Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
What's the word on the inside, Frenz? Are the mods enjoying their latest Reddit celebrity?


Silver Squire
Kind of funny that the failed kickstarter thing is BY FAR the biggest audience Pantheon has ever reached. That reddit sub has 5 million subscribers


So this is entertaining and all, but I am curious... what is the end-goal here? People are "getting the truth out" about what happened with the money and warning others not to get involved.
And then you have people talking about reporting Brad to the IRS or maybe having him sued for not delivering...
Do people really want him to just disappear and never again be associated with gaming or games? Go to prison? Or just drop Pantheon? Try again later?
Just for curiosity sake, how do you (anyone who feels like responding) hope this ends for Brad?
I don't think it was a scam, although as you know I've gone back and forth many times on that. As Quaid said, "I still don't think this is a scam, but he sure is doing his best to make it look that way to people". I do think he is impulsive, makes poor decisions, doesn't listen to sound advice, and is basically totally incompetent. He has no business being anywhere near a management position for a gaming company. A Freshman in high school could have produced a better kickstarter, and that is a fact.
The funny part is he probably could have gotten one of the "Brad is god" shitheads who follow him to make and run a way better kickstarter by simply promising to name a town after him or something. I dont think anybody on that team knew what they were doing.


Trakanon Raider
The guy made Vanguard, and now pulled this. It might not be a scam, but it's certainly something.
Scam is probably a accurate "generic" term at this point simply because he has yet to "make good" or resolve anything that is circulating. At this point, it would be impossible for him to put out every fire but to avoid this idea of "scam" he should have gave everyone their money back and essentially tell them to hold on to it until he has performed some due diligence on this project. It didn't work, he should have done the right thing, and then came back with something instead of taking people's money. Ultimately, people are blamed for handing their funds over to him post Kickstarter but I believe everyone is accountable for their actions to some extent. You can prey on people's ignorance and simply say they are ignorant or you can be responsible and have a little pride/passion in your product.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I don't see how anyone could not see this as a scam. When Brad started the KS, did he do any research whatsoever? What planning and effort did Brad do after he was shit-canned by SOE? It looks like he took an extended vacation to me. Even after dozens of people told Brad to find anyone but himself to lead this project, what did he do? Was this maybe because he needed to be the one in control of the funding? Anyone think this might be true? Did he ever look over the work that was being done? Wasn't he gone almost all the time just like Vanguard? Seriously, does this look like even a month's worth of work for 11 people?

Now, to the scam part. After the KS, did Brad seriously think that his website would suddenly bring in tons of money? I don't think so. Does the slight amount of effort applied look good enough for a real publisher? A true investor of the 10 million he thinks this game will need?

Was Brad really sorry to ruin those people at Sigil? Or sorry he had to actually explain himself? Is Brad sorry to do it again while skimming 38% of the project to pay personal bills? Or just sorry he has to explain himself again? Does anyone really think he would have admitted to taking the money if he wasn't outed? C'mon people, let's quit enabling a fraud and con artist. Hell, these ideas weren't even his own as an idea guy. He had to steal the ideas from Vhalen just like he stole the concept of EQ off an earlier game. This guy is and has been a hack for years. There is more evidence of a scam than of a game and that's after months of 'work'.


<Gold Donor>
I dont think it was a scam, but honestly I think its all ego here. He and his big ego thought they would throw around such words like "Everquest", "oldschool" and "Brad Mcquaid" and people would throw millions at it without him doing a thing. And thats exactly what they did. Kicked off the shitty kickstarter with nothing but 2 stock photos and sat back for the first 2 weeks not doing a thing thinking people would throw themselves at it. And some did, honestly I threw down $45 the first week being an optimist and loving EQ and somewhat VG.

But then the realization came that this dude has nothing up his sleeve other than promises.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What's the word on the inside, Frenz? Are the mods enjoying their latest Reddit celebrity?
Some are enjoying any notoriety they can get. I'm not sure where they are coming from but since all this new media, the site has picked up and new subs and donations are coming in. Publicity is a crazy bitch.


Trump's Staff
If this publicity causes a significant funding bump I think it's safe to say that Brad is the Charlie Sheen of the MMORPG world.



Some are enjoying any notoriety they can get. I'm not sure where they are coming from but since all this new media, the site has picked up and new subs and donations are coming in. Publicity is a crazy bitch.
lol any publicity is good publicity? Brad should punch a flight attendant or something.


