Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Molten Core Raider
And yet every mechanic that you feel was amazing in Everquest was also unintended and the development team stated they didn't know how to fix them.

Druid and wizard quadding...unintended
Snare kiting...unintended
Root and dot rotting....unintended
Pet tanking...unintended
Reverse kiting...unintended
FD pulling...unintended
FD splitting mobs unintended

Literally ever mechanic in Everquest that people loved and thought it was unique has been stated as unintended and a mistake.
It's calledemergent gameplay. As another poster said, those things today would not be possible as player freedom is not allowed (tm) and yes all those things would be patched and fixed by today's breed of MMO devs. What a pathetic lot they are.


Individual mobs would have to become super overpowered again to make those old EQ mechanics viable and oh god the crying today would be insane if a mob 10 levels under you ripped your asshole apart


I "get it" just fucking fine.

Im sick of hearing how Everquest was some sort of fucking holy grail of "programming" and "vision".

Every damn thing they did was unintended and they have spent the better part of a damn decade trying to remove what we considered "fun" out of it.
It's irrelevant if things were intended or not. We're talking about whether the game was any good. That's like saying tube amplifiers suck because they sound awesome as a result of the inherent flaws in vacuum tube technology. Leave this thread while you still have a shred of credibility.

This edgy "EQ sucked" movement on a fucking 15-year-old EQ forum is a perfect example of a couple morons forming a herd and patting themselves on the back for it.


And yes, DAoC was awesome as well, but it was a PVP game that was still pre-WoW, and as such it wasn't really a good example of a modern MMO.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Advanced Forum Detail Topic - Guess the Release Date for Pantheon:ROTF

Guys, we can totally guess the release date! Also your guess will double for guessing when pigs can fly.



Trump's Staff
Individual mobs would have to become super overpowered again to make those old EQ mechanics viable and oh god the crying today would be insane if a mob 10 levels under you ripped your asshole apart
Old EQ mechanics were that some classes could solo multiple red cons while others died to greens. If I remember right there were a few necromancers that soloed the ghoul lord even at level 50.


EQs world, classes, and AD&D feel were a 1000 times better. DAOC was generic as fuck. It's the same Rift vs WOW argument of today.
Never played Rift, but the reason I liked DAoC was the pvp. I didn't think the idea was generic necessarily, but the mobs/npcs/lore/etc was completely forgettable in a way that EQ's wasn't.


I played two years of DAOC and I loed the mechanics and RvR design. However, the classes, world, NPCs, PVE and itemization were extremely lacking. The best part of DAOC was the community.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
DAoC was about the realm verse realm that involved a constant state of varied control on a large scale map. While it had some similarities to EQ(They both were fantasy), the things that attracted players to each game were very far apart from each other.


Trakanon Raider
Of course most of EQ was unintended. What most fail to grasp is you cannot design a game like that. When the word 'unintended' is being thrown around, what you're basically saying is EQ by and large was fun by accident, not on purpose and certainly not by design. No developer is going to design a game with intended broken mechanics, not even the EQ devs sought out to do that. It was more they had no clue and then when they tried to 'correct' certain aspects, it actually made the game worse.
who cares if it was intended or not? it made the game fun to play! you have to be the dumbest motherfucker that ever lived. i kinda wish ktam was still allowed to post here over reading your dumb shit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And yet that game had a fraction of players that EQ had. Wonder why that is.
430,000 peak subscribers isn't exactly a huge triumph over DAoC's 250,000 peak subscribers. You make it sound like EverQuest eclipsed DAoC...

DAoC had a WoW-esque ability system whereas EverQuest had melee classes with three buttons. You can't even begin to say that EverQuest was more complex than DAoC. It's simply not true.


Molten Core Raider
So what's that cheeky cunt McQuaalude up to today? Silius grow a sack and spill the beans yet? I don't care to read you nerds argue over EQ mechanics.


From what I can tell he hasn't posted in a while and the time is running short for his weekly humongous rant.

He'll probably be back next week to apologize and explain how he swears he'll be posting more now. That or he's so overwhelmed with resumes from forum dwellers he just can't find the time to post.


Trakanon Raider
And yet that game had a fraction of players that EQ had. Wonder why that is.
I honesty believe it was because people were vested in EQ. Not just time but guilds/relationships were hard to break. DAoC just was not worth breaking away from what everyone had already given. Not to mention, EQ was still pretty tolerable and the expansions were probably the best they had made in comparison from one update to the next. I still believe WoW was successful partially because of timing. The expansions/updates for EQ were getting worse, people were also frustrated beyond belief, and they had been playing for years and years. WoW was fresh, well done, and made by a reputable company that was responsible for a lot of great gaming memories prior to EQ. DAoC was competing against fresh EQ and still managed to be decently successful. As someone mentioned, 250,000 at its peak was pretty good for then. MMO's had no where near the exposure to the general public as it does now. The lines have been blurred and now we have MMO's on nearly everything from consoles, smart phones, browsers, to whatever. Not to mention the market is so over saturated we have tons of mediocrity out there.

EQ and DAoC was in the middle of a very special time in gaming and you'll never see it again. EQ was first on the scene and hooked everyone first. All the other details just kind of added to the situation.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
What happened to this thread in the time I was in Hawaii is nothing short of hilarious.

(And completely expected)