes, what have you done in your life?


Molten Core Raider
I don't know for sure as I'm not living in Brad's house, but based on what he has told people, it has nothing to do with habits or illegal activity. I can't say what they are, but I can say that it's not drugs if that's what you are implying.
Oh it's definitely a habit, he's a habitual fucking liar. What piece of Human filth bypasses loans, friends, family, and steals from a fund meant ONLY to fund a new game while everyone else on the project who needs the money just as badly has to sacrifice for him? We're not talking a small amount either...38% of the funds with absolutely no vote, or so much as an explanation of why to the people giving him the money. This has to be the #1 scumbag thing of all time in gaming history. Guy just trumped everything Derek Smart and Schilling ever did and then some.


I think the saddest part of all of this is that Brad still doesn't realize this is his fault, or even necessarily that this is a failure. He still doesn't realize Vanguard crashed because he left the helm and didn't have a real plan for how to manage a company. He still thinks there's room in gaming for high-paid idea men, and he's one of them.


Trump's Staff
He took roughly three months pay in advance which equaled roughly 38% of the fundsthat were left.
Not that I don't think that this was a scumbag move... but there are some reading comprehension issues here.

Yes, 38% of the full $145,000 would be $55,100. However, we have no idea what was spent on actual development at this point. That value could be far lower than $55,100.

Like I said... still a scumbag, but let's at least be accurate.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Not that I don't think that this was a scumbag move... but there are some reading comprehension issues here.

Yes, 38% of the full $145,000 would be $55,100. However, we have no idea what was spent on actual development at this point. That value could be far lower than $55,100.

Like I said... still a scumbag, but let's at least be accurate.
45 thousand is the official number including the advance.


This has never been about making a game, it has been about conning the public out of their hard earned money to finance his lifestyle. That asstastic video he released wouldn't even be accepted for a project in college, much less an indie title.

This entire thing has been a con job from the start. He is trying to crowdfund his lifestyle, not build a game. That's his next plan of attack. Come out with another Kickstarter for around 75k-125k since he feels that's an achievable amount and he will just use that cash to try to pay down his mortgage and keep his lifestyle going all the while doing the bare minimum on his title until he runs out of cash again.

Fuck this dude. He had people living paycheck to paycheck, even knowing some took out loans to send him money, and even some trying to use their entire trust fund to make a game and instead used that money to keep up his high end lifestyle.

After this fiasco, I can assure you he will never find employment in the industry again.


No, but it sure shows desperation. Why do you think he is already talking about the next Kickstarter for a lower amount and indiegogo? He has hit the end of his rope and will squeeze out every cent he can from people he can con. When all is said and done he will just state he made a bad decision and he will learn from it, all while not being able to be held liable since they are "gifts".

$45k would do a lot for his lifestyle. If his home was facing foreclosure, or any of his cars facing a repossession, then $45k can surely make that problem stop for at least another 6 months while he gets another kickstarter going to fleece another $75k or so out of people.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Growing up in a family of business owners (about to take over my own soon too), that 45k salary disgusts me. When we had to start a new show 4 years ago the owner simply lived with a 15k profit as opposed to his normal 150k. You don't fuck over your company, something your depending on for future income by taking a third of your revenue as payment for a few months part time work. Pantheon was basically a small business, and a start up so it's even worse as your 100% dependent on your meager cash supply to make the company into something.

I have 0 respect for brad after reading that. Either he's a bigger retard then I thought, or after KS failed he went "fuck it" may as well get some compensation for my "work". despite knowing the game would never be made,

Edit: if he needed the money so bad simply sell some of his assets like the motorcycles ect.. Or use them to secure a loan. There's no excuse for what he did.

Edit2: did Brad put any real money into the project at all? who the fuck puts no money into a new business, instead taking almost 35% of investor cash out for personal funds?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Bradtards keep pointing out the same factnugget that he sold a couple of his cars, as if that negates the fact that he backpaid himself and then went ahead and took out his own little cash advance. I'm assuming his sold cars went into his own "Save Brad" fund rather than the demo.

$145k for that demo video??!! For $145K I could go to school and learn 3d character design and programming (bonus: creative writing) and come back with something 145x better.


If anyone needed any more proof that gaming sites/blogs are just poorly-veiled advertising, this thread is it. Still no one paying any attention to this.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
If this is true then he should have simply said he needed time&money for the treatment of his wife? Everyone would at least understand that....
Did his wife suddenly get cancer back in the middle of what was really a 3 month project though? Did, at any point in this scam, Brad work hard to make a game? Was Brad honest to his employees? To his investors? During KS? After? NO! Brad never intended to make a game with this money. This was all about fixing his bad decisions in life with more bad decisions. How many people get the chances this scumbag has gotten?

Brad was named a gaming god and had made millions. Who here has had that benefit while taking all the credit for a team based endeavor? Who here has received a second chance with 30 million invested to make a dream come true? And then blew all that money as well? Who does a KS and then robs the customer help his poor wife..... He's a fraud and I have no problem disbelieving everything that comes out of his mouth. Has he spoken any verifiable facts yet?


If anyone needed any more proof that gaming sites/blogs are just poorly-veiled advertising, this thread is it. Still no one paying any attention to this.
I really wish or massively would cover the fraud that has occurred with this project. People not aware of all this shit, and who see the second kickstarter, need to be made well aware of the whole situation. I hate the idea of the unaware gamers getting duped by the B-rad fraud machine. I suppose it's up to them to do their due diligence, but come on, this is certainly news worthy and one or two sites with a following could completely shut this bullshit down.

Of course it would all be Rerolled's fault! The whole kickstarter terrorist thing gives me so many lol's. I am glad I found this community of turrists and I have Pantheon to thank for that.


Will Brad show his face anywhere now?

And yes, Rerolled is a unique community; we get labeled all sorts of shit. Troll is being polite.