Trakanon Raider
I dont think it was a scam, but honestly I think its all ego here. He and his big ego thought they would throw around such words like "Everquest", "oldschool" and "Brad Mcquaid" and people would throw millions at it without him doing a thing. And thats exactly what they did. Kicked off the shitty kickstarter with nothing but 2 stock photos and sat back for the first 2 weeks not doing a thing thinking people would throw themselves at it. And some did, honestly I threw down $45 the first week being an optimist and loving EQ and somewhat VG.

But then the realization came that this dude has nothing up his sleeve other than promises.
You're right... it "wasn't" a scam but it is definitely pending. It may have never been the intent either but Brad has to take responsibility in not staying in touch with reality and having a solid business plan in place. I'm not talking about something on paper either or a formal document in a cabinet. I'm talking about something that would be feasible, realistic, and comparable with other ventures in the industry that has proven to work. Even in this project's infancy, everyone gave just to help get it going but once information began rolling out, they removed their pledges. I even wonder how many people would have given if they could not cancel their pledges via Kickstarter.

People will say they were "scammed" if nothing is ever delivered but more accurately they poorly invested in a very poor plan. I like the word scam simply because there is a lesson to be learned in all of this and I guarantee people who may have been a bit more optimistic will be more careful in the future.


Millie's Staff Member
the man received money for a product that he did not work on or deliver and took a third or more for his own personal use. how is this not a scam?


the man received money for a product that he did not work on or deliver and took a third or more for his own personal use. how is this not a scam?
I think a lot of people believe he went into it with the intention of making a game, and is just so delusional that he didn't realize how big a clusterfuck he was creating. So that intention means it isn't technically a scam. Just depends on your definition I guess.

It was either a scam or he's unbelievably stupid. Or both.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Some are enjoying any notoriety they can get. I'm not sure where they are coming from but since all this new media, the site has picked up and new subs and donations are coming in. Publicity is a crazy bitch.
lol. This is sweet sweet nectar right here.


Whether or not it started out as a scam, skimming $45K in advanced pay is fucked up and money was already lacking. Honestly, anyone taking money from the already dead campaign is pretty weak, but to take such a significant chunk of a small amount and then when you get called on the truth, you threaten legal action? That's scumball shit.

The poorly devised and implemented site should have never accepted money, it's as simple as that.

It's funny because Patrick responded back to my tweet and said to send him details on the issue. As it stands the situation to 99 percent of anyone watching the trainwreck is that Brad has done some seriously shady, career-ruining shit. If he'd quit hiding behind that pathetic fucking wall of a community and be transparent, maybe he wouldn't look so horrible. Lurking only strengthens the argument against him.

I was one of the totally naive supporters at a time, too. I sent some emails of support, annoyed people on Twitter and pushed the good word evenafterthe shitty Kickstarter I pulled my support from.

Take your lumps for the second or third or fourth time. At this point, other options do you have? None of it matters really. History will continue to repeat itself and poor decisions will still be made. We got some more concept art coming from that Targete guy who is pretty amazing, but what's it of? Aradune, the fucking WarWizard because why not continue to focus on the one-man team?


Millie's Staff Member
the intent is gauged on how much work he performed on the project. say i am a cooking god and you give me 150k to make you dinner, when did you want me to start making that meal? and did you expect me personally to cook that for you? because as a cooking god i will get my inexperienced underlings to prepare that meal for you, some of whom still havent mastered the art of boiling water. i will still take your money though. yeah still sounds like a scam to me


the intent is gauged on how much work he performed on the project. say i am a cooking god and you give me 150k to make you dinner, when did you want me to start making that meal? and did you expect me personally to cook that for you? because as a cooking god i will get my inexperienced underlings to prepare that meal for you, some of whom still havent mastered the art of boiling water. i will still take your money though. yeah still sounds like a scam to me
I agree with you, but I also honestly think he's so delusional that he thought he was doing shit the right way. The guy is off-the-charts retarded.


I dont think it was a scam, but honestly I think its all ego here. He and his big ego thought they would throw around such words like "Everquest", "oldschool" and "Brad Mcquaid" and people would throw millions at it without him doing a thing..
Yeah, I don't think it's a scam or ego. As has been repeated a ton of times, I think it was just being inept. He wanted Kickstarter to play the role of Microsoft and figured there were enough MMO people around to get at least 800k. That 800k was a 'bridge' to enable him to make an early demo to shop for a real publisher, right? I just don't get how he'd ever be able to release any sort of MMO, especially since day 1 he's been repeating backpay and hiring more 'real' workers which were red flags for everyone here. What angel investor would touch him with a ten foot pole, especially given Vanguards history and the cost/performance of most MMOs the last 10 years?

I don't think Brad actually enjoys MMOs. He's a corporate guy. The best thing he could do is try and get a safe salaried job anywhere that will have him and bilk it.