Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Got something right about marriage
Nah for some of you the destination is intellectual masturbation and feeding your inferiority complex by being better than everyone else at shit nobody else cares about.


Got something right about marriage
All I see is a nerd who bemoaned society as shallow and ignorant because of our mass consumption of "manufactured experiences" like some hipster hippie jackass yet here he is whining about a fucking video game genre.


Molten Core Raider
There's an old guy like you sitting on a park bench lamenting the days when kids played fun games like "bark like a dog" and "kick the can." Games have progressed, a lot, and the fact that you miss the stone age of vidja games says far more about you than the industry. Times have changed, and they will change again and again and my advice to you is find a different hobby, or just go play EQ. Its still there.
If you think the MMO genre has NOT regressed.. just look at 90% of releases .. player base dwindles after 30 days.. ppl are not sticking because there just isn't enough meat on the bone anymore.

The genre is built for casuals who are willing to spend in cash the past the content was built to stand up over time.

Its really obvious.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Why would we be talking about vanilla WoW? It lasted barely 2 years, and nothing from vanilla even exists anymore. I can't go to the original BRD even if I want to.
Uhh, yes you can. The only thing thats changed pretty much is the added quest givers at the entrance.


People aren't playing as long because they have more options. Its oversaturation but says nothing to dumbing down. You want a hard game? Everything you say you want is currently out there but you ignore it because its Korean, or Russian, or whatever. The medium is more than just WoW and Everquest.


Got something right about marriage
Hey my bros, food for thought. Was EQ's emergent gameplay (aka bugs) which were honestly the only reason the game was even playable a result of the devs taking a hands off stance or the result of Brad McQuaid and SOE just being way dumber than the playerbase? Is the difference between WoW today and EQ back then when he was at the helm a difference in philosophy, or is it just that SOE and Verant were too stupid to control the players they way they wanted to, while Blizzard isn't? I'm sure if Brad and Co were worth their salt they would have made EQ fucking unplayable.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Why would we be talking about vanilla WoW? It lasted barely 2 years, and nothing from vanilla even exists anymore. I can't go to the original BRD even if I want to.
LOL! Shit, vanilla WoW lasted just two years but TBC wasn't that bad either and it lasted about another 2. Current WoW is nothing like WoW from 8 years ago just like current EQ is nothing like EQ from 8 years after 1999. I sure as fuck never made an instant group with mercs in the game I played. I also can't go into original nek forest if I want to(unless they changed it back?). I also see no difference in the kiddie no grouping shit of WoW and the kiddie no grouping shit of multi-boxing. And multi-boxing was pretty damn easy.

You have selective memory or you never played EQ past year 2 or WoW past vanilla. I remember both Guks being empty as fuck before LoY. I remember everything being empty as fuck while people ran LDoN instances over and over. I remember 'valor point' customization from LDoN. All the shitty gameplay and simplification of the genre started in fucking EQ. That just doesn't fit your argument.


Trump's Staff
Sorry... I'm confused. Which were these 'bugs' that made EQ 'playable'? The only real examples I can think of are FD splitting and swarm/agro kiting... The removal of either would have had little effect on EQ's gameplay.


Got something right about marriage
Bro, should we start call you "Mc"Quaid? Everything that made EQ fun was unintended. It's goddamn science.


Trump's Staff
Bro, should we start call you "Mc"Quaid? Everything that made EQ fun was unintended. It's goddamn science.
You have become better at dodge.

Please, feel free to throw out some examples of what you are talking about beyond the ones I mentioned. I'm very curious as to what un intended mechanics you were using that made EQ 'playable' that I was not.


Got something right about marriage
I am not privvy to that information. But I'm told it was definitely in the game.


Musty Nester
Sorry... I'm confused. Which were these 'bugs' that made EQ 'playable'? The only real examples I can think of are FD splitting and swarm/agro kiting... The removal of either would have had little effect on EQ's gameplay.
Pathing bugs are a large part of what made EQ fun, and even playable. That they kept trying to fix them and in doing so made the game progressively shittier in the process is a fairly good indication that they weren't intentional. They were definitional.

Srs though. You never would have raided TOV without pathing bugs. And you would have been forced to crawl through Guk/Sebelis without pathing bugs. Not that crawling guk/sebelis would make for a bad game experience. But that is NOT the experience that EQ offered.


Trump's Staff
I am not privvy to that information. But I'm told it was definitely in the game.
Ah, gotcha. So you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Please, continue to tell Dumar what was wrong with EQ, when it's quite apparent you didn't even play it, and if you did you barely had any idea what you were doing.


Please tell me more about myself and the games I like. I'm learning so much today.


Trump's Staff
Pathing bugs are a large part of what made EQ fun, and even playable. That they kept trying to fix them and in doing so made the game progressively shittier in the process is a fairly good indication that they weren't intentional. They were definitional.

Srs though. You never would have raided TOV without pathing bugs. And you would have been forced to crawl through Guk/Sebelis without pathing bugs. Not that crawling guk/sebelis would make for a bad game experience. But that is NOT the experience that EQ offered.
Oh come the fuck on. Pathing bugs didn't make EQ 'playable' or 'fun'. There was nothing fun about the Dain pull.

You are reaching.


Got something right about marriage
I know you aren't really this stupid Quaid. Think... think... read... understand. This thread sucks.


Got something right about marriage
Oh come the fuck on. Pathing bugs didn't make EQ 'playable' or 'fun'. There was nothing fun about the Dain pull.

You are reaching.
That was exactly his point. Try killing Dain without that stupid bug.