Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trump's Staff
That was exactly his point. Try killing Dain without that stupid bug.
I played EQ for thousands of hours. Thousands.

There were times that we exploited pathing to defeat encounters, sure... But those times were the exception. I was having plenty of fun the 95% of the time I was pathing encounters the way they were intended to be.


Silver Squire
The EQ demograph isn't a small group of people wanting their nipples twisted for a shot at loot; it's anyone who logs in a couple nights a week with the same few people. Every single MMO has a player base of habitual dungeon crawlers. You would need to have a learning disability to think there isn't an audience for challenging, group oriented content.

I don't care if EQ stumbled on to some mechanics or not, some of those happy mistakes worked.


Got something right about marriage
Probably exploiting some other mechanic, like root DoTing, or snare kiting.


Got something right about marriage
The EQ demograph isn't a small group of people wanting their nipples twisted for a shot at loot; it's anyone who logs in a couple nights a week with the same few people. Every single MMO has a player base of habitual dungeon crawlers. You would need to have a learning disability to think there isn't an audience for challenging, group oriented content.
You would need to have a learning disability to think the only reason the Pantheon KS failed was because of the lack of information. People throw money blindly at promises all the time. A reskinned EQ would be a ghost town. It would be an MORPG. not an MMORPG.


Musty Nester
Oh come the fuck on. Pathing bugs didn't make EQ 'playable' or 'fun'. There was nothing fun about the Dain pull.

You are reaching.
Not at all. You're not getting it. Without pathing bugs, you never would have killed Dain.

A couple of guilds did after they got geared out, sure. I guess you can say "Oh! We would have done it!"

No you wouldn't have. It was horrible enough exploiting bugs. Our guild killed Tunare -once-, because her pathing was so hard to exploit. And we were overgeared as shit for the encounter. And it was a suicide lemming rush. We proved to ourselves that we could do it and, it was rare, not one single person in the entire guild wanted to do it again. Apply that to being undergeared with Dain. Nope. That would have broken guilds. You forget how brutal attrition was in that game to begin with.

Exploitable pathing bugs are exactly what shaped EQ into the game that it was.

There were some class bugs too that helped. But it's just the basic mechanics of the game. And they were buggy. And it wasn't intentional. They honestly did expect us to crawl and expected that some mobs were unkillable (sleeper). It surprised them when we camped and killed their unkillable mobs because fuck off with that bullshit, Sony.


Trump's Staff
Probably exploiting some other mechanic, like root DoTing, or snare kiting.
The fact that you think root DOTing and snare kiting are exploits says quite a bit about the validity of your opinions regarding early era EQ.


Got something right about marriage
They were bugs man. Everyone says so! Quaid I've been trolling this thread for almost two pages. Get with the program.


Uhh, yes you can. The only thing thats changed pretty much is the added quest givers at the entrance.
The dungeons themselves were changed, gutted.

All I see is a nerd who bemoaned society as shallow and ignorant because of our mass consumption of "manufactured experiences" like some hipster hippie jackass yet here he is whining about a fucking video game genre.
Trust me, I'm as far from a hipster as you can get. Too bad the manuf. experiences convo was derailed into oblivion, would've been interesting.


Trump's Staff
Ok ok I dun got trolled.

But really... There was a LOT wrong with EQ (class design, group utilities) but it wasn't all awful. In fact, some of it was quite well done (world design, itemization).


Musty Nester
Quaid. If you were raiding, someone was exploiting pathing. If you were grouping, someone may or may not have been exploiting pathing. We pull mass trains in Mistmoore whenever someone showed up to scout the zone, and didn't send us a tell. Because it was funny. And usually the train caught them.

Raid planning was very often exploit planning. We took our little suicide squad (a druid, a necro, two monks, and a wizzie) into fresh content with the express purpose of looking for bugs we could profit off of. Just because you never personally saw it doesn't mean it wasn't going on.

We were pretty softcore about it too. We were doing it just for fun. I remember we'd get a lot of FoH burnouts applying to our guild, and they'd tell us about Furor doing the same thing but with disposable alt accounts, and they'd spend hours just analyzing the pathing in an entire zone. And we were too honorable to fuck around with SEQ in the early days. I don't think other guilds ever had that particular hangup.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
The EQ demograph isn't a small group of people wanting their nipples twisted for a shot at loot; it's anyone who logs in a couple nights a week with the same few people. Every single MMO has a player base of habitual dungeon crawlers. You would need to have a learning disability to think there isn't an audience for challenging, group oriented content.

I don't care if EQ stumbled on to some mechanics or not, some of those happy mistakes worked.
The problem is that the retro EQ demographic is really small and the ability to log on for challenging content with friends can be done in other games. Anyone that is wanting emergent gameplay isn't asking for group based challenging content. There is competition for old gamers from both Jacobs and Garriott. Redefining history and using false assumptions doesn't make your old experiences any more relevant today. It may give you a couple TUCOBUCKS in these forums but if you are looking for old sty;le MMOs, there's EMUs and what Jacobs and Garriott are making. If you want challenging content and don't need old school, there might even be a few more options coming in the next few years. That's all we have right now.


The problem is that the retro EQ demographic is really small and the ability to log on for challenging content with friends can be done in other games. Anyone that is wanting emergent gameplay isn't asking for group based challenging content. There is competition for old gamers from both Jacobs and Garriott. Redefining history and using false assumptions doesn't make your old experiences any more relevant today. It may give you a couple TUCOBUCKS in these forums but if you are looking for old sty;le MMOs, there's EMUs and what Jacobs and Garriott are making. If you want challenging content and don't need old school, there might even be a few more options coming in the next few years. That's all we have right now.
The funny thing is that most of the people who were good at EQ back in the day *did* move on and become good at other games. Its the guys that required 10 years to actually achieve anything in the game that romanticize it the most because it literally was this huge chasm of difficulty that they overcame. The rest of us just played the game and moved on.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
And not a damn one of yall would go through that shit again.

Everyone one of these wonderful nostalgic memories yall have about EQ is about the journey, and not the destination.

Those days will never happen again. This very crowd, right here, will find the absolute fastest way to level to get to end game and bypass 95% of all content in front of them.

Don't fucking say you wouldn't because this same crowd has proved that over the past 10 years in every MMO released.
Talk for yourself. Sure, people do their best to advance to whatever goal the game sets, and the last decade has a shitty track record for making the journey matter. So you are right about past games, but that doesnt mean it applies to the future. I'm looking forward to an MMO that actually does away with the endgame mentality by not having levels, a cap for them, and changing the entire way the game is played at that point.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Talk for yourself. Sure, people do their best to advance to whatever goal the game sets, and the last decade has a shitty track record for making the journey matter. So you are right about past games, but that doesnt mean it applies to the future. I'm looking forward to an MMO that actually does away with the endgame mentality by not having levels, a cap for them, and changing the entire way the game is played at that point.
Hope springs eternal but I'm hoping that game is EQN. Sounds like it so far.

Sunspots, WoW was a superior game to EQ in the beginning. It became way too popular and lost it's sheen but it was a really well made effort for the first two years(overall). I did love EQ but that ship sailed and the things I really enjoyed will never be made again. Like you said, you have to move on at some point. I will also definitely be playing Archage when it goes live. Black Desert probably as well.


Millie's Staff Member
when we killed Ventani and freed the sleeper we were looking over our shoulders the whole time expecting brad to be there and ban us for doing something illegal. the way we killed him was by taking advantage of ventani's ae range and his line of site limitations, we had people floating under the pillars and we had casters and clerics run into range for heals and nukes . the tanks were all in range, in order to keep my buffs and keep my group alive i had like 4 or so instaclicky icons so i didnt lose the real buffs, when we did free the sleeper we got so much shit for being assholes and denying the server of those pimp monk robes. they were mad at us for doing it even though we did not make the sleeper event permanent. we actually loved the shit we were getting because when you kill an epic mob, that bitch needs to stay dead. at least for a little while. instances with multiple bosses on multiple other guilds ruined the immersion of the game. its why i did not like the quaarm event. we worked for months and months up to that thing and it was nothing but an instance. any guild could have their own quaarm whenever they felt like it. big woopteedoo.


Hope springs eternal but I'm hoping that game is EQN. Sounds like it so far.

Sunspots, WoW was a superior game to EQ in the beginning. It became way too popular and lost it's sheen but it was a really well made effort for the first two years(overall). I did love EQ but that ship sailed and the things I really enjoyed will never be made again. Like you said, you have to move on at some point. I will also definitely be playing Archage when it goes live. Black Desert probably as well.
That's sort of the point I'm trying to make. The industry didn't abandon the EQ Vet. There are plenty of options for the hard core guy who loves dungeons, challenge and emergent gameplay,but all that is ever mentioned here is WoW. Vanilla WoW, EQ and UO are all pretty much the same thing for me and I had a lot of fun in them all because I play the game in front of me, not the one that's in my head.

What I remember most about EQ was just the people, and the awesome guild I joined. Staying up late and doing shit with people around the world that had nothing in common but a burgeoning gaming addiction. Found those same people in WoW, SWG, Rift, AoC, Warhammer, LotRo, FFXIV, and god knows how many others.


when we killed Ventani and freed the sleeper we were looking over our shoulders the whole time expecting brad to be there and ban us for doing something illegal. the way we killed him was by taking advantage of ventani's ae range and his line of site limitations, we had people floating under the pillars and we had casters and clerics run into range for heals and nukes . the tanks were all in range, in order to keep my buffs and keep my group alive i had like 4 or so instaclicky icons so i didnt lose the real buffs, when we did free the sleeper we got so much shit for being assholes and denying the server of those pimp monk robes. they were mad at us for doing it even though we did not make the sleeper event permanent. we actually loved the shit we were getting because when you kill an epic mob, that bitch needs to stay dead. at least for a little while. instances with multiple bosses on multiple other guilds ruined the immersion of the game. its why i did not like the quaarm event. we worked for months and months up to that thing and it was nothing but an instance. any guild could have their own quaarm whenever they felt like it. big woopteedoo.
No Doubt, Being in one of the Uberguilds was a lot of fun because we had free tickets to all the best content in the game, and you know what ruined it? Other people. The minute the second tier guilds and the first tier Asian guilds started taking a piece of the pie it was a real eye opener on how much it sucked.


This thread is boring now with all your old eq nostalgia shit all over again, leave the eq nostalgia and let it die with great memory and honnor.


